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Version 6

ragardner edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 16 revisions

Table of Contents

About tksheet

tksheet is a Python tkinter table widget written in pure python. It is licensed under the MIT license.

It works using tkinter canvases and moves lines, text and rectangles around for only the visible portion of the table.

Cell values can be any class with a str method.

Some examples of things that are not possible with tksheet:

  • Cell merging
  • Cell text wrap
  • Changing font for individual cells
  • Different fonts for index and table
  • Mouse drag copy cells
  • Cell highlight borders
  • Highlighting continuous multiple cells with a single border

Installation and Requirements

tksheet is available through PyPi (Python package index) and can be installed by using Pip through the command line pip install tksheet

Alternatively you can download the source code and (inside the tksheet directory) use the command line python develop

tksheet requires a Python version of 3.7 or higher.

Basic Initialization

Like other tkinter widgets you need only the Sheet()s parent as an argument to initialize a Sheet() e.g.

sheet = Sheet(my_frame_widget)
  • my_frame_widget would be replaced by whatever widget is your Sheet()s parent.

As an example, this is a tkinter program involving a Sheet() widget

from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           data = [[f"Row {r}, Column {c}\nnewline1\nnewline2" for c in range(50)] for r in range(500)])
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")

app = demo()

Initialization Options

This is a full list of all the start up arguments, the only required argument is the sheets parent, everything else has default arguments.

name: str = "!sheet",
show_table: bool = True,
show_top_left: bool = True,
show_row_index: bool = True,
show_header: bool = True,
show_x_scrollbar: bool = True,
show_y_scrollbar: bool = True,
width: int = None,
height: int = None,
headers: list = None,
header: list = None,
default_header: str = "letters", #letters, numbers or both
default_row_index: str = "numbers", #letters, numbers or both
to_clipboard_delimiter = "\t",
to_clipboard_quotechar = '"',
to_clipboard_lineterminator = "\n",
from_clipboard_delimiters = ["\t"],
show_default_header_for_empty: bool = True,
show_default_index_for_empty: bool = True,
page_up_down_select_row: bool = True,
expand_sheet_if_paste_too_big: bool = False,
paste_insert_column_limit: int = None,
paste_insert_row_limit: int = None,
show_dropdown_borders: bool = False,
arrow_key_down_right_scroll_page: bool = False,
enable_edit_cell_auto_resize: bool = True,
edit_cell_validation: bool = True,
data_reference: list = None,
data: list = None,
startup_select: tuple = None, #either (start row, end row, "rows"), (start column, end column, "rows") or (cells start row, cells start column, cells end row, cells end column, "cells")
startup_focus: bool = True,
total_columns: int = None,
total_rows: int = None,
column_width: int = 120,
header_height: str = "1", #str or int
max_colwidth: str = "inf", #str or int
max_rh: str = "inf", #str or int
max_header_height: str = "inf", #str or int
max_row_width: str = "inf", #str or int
row_index: list = None,
index: list = None,
after_redraw_time_ms: int = 100,
row_index_width: int = 100,
auto_resize_default_row_index: bool = True,
auto_resize_columns: Union[int, None] = None,
auto_resize_rows: Union[int, None] = None,
set_all_heights_and_widths: bool = False,
set_cell_sizes_on_zoom: bool = False,
row_height: str = "1", #str or int
zoom: int = 100,
font: tuple = get_font(),
header_font: tuple = get_heading_font(),
index_font: tuple = get_index_font(), #currently has no effect
popup_menu_font: tuple = get_font(),
align: str = "w",
header_align: str = "center",
row_index_align: str = "center",
displayed_columns: list = [],
all_columns_displayed: bool = True,
max_undos: int = 30,
outline_thickness: int = 0,
outline_color: str = theme_light_blue['outline_color'],
column_drag_and_drop_perform: bool = True,
row_drag_and_drop_perform: bool = True,
empty_horizontal: int = 150,
empty_vertical: int = 100,
selected_rows_to_end_of_window: bool = False,
horizontal_grid_to_end_of_window: bool = False,
vertical_grid_to_end_of_window: bool = False,
show_vertical_grid: bool = True,
show_horizontal_grid: bool = True,
display_selected_fg_over_highlights: bool = False,
show_selected_cells_border: bool = True,
theme                              = "light blue",
popup_menu_fg                      = theme_light_blue['popup_menu_fg'],
popup_menu_bg                      = theme_light_blue['popup_menu_bg'],
popup_menu_highlight_bg            = theme_light_blue['popup_menu_highlight_bg'],
popup_menu_highlight_fg            = theme_light_blue['popup_menu_highlight_fg'],
frame_bg                           = theme_light_blue['table_bg'],
table_grid_fg                      = theme_light_blue['table_grid_fg'],
table_bg                           = theme_light_blue['table_bg'],
table_fg                           = theme_light_blue['table_fg'], 
table_selected_cells_border_fg     = theme_light_blue['table_selected_cells_border_fg'],
table_selected_cells_bg            = theme_light_blue['table_selected_cells_bg'],
table_selected_cells_fg            = theme_light_blue['table_selected_cells_fg'],
table_selected_rows_border_fg      = theme_light_blue['table_selected_rows_border_fg'],
table_selected_rows_bg             = theme_light_blue['table_selected_rows_bg'],
table_selected_rows_fg             = theme_light_blue['table_selected_rows_fg'],
table_selected_columns_border_fg   = theme_light_blue['table_selected_columns_border_fg'],
table_selected_columns_bg          = theme_light_blue['table_selected_columns_bg'],
table_selected_columns_fg          = theme_light_blue['table_selected_columns_fg'],
resizing_line_fg                   = theme_light_blue['resizing_line_fg'],
drag_and_drop_bg                   = theme_light_blue['drag_and_drop_bg'],
index_bg                           = theme_light_blue['index_bg'],
index_border_fg                    = theme_light_blue['index_border_fg'],
index_grid_fg                      = theme_light_blue['index_grid_fg'],
index_fg                           = theme_light_blue['index_fg'],
index_selected_cells_bg            = theme_light_blue['index_selected_cells_bg'],
index_selected_cells_fg            = theme_light_blue['index_selected_cells_fg'],
index_selected_rows_bg             = theme_light_blue['index_selected_rows_bg'],
index_selected_rows_fg             = theme_light_blue['index_selected_rows_fg'],
index_hidden_rows_expander_bg      = theme_light_blue['index_hidden_rows_expander_bg'],
header_bg                          = theme_light_blue['header_bg'],
header_border_fg                   = theme_light_blue['header_border_fg'],
header_grid_fg                     = theme_light_blue['header_grid_fg'],
header_fg                          = theme_light_blue['header_fg'],
header_selected_cells_bg           = theme_light_blue['header_selected_cells_bg'],
header_selected_cells_fg           = theme_light_blue['header_selected_cells_fg'],
header_selected_columns_bg         = theme_light_blue['header_selected_columns_bg'],
header_selected_columns_fg         = theme_light_blue['header_selected_columns_fg'],
header_hidden_columns_expander_bg  = theme_light_blue['header_hidden_columns_expander_bg'],
top_left_bg                        = theme_light_blue['top_left_bg'],
top_left_fg                        = theme_light_blue['top_left_fg'],
top_left_fg_highlight              = theme_light_blue['top_left_fg_highlight'])
  • auto_resize_columns (int, None) if set as an int the columns will automatically resize to fit the width of the window, the int value being the minimum of each column in pixels.
  • auto_resize_rows (int, None) if set as an int the rows will automatically resize to fit the height of the window, the int value being the minimum height of each row in pixels.
  • startup_select selects cells, rows or columns at initialization by using a tuple e.g. (0, 0, "cells") for cell A0 or (0, 5, "rows") for rows 0 to 5.
  • data_reference and data are essentially the same.
  • row_index and index are the same, index takes priority, same as with headers and header.
  • edit_cell_validation (bool) is used when extra_bindings() have been set for cell edits. If a bound function returns something other than None it will be used as the cell value instead of the user input.
    • True makes data edits take place after the binding function is run.
    • False makes data edits take place before the binding function is run.

You can change these settings after initialization using the set_options() function.

Header and Index

Set the header.

headers(newheaders = None, index = None, reset_col_positions = False, show_headers_if_not_sheet = True, redraw = False)
  • Using an integer int for argument newheaders makes the sheet use that row as a header e.g. headers(0) means the first row will be used as a header (the first row will not be hidden in the sheet though), this is sort of equivalent to freezing the row.
  • Leaving newheaders as None and using the index argument returns the existing header value in that index.
  • Leaving all arguments as default e.g. headers() returns existing headers.

Set the index.

row_index(newindex = None, index = None, reset_row_positions = False, show_index_if_not_sheet = True, redraw = False)
  • Using an integer int for argument newindex makes the sheet use that column as an index e.g. row_index(0) means the first column will be used as an index (the first column will not be hidden in the sheet though), this is sort of equivalent to freezing the column.
  • Leaving newindex as None and using the index argument returns the existing row index value in that index.
  • Leaving all arguments as default e.g. row_index() returns the existing row index.

Setting Table Data

Set sheet data, overwrites any existing data.

set_sheet_data(data = [[]],
               reset_col_positions = True,
               reset_row_positions = True,
               redraw = True,
               verify = False,
               reset_highlights = False)
  • data (list) has to be a list of lists for full functionality, for display only a list of tuples or a tuple of tuples will work.
  • reset_col_positions and reset_row_positions (bool) when True will reset column widths and row heights.
  • redraw (bool) refreshes the table after setting new data.
  • verify (bool) goes through data and checks if it is a list of lists, will raise error if not, disabled by default.
  • reset_highlights (bool) resets all table cell highlights.

Set cell data, overwrites any existing data.

set_cell_data(r, c, value = "", redraw = False)

Insert a row into the sheet.

insert_row(values: Union[list, int, None] = None, 
           idx: Union[str, int] = "end", 
           height = None, 
           deselect_all = False, 
           add_columns = False,
           mod_row_positions = True,
           redraw = True)
  • Leaving values as None inserts an empty row, e.g. insert_row() will append an empty row to the sheet.
  • height is the new rows displayed height in pixels, leave as None for default.
  • add_columns checks the rest of the sheets rows are at least the length as the new row, leave as False for better performance.

Set column data, overwrites any existing data.

set_column_data(c, values = tuple(), add_rows = True, redraw = False)
  • add_rows adds extra rows to the sheet if the column data doesn't fit within current sheet dimensions.

Insert a column into the sheet.

insert_column(values = None, idx = "end", width = None, deselect_all = False, add_rows = True, equalize_data_row_lengths = True,
              mod_column_positions = True,
              redraw = False)

Insert multiple columns into the sheet.

insert_columns(columns = 1, idx = "end", widths = None, deselect_all = False, add_rows = True, equalize_data_row_lengths = True,
               mod_column_positions = True,
               redraw = False)
  • columns can be either int or iterable of iterables.

Set row data, overwrites any existing data.

set_row_data(r, values = tuple(), add_columns = True, redraw = False)

Insert multiple rows into the sheet.

insert_rows(rows: Union[list, int] = 1, 
            idx: Union[str, int] = "end", 
            heights = None, 
            deselect_all = False, 
            add_columns = True,
            mod_row_positions = True, 
            redraw = True)
  • rows can be either int or iterable of iterables.

sheet_data_dimensions(total_rows = None, total_columns = None)

delete_row(idx = 0, deselect_all = False, redraw = True)

delete_rows(rows: set = set(), deselect_all = False, redraw = True)
  • Does not maintain selections.

total_rows(number = None, mod_positions = True, mod_data = True)

total_columns(number = None, mod_positions = True, mod_data = True)

set_sheet_data_and_display_dimensions(total_rows = None, total_columns = None)

move_row(row, moveto)

move_rows(moveto: int, to_move_min: int, number_of_rows: int, move_data: bool = True, index_type = "displayed", create_selections: bool = True, redraw = False)
  • to_move_min is the first row in the series of rows.
  • index_type (str) either "displayed" or "data"

delete_column(idx = 0, deselect_all = False, redraw = True)

delete_columns(columns: set = set(), deselect_all = False, redraw = True)
  • Does not maintain selections.

move_column(column, moveto)

move_columns(moveto: int, to_move_min: int, number_of_columns: int, move_data: bool = True, index_type = "displayed", create_selections: bool = True, redraw = False)
  • to_move_min is the first column in the series of columns.
  • index_type (str) either "displayed" or "data", e.g. if columns are hidden and you want to supply the function with data indexes not sheet displayed indexes.

Make all data rows the same length.

  • Makes every list in the table have the same number of elements, goes by longest list. This will only affect the data variable, not visible columns.

Modify widget height and width in pixels

height_and_width(height = None, width = None)
  • height (int) set a height in pixels
  • width (int) set a width in pixels If both arguments are None then table will reset to default tkinter canvas dimensions.

Getting Table Data

Yield / generate sheet rows one at a time.

This is useful if your sheet is very large and you don't want to create an extra list in memory (it does actually generate one row at a time and not from a pre-built list).

yield_sheet_rows(get_displayed = False, 
                 get_header = False,
                 get_index = False,
                 get_index_displayed = True,
                 get_header_displayed = True,
                 only_rows = None,
                 only_columns = None)

Get sheet data as list of lists.

get_sheet_data(get_displayed = False, 
               get_header = False,
               get_index = False,
               get_index_displayed = True,
               get_header_displayed = True,
               only_rows = None,
               only_columns = None)


  • The following keyword arguments both behave the same way for yield_sheet_rows() and get_sheet_data().


  • get_displayed (bool) if True it will return cell values as they are displayed on the screen. If False it will return any underlying data, for example if the cell is formatted.
  • get_header (bool) if True it will return the header of the sheet even if there is not one.
  • get_index (bool) if True it will return the index of the sheet even if there is not one.
  • get_index_displayed (bool) if True it will return whatever index values are displayed on the screen, for example if there is a dropdown box with text set.
  • get_header_displayed (bool) if True it will return whatever header values are displayed on the screen, for example if there is a dropdown box with text set.
  • only_rows (None, iterable) with this argument you can supply an iterable of row indexes in any order to be the only rows that are returned.
  • only_columns (None, iterable) with this argument you can supply an iterable of column indexes in any order to be the only columns that are returned.

Get the main table data, readonly.

  • e.g.

The name of the actual internal sheet data variable.
  • You can use this to directly modify or retrieve the main table's data e.g. cell_0_0 =[0][0]. Note that this is the raw data and if there are cell formatters it will include the cell's formatter class, as such it is not recommended to use this to retrieve or modify data unless you know what you are doing.

get_cell_data(r, c, get_displayed = False)

             get_displayed = False, 
             get_index = False, 
             get_index_displayed = True, 
             only_columns = None)
  • The above arguments behave the same way as for get_sheet_data().

                get_displayed = False, 
                get_header = False,
                get_header_displayed = True, 
                only_rows = None)
  • The above arguments behave the same way as for get_sheet_data().

Get an empty value for a specific cell.


Sheet methods

Sheet objects also have some functions similar to lists. Note that these functions do not include the header or index.

Iterate over table rows:

for row in my_sheet:
    print (row)

# and in reverse
for row in reversed(my_sheet):
    print (row)

Check if the table has a particular value (membership):

# returns True or False
search_value = "the cell value I'm looking for"
print (search_value in my_sheet)
  • Can also check if a row is in the sheet.

Get number of rows in table data.

get_total_rows(include_index = False)

Get number of columns in table data.

get_total_columns(include_header = False)

Bindings and Functionality

Enable table functionality and bindings.

  • bindings (str) options are (rc stands for right click):
    • "all"
    • "single_select"
    • "toggle_select"
    • "drag_select"
      • "select_all"
    • "column_drag_and_drop" / "move_columns"
    • "row_drag_and_drop" / "move_rows"
    • "column_select"
    • "row_select"
    • "column_width_resize"
    • "double_click_column_resize"
    • "row_width_resize"
    • "column_height_resize"
    • "arrowkeys" # all arrowkeys including page up and down
    • "up"
    • "down"
    • "left"
    • "right"
    • "prior" # page up
    • "next" # page down
    • "row_height_resize"
    • "double_click_row_resize"
    • "right_click_popup_menu"
    • "rc_select"
    • "rc_insert_column"
    • "rc_delete_column"
    • "rc_insert_row"
    • "rc_delete_row"
    • "ctrl_click_select"
    • "ctrl_select"
    • "copy"
    • "cut"
    • "paste"
    • "delete"
    • "undo"
    • "edit_cell"
    • "edit_header"
    • "edit_index"


  • "edit_header", "edit_index", "ctrl_select" and "ctrl_click_select" are not enabled by bindings = "all" and have to be enabled individually, double click or right click (if enabled) on header/index cells to edit.
  • "ctrl_select" and "ctrl_click_select" are the same and you can use either one.
  • To allow table expansion when pasting data which doesn't fit in the table use either:
    • expand_sheet_if_paste_too_big = True in sheet initialization arguments or
    • sheet.set_options(expand_sheet_if_paste_too_big = True)


  • sheet.enable_bindings("all", "edit_header", "edit_index", "ctrl_select") to enable absolutely everything.

Disable table functionality and bindings, uses the same arguments as enable_bindings().


Bind various table functionality to your own functions.

extra_bindings(bindings, func = None)


  • There are several ways to use this function:
    • bindings as a str and func as either None or a function. Using None with func will effectively unbind the function.
      • extra_bindings("edit_cell", func=my_function)
    • bindings as an iterable of strs and func as either None or a function. Using None with func will effectively unbind the function.
      • extra_bindings(["all_select_events", "copy", "cut"], func=my_function)
    • bindings as an iterable of lists or tuples with length of two, e.g.
      • extra_bindings([(binding, function), (binding, function), ...]) In this example you could also use None in the place of function to unbind the binding.
      • In this case the arg func is totally ignored.
  • Upon an event being triggered the bound function will be sent a namedtuple containing variables relevant to that event, use print() or similar to see all the variable names in the event. Each event contains different variable names with the exception of eventname e.g. event.eventname
  • For most of the "end_..." events the bound function is run before the value is set.
  • The bound function for "end_edit_cell" is run before the cell data is set in order that a return value can set the cell instead of the user input. Using the event you can assess the user input and if needed override it with a return value which is not None. If None is the return value then the user input will NOT be overridden. The setting edit_cell_validation (see initialization or the function set_options()) can be used to turn off this return value checking. The edit_cell bindings also run if header/index editing is turned on.


  • bindings (str) options are:
    • "begin_copy", "begin_ctrl_c"
    • "ctrl_c", "end_copy", "end_ctrl_c", "copy"
    • "begin_cut", "begin_ctrl_x"
    • "ctrl_x", "end_cut", "end_ctrl_x", "cut"
    • "begin_paste", "begin_ctrl_v"
    • "ctrl_v", "end_paste", "end_ctrl_v", "paste"
    • "begin_undo", "begin_ctrl_z"
    • "ctrl_z", "end_undo", "end_ctrl_z", "undo"
    • "begin_delete_key", "begin_delete"
    • "delete_key", "end_delete", "end_delete_key", "delete"
    • "begin_edit_cell", "begin_edit_table"
    • "end_edit_cell", "edit_cell", "edit_table"
    • "begin_edit_header"
    • "end_edit_header", "edit_header"
    • "begin_edit_index"
    • "end_edit_index", "edit_index"
    • "begin_row_index_drag_drop", "begin_move_rows"
    • "row_index_drag_drop", "move_rows", "end_move_rows", "end_row_index_drag_drop"
    • "begin_column_header_drag_drop", "begin_move_columns"
    • "column_header_drag_drop", "move_columns", "end_move_columns", "end_column_header_drag_drop"
    • "begin_rc_delete_row", "begin_delete_rows"
    • "rc_delete_row", "end_rc_delete_row", "end_delete_rows", "delete_rows"
    • "begin_rc_delete_column", "begin_delete_columns"
    • "rc_delete_column", "end_rc_delete_column","end_delete_columns", "delete_columns"
    • "begin_rc_insert_column", "begin_insert_column", "begin_insert_columns", "begin_add_column","begin_rc_add_column", "begin_add_columns"
    • "rc_insert_column", "end_rc_insert_column", "end_insert_column", "end_insert_columns", "rc_add_column", "end_rc_add_column", "end_add_column", "end_add_columns"
    • "begin_rc_insert_row", "begin_insert_row", "begin_insert_rows", "begin_rc_add_row", "begin_add_row", "begin_add_rows"
    • "rc_insert_row", "end_rc_insert_row", "end_insert_row", "end_insert_rows", "rc_add_row", "end_rc_add_row", "end_add_row", "end_add_rows"
    • "row_height_resize"
    • "column_width_resize"
    • "cell_select"
    • "select_all"
    • "row_select"
    • "column_select"
    • "drag_select_cells"
    • "drag_select_rows"
    • "drag_select_columns"
    • "shift_cell_select"
    • "shift_row_select"
    • "shift_column_select"
    • "deselect"
    • "all_select_events", "select", "selectevents", "select_events"
    • "all_modified_events", "sheetmodified", "sheet_modified" "modified_events", "modified"
    • "bind_all"
    • "unbind_all"
  • func argument is the function you want to send the binding event to.
  • Using one of the following "all_modified_events", "sheetmodified", "sheet_modified" "modified_events", "modified" will make any insert, delete or cell edit including pastes and undos send an event to your function. Please note that this will mean your function will have to return a value to use for cell edits unless the setting edit_cell_validation is False.

Add commands to the in-built right click popup menu.

popup_menu_add_command(label, func, table_menu = True, index_menu = True, header_menu = True)

Remove commands added using popup_menu_add_command() from the in-built right click popup menu.

popup_menu_del_command(label = None)
  • If label is None then it removes all.

Disable table functionality and bindings (uses the same options as enable_bindings()).

disable_bindings(bindings = "all")

Enable or disable mousewheel, left click etc.

basic_bindings(enable = False)
  • Also enables/disables zoom in/out.

Enable or disable cell edit functionality, including Undo.

edit_bindings(enable = False)

Enable or disable the ability to edit a specific cell using the inbuilt text editor.

cell_edit_binding(enable = False, keys = [])
  • keys can be used to bind more keys to open a cell edit window

bind(binding, func, add = None)
  • add will only work for bindings which are not the following: "<ButtonPress-1>", "<ButtonMotion-1>", "<ButtonRelease-1>", "<Double-Button-1>", "<Motion>" and lastly whichever is your operating systems right mouse click button
  • binding as well as being able to receive the usual tkinter bind() arguments such as key presses can also receive <<SheetModified>> and <<SheetRedrawn>> which are emitted every time there is such an event. Their bound functions must be have at least one parameter and the event object has the following layout:
    "sheetname": "!sheet",


cut(event = None)
copy(event = None)
paste(event = None)
delete(event = None)
undo(event = None)

Identifying Bound Event Mouse Position

The below functions require a mouse click event, for example you could bind right click, example here, and then identify where the user has clicked.


identify_row(event, exclude_index = False, allow_end = True)

identify_column(event, exclude_header = False, allow_end = True)

Sheet control actions for binding your own keys to e.g. sheet.bind("<Control-B>", sheet.paste)

cut(self, event = None)
copy(self, event = None)
paste(self, event = None)
delete(self, event = None)
undo(self, event = None)
edit_cell(self, event = None, dropdown = False)

Table Colors

To change the colors of individual cells, rows or columns use the functions listed under highlighting cells.

For the colors of specific parts of the table such as gridlines and backgrounds use the function set_options(), arguments can be found here. Most of the set_options() arguments are the same as the sheet initialization arguments.

Otherwise you can change the theme using the below function.

change_theme(theme = "light blue", redraw = True)
  • theme (str) options (themes) are light blue, light green, dark, dark blue and dark green.

Highlighting Cells

  • bg and fg arguments use either a tkinter color or a hex str color.
  • Highlighting cells, rows or columns will also change the colors of dropdown boxes and check boxes.

highlight_cells(row = 0, column = 0, cells = [], canvas = "table", bg = None, fg = None, redraw = True, overwrite = True)
  • Setting overwrite to False allows a previously set fg to be kept while setting a new bg or vice versa.

dehighlight_cells(row = 0, column = 0, cells = [], canvas = "table", all_ = False, redraw = True)

get_highlighted_cells(canvas = "table")

highlight_rows(rows = [], bg = None, fg = None, highlight_index = True, redraw = True, end_of_screen = False, overwrite = True)
  • end_of_screen when True makes the row highlight go past the last column line if there is any room there.
  • Setting overwrite to False allows a previously set fg to be kept while setting a new bg or vice versa.

highlight_columns(columns = [], bg = None, fg = None, highlight_header = True, redraw = True, overwrite = True)
  • Setting overwrite to False allows a previously set fg to be kept while setting a new bg or vice versa.


dehighlight_rows(rows = [], redraw = True)

dehighlight_columns(columns = [], redraw = True)

Text Font and Alignment

  • newfont arguments require a three tuple e.g. ("Arial", 12, "normal")
  • align arguments (str) options are w, e or center.

font(newfont = None, reset_row_positions = True)

header_font(newfont = None)

align(align = None, redraw = True)

header_align(align = None, redraw = True)

row_index_align(align = None, redraw = True)

Change the text alignment for specific rows, "global" resets to table setting.

align_rows(rows = [], align = "global", align_index = False, redraw = True)
  • Use argument "all" for rows e.g. align_rows("all") to clear all specific row alignments.

Change the text alignment for specific columns, "global" resets to table setting.

align_columns(columns = [], align = "global", align_header = False, redraw = True)
  • Use argument "all" for columns e.g. align_columns("all") to clear all specific column alignments.

Change the text alignment for specific cells inside the table, "global" resets to table setting.

align_cells(row = 0, column = 0, cells = [], align = "global", redraw = True)
  • Use argument "all" for row e.g. align_cells("all") to clear all specific cell alignments.

Change the text alignment for specific cells inside the header, "global" resets to header setting.

align_header(columns = [], align = "global", redraw = True)

Change the text alignment for specific cells inside the index, "global" resets to index setting.

align_index(rows = [], align = "global", redraw = True)




Row Heights and Column Widths

Auto resize column widths to fit the window.

  • auto_resize_columns (int, None) if set as an int the columns will automatically resize to fit the width of the window, the int value being the minimum of each column in pixels.

Auto resize row heights to fit the window.

  • auto_resize_rows (int, None) if set as an int the rows will automatically resize to fit the height of the window, the int value being the minimum height of each row in pixels.

Set default column width in pixels.

default_column_width(width = None)
  • width (int).

Set default row height in pixels or lines.

default_row_height(height = None)
  • height (int, str) use a numerical str for number of lines e.g. "3" for a height that fits 3 lines or int for pixels.

Set default header bar height in pixels or lines.

default_header_height(height = None)
  • height (int, str) use a numerical str for number of lines e.g. "3" for a height that fits 3 lines or int for pixels.

Set a specific cell size to its text.

set_cell_size_to_text(row, column, only_set_if_too_small = False, redraw = True)

Set all row heights and column widths to cell text sizes.

set_all_cell_sizes_to_text(redraw = True)

Get the sheets column widths.

get_column_widths(canvas_positions = False)
  • canvas_positions (bool) gets the actual canvas x coordinates of column lines.

Get the sheets row heights.

get_row_heights(canvas_positions = False)
  • canvas_positions (bool) gets the actual canvas y coordinates of row lines.

Set all column widths to specific width in pixels (int) or leave None to set to cell text sizes for each column.

set_all_column_widths(width = None, only_set_if_too_small = False, redraw = True, recreate_selection_boxes = True)

Set all row heights to specific height in pixels (int) or leave None to set to cell text sizes for each row.

set_all_row_heights(height = None, only_set_if_too_small = False, redraw = True, recreate_selection_boxes = True)

Set/get a specific column width.

column_width(column = None, width = None, only_set_if_too_small = False, redraw = True)

set_column_widths(column_widths = None, canvas_positions = False, reset = False, verify = False)

set_width_of_index_to_text(text = None)
  • text (str, None) provide a str to set the width to or use None to set it to existing values in the index.

set_height_of_header_to_text(text = None)
  • text (str, None) provide a str to set the height to or use None to set it to existing values in the header.

Set/get a specific row height.

row_height(row = None, height = None, only_set_if_too_small = False, redraw = True)

set_row_heights(row_heights = None, canvas_positions = False, reset = False, verify = False)

delete_row_position(idx, deselect_all = False)

insert_row_position(idx = "end", height = None, deselect_all = False, redraw = False)

insert_row_positions(idx = "end", heights = None, deselect_all = False, redraw = False)

sheet_display_dimensions(total_rows = None, total_columns = None)

move_row_position(row, moveto)

delete_column_position(idx, deselect_all = False)

insert_column_position(idx = "end", width = None, deselect_all = False, redraw = False)

insert_column_positions(idx = "end", widths = None, deselect_all = False, redraw = False)

move_column_position(column, moveto)

get_example_canvas_column_widths(total_cols = None)

get_example_canvas_row_heights(total_rows = None)

verify_row_heights(row_heights, canvas_positions = False)

verify_column_widths(column_widths, canvas_positions = False)

Getting Selected Cells

  • Returns namedtuple of (row, column, type_) e.g. (0, 0, "column")
    • type_ can be "row", "column" or "cell"

Usage example below:

currently_selected = self.sheet.get_currently_selected()
if currently_selected:
    row = currently_selected.row
    column = currently_selected.column
    type_ = currently_selected.type_

get_selected_rows(get_cells = False, get_cells_as_rows = False, return_tuple = False)

get_selected_columns(get_cells = False, get_cells_as_columns = False, return_tuple = False)

get_selected_cells(get_rows = False, get_columns = False, sort_by_row = False, sort_by_column = False)



Check if cell is selected, returns bool.

cell_selected(r, c)

Check if row is selected, returns bool.


Check if column is selected, returns bool.


Check if any cells, rows or columns are selected, there are options for exclusions, returns bool.

anything_selected(exclude_columns = False, exclude_rows = False, exclude_cells = False)

Check if user has the entire table selected, returns bool.



  • returns (min_y, min_x, max_y, max_x) of any selections including rows/columns.

Modifying Selected Cells

set_currently_selected(row, column, type_ = "cell", selection_binding = True)
  • type_ (str) either "cell", "row" or "column".
  • selection_binding if True runs extra bindings selection function if one has been specified using extra_bindings().

select_row(row, redraw = True)

select_column(column, redraw = True)

select_cell(row, column, redraw = True)

select_all(redraw = True, run_binding_func = True)


add_cell_selection(row, column, redraw = True, run_binding_func = True, set_as_current = True)

add_row_selection(row, redraw = True, run_binding_func = True, set_as_current = True)

add_column_selection(column, redraw = True, run_binding_func = True, set_as_current = True)

toggle_select_cell(row, column, add_selection = True, redraw = True, run_binding_func = True, set_as_current = True)

toggle_select_row(row, add_selection = True, redraw = True, run_binding_func = True, set_as_current = True)

toggle_select_column(column, add_selection = True, redraw = True, run_binding_func = True, set_as_current = True)

create_selection_box(r1, c1, r2, c2, type_ = "cells")


deselect(row = None, column = None, cell = None, redraw = True)

Modifying and Getting Scroll Positions

Sync scroll positions between widgets.

sync_scroll(widget: object)
  • Sync scroll positions between Sheets, may or may not work with other widgets. Uses scrollbar positions.

Example usage, syncing two sheets:


Example usage, syncing three sheets:

# syncs sheet 1 and 2 between each other

# syncs sheet 1 and 3 between each other

# syncs sheet 2 and 3 between each other

Unsync scroll positions between widgets.

unsync_scroll(widget: None | Sheet = None)
  • Leaving widget as None unsyncs all previously synced widgets.

See / scroll to a specific cell on the sheet.

see(row = 0, column = 0, keep_yscroll = False, keep_xscroll = False, bottom_right_corner = False, check_cell_visibility = True)

Check if a cell has any part of it visible, returns bool.

cell_visible(r, c)

Check if a cell is totally visible, returns bool.

cell_completely_visible(r, c, seperate_axes = False)
  • separate_axes returns tuple of bools e.g. (cell y axis is visible, cell x axis is visible)

set_xview(position, option = "moveto")

set_yview(position, option = "moveto")



set_view(x_args, y_args)


Readonly Cells

readonly_rows(rows = [], readonly = True, redraw = True)

readonly_columns(columns = [], readonly = True, redraw = True)

readonly_cells(row = 0, column = 0, cells = [], readonly = True, redraw = True)

readonly_header(columns = [], readonly = True, redraw = True)

readonly_index(rows = [], readonly = True, redraw = True)

Hiding Columns

Display only certain columns.

display_columns(columns = None,
                all_columns_displayed = None,
                reset_col_positions = True,
                refresh = False,
                redraw = False,
                deselect_all = True,
  • columns (int, iterable, "all") are the columns to be displayed, omit the columns to be hidden.
  • Use argument True with all_columns_displayed to display all columns, use False to display only the columns you've set using the columns arg.
  • You can also use the keyword argument all_displayed instead of all_columns_displayed.
  • Example usage to display all columns: sheet.display_columns("all").
  • Example usage to display specific columns only: sheet.display_columns([2, 4, 7], all_displayed = False).

Get all columns displayed boolean.

all_columns_displayed(a = None)
  • a (bool, None) Either set by using bool or get by leaving None e.g. all_columns_displayed().

Hide specific columns.

hide_columns(columns = set(),
             redraw = True, 
             deselect_all = True)
  • NOTE: columns (int) uses displayed column indexes, not data indexes. In other words the indexes of the columns displayed on the screen are the ones that are hidden, this is useful when uses in conjunction with get_selected_columns().

Hiding Rows

Display only certain rows.

display_rows(rows = None,
             all_rows_displayed = None,
             reset_col_positions = True,
             refresh = False,
             redraw = False,
             deselect_all = True,
  • rows (int, iterable, "all") are the rows to be displayed, omit the rows to be hidden.
  • Use argument True with all_rows_displayed to display all rows, use False to display only the rows you've set using the rows arg.
  • You can also use the keyword argument all_displayed instead of all_rows_displayed.
  • Example usage to display all rows: sheet.display_rows("all").
  • Example usage to display specific rows only: sheet.display_rows([2, 4, 7], all_displayed = False).
  • This is a very simple example of row filtering using this function.

Get all rows displayed boolean.

all_rows_displayed(a = None)
  • a (bool, None) Either set by using bool or get by leaving None e.g. all_rows_displayed().

Hide specific rows.

hide_rows(rows = set(),
          redraw = True, 
          deselect_all = True)
  • NOTE: rows (int) uses displayed row indexes, not data indexes. In other words the indexes of the rows displayed on the screen are the ones that are hidden, this is useful when uses in conjunction with get_selected_rows().

Hiding Table Elements

Hide parts of the table or all of it.

hide(canvas = "all")
  • canvas (str) options are all, row_index, header, top_left, x_scrollbar, y_scrollbar
    • all hides the entire table and is the default.

Show parts of the table or all of it.

show(canvas = "all")
  • canvas (str) options are all, row_index, header, top_left, x_scrollbar, y_scrollbar
    • all shows the entire table and is the default.

Cell Text Editor

Open the currently selected cell in the main table.

open_cell(ignore_existing_editor = True)
  • Function utilises the currently selected cell in the main table, even if a column/row is selected, to open a non selected cell first use set_currently_selected() to set the cell to open.

Open the currently selected cell but in the header.

open_header_cell(ignore_existing_editor = True)
  • Also uses currently selected cell, which you can set with set_currently_selected().

Open the currently selected cell but in the index.

open_index_cell(ignore_existing_editor = True)
  • Also uses currently selected cell, which you can set with set_currently_selected().

set_text_editor_value(text = "", r = None, c = None)

destroy_text_editor(event = None)

get_text_editor_widget(event = None)

bind_key_text_editor(key, function)


Dropdown Boxes

Dropdown box creation

When using the functions to create dropdown boxes these are the default arguments:

values = [],
set_value = None,
state = "normal",
redraw = True,
selection_function = None,
modified_function = None,
search_function = dropdown_search_function,
validate_input = True,
text = None


  • Use selection_function/modified_function like so selection_function = my_function_name. The function you use needs at least one argument because tksheet will send information to your function about the triggered dropdown.
  • When a user selects an item from the dropdown box the sheet will set the underlying cells data to the selected item, to bind this event use either the selection_function argument or see the function extra_bindings() with binding "end_edit_cell" here.


  • values are the values to appear when the dropdown box is popped open.
  • state determines whether or not there is also an editable text window at the top of the dropdown box when it is open.
  • redraw refreshes the sheet so the newly created box is visible.
  • selection_function can be used to trigger a specific function when an item from the dropdown box is selected, if you are using the above extra_bindings() as well it will also be triggered but after this function. e.g. selection_function = my_function_name
  • modified_function can be used to trigger a specific function when the state of the box is set to "normal" and there is an editable text window and a change of the text in that window has occurred. Note that this function occurs before the dropdown boxes search feature.
  • search_function (None, callable) sets the function that will be used to search the dropdown boxes values upon a dropdown text editor modified event when the dropdowns state is normal. Set to None to disable the search feature or use your own function with the following keyword arguments: (search_for, data): and make it return an row number (e.g. select and see the first value would be 0) if positive and None if negative.
  • validate_input (bool) when True will not allow cut, paste, delete or cell editor to input values to cell which are not in the dropdown boxes values.
  • text (None, str) can be set to something other than None to always display over whatever value is in the cell, this is useful when you want to display a Header name over a dropdown box selection.

Box creation functions:

create_dropdown(r = 0, c = 0, *args, **kwargs)
dropdown_cell(r = 0, c = 0, *args, **kwargs)
  • r and c (int, "all") can be set to "all" or int.
dropdown_row(r = 0, *args, **kwargs)
  • r (int, "all", iterable) can be set to "all", int or any iterable of ints.
dropdown_column(c = 0, *args, **kwargs)
  • c (int, "all", iterable) can be set to "all", int or any iterable of ints.
dropdown_sheet(*args, **kwargs)
  • Sets the entire sheet to always have a dropdown box in every cell with the specified arguments.
create_index_dropdown(r = 0, *args, **kwargs)
  • r (int, None, iterable) use None to set the entire index to always having dropdown boxes with the chosen args/kwargs.
create_header_dropdown(c = 0, *args, **kwargs)
  • c (int, None, iterable) use None to set the entire header to always having dropdown boxes with the chosen args/kwargs.


# dropdown boxes all the way down column index 5
sheet.dropdown_column(5, values = ["ON", "OFF"])

# dropdown boxes all the way across rows 0 and 1
sheet.dropdown_row(range(2), values = ["1", "2", "3"])

# headers always have dropdown boxes with the same values
sheet.create_header_dropdown(c = None, values = ["val 1", "val 2"])

Get chosen dropdown boxes values.

get_dropdown_values(r = 0, c = 0)
get_header_dropdown_values(c = 0)
get_index_dropdown_values(r = 0)

Set the values and cell value of a chosen dropdown box.

set_dropdown_values(r = 0, c = 0, set_existing_dropdown = False, values = [], set_value = None)
set_header_dropdown_values(c = 0, set_existing_dropdown = False, values = [], set_value = None)
set_index_dropdown_values(r = 0, set_existing_dropdown = False, values = [], set_value = None)
  • set_existing_dropdown if True takes priority over r and c and sets the values of the last popped open dropdown box (if one one is popped open, if not then an Exception is raised).
  • values (list, tuple)
  • set_value (str, None) if not None will try to set the value of the chosen cell to given argument.

Set and get bound dropdown functions.

dropdown_functions(r, c, selection_function = "", modified_function = "")
header_dropdown_functions(c, selection_function = "", modified_function = "")
index_dropdown_functions(r, selection_function = "", modified_function = "")

Delete dropdown boxes.

delete_dropdown(r = 0, c = 0)
delete_cell_dropdown(r = 0, c = 0)
  • Deletes dropdown boxes created by create_dropdown()/dropdown_cell().
  • r and c (int, "all").
delete_row_dropdown(r = 0)
  • Deletes dropdown boxes created by dropdown_row().
  • r (int, "all", iterable).
delete_column_dropdown(c = 0)
  • Deletes dropdown boxes created by dropdown_column().
  • c (int, "all", iterable).
  • Deletes dropdown boxes created by dropdown_sheet().
delete_index_dropdown(r = 0)
  • Deletes dropdown boxes created by create_header_dropdown().
  • r (int, "all", None). Use None to delete dropdowns created using None.
delete_header_dropdown(c = 0)
  • Deletes dropdown boxes created by create_header_dropdown().
  • c (int, "all", None). Use None to delete dropdowns created using None.

Get a dictionary of all dropdown boxes



{(row int, column int): {'values': values,
                         'window': "no dropdown open", #the actual frame object if one exists
                         'canvas_id': "no dropdown open", #the canvas id of the frame object if one exists
                         'select_function': selection_function,
                         'modified_function': modified_function,
                         'state': state,
                         'text': text}}
  • Note: This dictionary will also contain a key named "dropdown" if you have used dropdown_sheet()/create_index_dropdown(None)/create_header_dropdown(None).

Pop open a dropdown box.

open_dropdown(r, c)

Close an open dropdown box.

close_dropdown(r, c)
  • Also destroys any opened text editor windows.

Check Boxes

Checkbox creation.

When using the functions to create checkboxes these are the default arguments:

checked = False,
state = "normal",
redraw = False,
check_function = None,
text = ""


  • Use check_function like so check_function = my_function_name. The function you use needs at least one argument because when the checkbox is clicked it will send information to your function about the clicked checkbox.
  • Use highlight_cells() or rows or columns to change the color of the checkbox.
  • Check boxes are always left aligned despite any align settings.


  • r and c (int, str) can be set to "all".
  • checked is the initial creation value to set the box to.
  • text displays text next to the checkbox in the cell, but will not be used as data, data will either be True or False.
  • check_function can be used to trigger a function when the user clicks a checkbox.
  • state can be "normal" or "disabled". If "disabled" then color will be same as table grid lines, else it will be the cells text color.

Box creation functions:

create_checkbox(r = 0, c = 0, *args, **kwargs)
checkbox_cell(r = 0, c = 0, *args, **kwargs)
  • r and c (int, "all") can be set to "all" or int.
checkbox_row(r = 0, *args, **kwargs)
  • r (int, "all", iterable) can be set to "all", int or any iterable of ints.
checkbox_column(c = 0, *args, **kwargs)
  • c (int, "all", iterable) can be set to "all", int or any iterable of ints.
checkbox_sheet(*args, **kwargs)
  • Sets the entire sheet to always have a checkboxbox in every cell with the specified arguments.
create_index_checkbox(r = 0, *args, **kwargs)
  • r (int, None, iterable) use None to set the entire index to always having checkboxes with the chosen args/kwargs.
create_header_checkbox(c = 0, *args, **kwargs)
  • c (int, None, iterable) use None to set the entire header to always having checkboxes boxes with the chosen args/kwargs.


# boxes all the way down column index 5
sheet.checkbox_column(5, text = "Enabled", check_function = my_function)

# boxes all the way across rows 0 and 1
sheet.checkbox_row(range(2), text = "Row Checkbox" checked = True)

# headers always have boxes with the same values
sheet.create_header_checkbox(c = None, text = "Header Checkbox")

Set or toggle a checkbox.

click_checkbox(r, c, checked = None)
click_header_checkbox(c, checked = None)
click_index_checkbox(r, checked = None)

Get a dictionary of all check box dictionaries.


Delete checkboxes.

delete_checkbox(r = 0, c = 0)
delete_cell_checkbox(r = 0, c = 0)
  • Deletes checkboxes created by create_checkbox()/checkbox_cell().
  • r and c (int, "all").
delete_row_checkbox(r = 0)
  • Deletes checkboxes created by checkbox_row().
  • r (int, "all", iterable).
delete_column_checkbox(c = 0)
  • Deletes checkboxes created by checkbox_column().
  • c (int, "all", iterable).
  • Deletes checkboxes created by checkbox_sheet().
delete_index_checkbox(r = 0)
  • Deletes checkboxes created by create_header_checkbox().
  • r (int, "all", None). Use None to delete checkboxes created using None.
delete_header_checkbox(c = 0)
  • Deletes checkboxes created by create_header_checkbox().
  • c (int, "all", None). Use None to delete checkboxes created using None.

Set or get information about a particular checkbox.

         checked = None,
         state = None,
         check_function = "",
         text = None)
                checked = None,
                state = None,
                check_function = "",
                text = None)
               checked = None,
               state = None,
               check_function = "",
               text = None)
  • If any arguments are not default they will be set for the chosen checkbox.
  • If all arguments are default a dictionary of all the checkboxes information will be returned.

Cell Formatting

By default tksheet stores all user inputted data as strings and while tksheet can store and display any datatype with a __str__() method this has some obvious limitations.

Cell formatting aims to provide greater functionality when working with different datatypes and provide strict typing for the sheet. With formatting you can convert sheet data and user input to a specific datatype.

Additionally, formatting also provides a function for displaying data on the table GUI (as a rounded float for example) and logic for handling invalid and missing data.

tksheet has several basic built-in formatters and provides functionality for creating your own custom formats as well.

A demonstration of all the built-in and custom formatters can be found here.

To Note:

  1. When applying multiple overlapping formats with e.g. a formatted cell which overlaps a formatted row, the priority is as follows:
  • Cell formats first.
  • Row formats second.
  • Column formats third.
  • Sheet format (using format_sheet()) last.
  1. Cell formatting will effectively override validate_input = True on cells with dropdown boxes.

  2. When getting data take careful note of the get_displayed options, as these are the difference between getting the actual formatted data and what is simply displayed on the table GUI.

Basic Intialisation

Applying a format to cell:

format_cell(r, c, formatter_options = {}, formatter_class = None, **kwargs)


  • format_cell() using all will not make added cells (such as with a sheet expanding paste or right click insert rows) formatted. For that you will have to use format_row()/format_column()/format_sheet().


  • r (int or "all") the row index to apply the formatter to.
  • c (int or "all") the column index to apply the formatter to.
  • formatter_options (dict) a dictionary of keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter.
  • formatter_class (class) in case you want to use a custom class to store functions and information as opposed to using the built-in methods.
  • **kwargs any additional keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter.

Clearing a format that was set by format_cell:

delete_cell_format(r = "all", c = "all", clear_values = False)
  • Using "all" will not clear formats set by format_row()/format_column().
  • r (int or "all") the row index to remove the cell formats from.
  • c (int or "all") the column index to remove the cell formats from.
  • clear_values (bool) if true, the cell values will be set to "".

Applying a format to a row:

format_row(r, formatter_options = {}, formatter_class = None, **kwargs)
  • r (int, Iterable[int] or "all") the row index to apply the formatter to.
  • formatter_options (dict) a dictionary of keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter.
  • formatter_class (class) in case you want to use a custom class to store functions and information as opposed to using the built-in methods.
  • **kwargs any additional keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter.

Clearing a format that was set by format_row:

delete_row_format(r = "all", clear_values = False)
  • Using "all" will not clear formats set by format_sheet().
  • r (int, Iterable[int] or "all") the row index to remove the cell formats from.
  • clear_values (bool) if true, the cell values will be set to "".

Applying a format to a column:

format_column(c, formatter_options = {}, formatter_class = None, **kwargs)
  • c (int, Iterable[int] or "all") the column index to apply the formatter to.
  • formatter_options (dict) a dictionary of keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter.
  • formatter_class (class) in case you want to use a custom class to store functions and information as opposed to using the built-in methods.
  • **kwargs any additional keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter.

Clearing a format that was set by format_column:

delete_column_format(c = "all", clear_values = False)
  • Using "all" will not clear formats set by format_sheet().
  • c (int, Iterable[int] or "all") the column index to remove the cell formats from.
  • clear_values (bool) if true, the cell values will be set to "".

Applying a format to the whole sheet:

format_sheet(formatter_options = {}, formatter_class = None, **kwargs)
  • formatter_options (dict) a dictionary of keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter.
  • formatter_class (class) in case you want to use a custom class to store functions and information as opposed to using the built-in methods.
  • **kwargs any additional keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter.

Clearing a format that was set by format_sheet:

delete_sheet_format(clear_values = False)
  • clear_values (bool) if true, all the sheets cell values will be set to "".

Delete all formatting, including cell, row, column and sheet formats:

delete_all_formatting(clear_values = False)
  • clear_values (bool) if true, all the sheets cell values will be set to "".

Reapply formatting to entire sheet:

  • Useful if you have manually changed the entire sheets data using = and want to reformat the sheet using any existing formatting you have set.

Formatter Options and In-Built Formatters

tksheet provides a number of in-built formatters, in addition to the base formatter function. These formatters are designed to provide a range of functionality for different datatypes. The following table lists the available formatters and their options.

          to_str_function = to_str,
          invalid_value = "NA",
          nullable = True,
          pre_format_function = None,
          post_format_function = None,
          clipboard_function = None,

This is the generic formatter options interface. You can use this to create your own custom formatters. The following options are available. Note that all these options can also be passed to the format_cell() function as keyword arguments and are available as attributes for all formatters. You can provide functions of your own creation for all the below arguments which take functions if you require.

  • datatypes (list) a list of datatypes that the formatter will accept. For example, datatypes = [int, float] will accept integers and floats.
  • format_function (function) a function that takes a string and returns a value of the desired datatype. For example, format_function = int will convert a string to an integer.
  • to_str_function (function) a function that takes a value of the desired datatype and returns a string. This determines how the formatter displays its data on the table. For example, to_str_function = str will convert an integer to a string. Defaults to tksheet.to_str.
  • invalid_value (any) the value to return if the input string is invalid. For example, invalid_value = "NA" will return "NA" if the input string is invalid.
  • nullable (bool) if true, the formatter will accept None as a valid input.
  • pre_format_function (function) a function that takes a input string and returns a string. This function is called before the format_function and can be used to modify the input string before it is converted to the desired datatype. This can be useful if you want to strip out unwanted characters or convert a string to a different format before converting it to the desired datatype.
  • post_format_function (function) a function that takes a value which might not be of the desired datatype, e.g. None if the cell is nullable and empty and if successful returns a value of the desired datatype or if not successful returns the input value. This function is called after the format_function and can be used to modify the output value after it is converted to the desired datatype. This can be useful if you want to round a float for example.
  • clipboard_function (function) a function that takes a value of the desired datatype and returns a string. This function is called when the cell value is copied to the clipboard. This can be useful if you want to convert a value to a different format before it is copied to the clipboard.
  • **kwargs any additional keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter. These keyword arguments will be passed to the format_function, to_str_function, and the clipboard_function. These can be useful if you want to specifiy any additional formatting options, such as the number of decimal places to round to.

Int Formatter

int_formatter(datatypes = int,
              format_function = to_int,
              to_str_function = to_str,
              invalid_value = "NaN",

The int_formatter is the basic configuration for a simple interger formatter.

  • format_function (function) a function that takes a string and returns an int. By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.to_int. This function will always convert float-likes to its floor, for example "5.9" will be converted to 5.
  • to_str_function (function) By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.to_str, which is a very basic function that will displace the default string representation of the value.


sheet.format_cell(0, 0, formatter_options = tksheet.int_formatter())

Float Formatter

float_formatter(datatypes = float,
                format_function = to_float,
                to_str_function = float_to_str,
                invalid_value = "NaN",
                decimals = 2,

The float_formatter is the basic configuration for a simple float formatter. It will always round float-likes to the specified number of decimal places, for example "5.999" will be converted to "6.0" if decimals = 1.

  • format_function (function) a function that takes a string and returns a float. By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.to_float. This function will always convert percentages to their decimal equivalent, for example "5%" will be converted to 0.05.
  • to_str_function (function) By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.float_to_str, which will display the float to the specified number of decimal places.
  • decimals (int, None) the number of decimal places to round to. Defaults to 2.


sheet.format_cell(0, 0, formatter_options = tksheet.float_formatter(decimals = None)) # A float formatter with maximum float() decimal places

Percentage Formatter

percentage_formatter(datatypes = float,
                     format_function = to_float,
                     to_str_function = percentage_to_str,
                     invalid_value = "NaN",
                     decimals = 0,

The percentage_formatter is the basic configuration for a simple percentage formatter. It will always round float-likes as a percentage to the specified number of decimal places, for example "5.999%" will be converted to "6.0%" if decimals = 1.

  • format_function (function) a function that takes a string and returns a float. By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.to_float. This function will always convert percentages to their decimal equivalent, for example "5%" will be converted to 0.05.
  • to_str_function (function) By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.percentage_to_str, which will display the float as a percentage to the specified number of decimal places. For example, 0.05 will be displayed as "5.0%".
  • decimals (int) the number of decimal places to round to. Defaults to 0.


sheet.format_cell(0, 0, formatter_options = tksheet.percentage_formatter(decimals = 1)) # A percentage formatter with 1 decimal place

Bool Formatter

bool_formatter(datatypes = bool,
               format_function = to_bool,
               to_str_function = bool_to_str,
               invalid_value = "NA",
               truthy = truthy,
               falsy = falsy,
  • format_function (function) a function that takes a string and returns a bool. By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.to_bool.
  • to_str_function (function) By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.bool_to_str, which will display the boolean as "True" or "False".
  • truthy (set) a set of values that will be converted to True. Defaults to the in-built tksheet.truthy.
  • falsy (set) a set of values that will be converted to False. Defaults to the in-built tksheet.falsy.


# A bool formatter with custom truthy and falsy values to account for aussie and kiwi slang
sheet.format_cell(0, 0, formatter_options = tksheet.bool_formatter(truthy = tksheet.truthy | {"nah yeah"}, falsy = tksheet.falsy | {"yeah nah"}))

Datetime Formatters and Designing Your Own Custom Formatters

tksheet is at the moment a dependency free library and so doesn't include a datetime parser as is.

You can however very easily make a datetime parser if you are willing to install a third-party package. Recommended are:

Both of these packages have a very comprehensive datetime parser which can be used to create a custom datetime formatter for tksheet.

Below is a simple example of how you might create a custom datetime formatter using the dateutil package.

from tksheet import *
from datetime import datetime, date
from dateutil.parser import parse

def to_local_datetime(dt, **kwargs):
    Our custom format_function, converts a string or a date to a datetime object in the local timezone.
    if isinstance(dt, datetime):
        pass # Do nothing
    elif isinstance(dt, date):
        dt = datetime(dt.year, dt.month, # Always good to account for unexpected inputs 
            dt = parser.parse(dt)
            raise ValueError(f"Could not parse {dt} as a datetime")
    if dt.tzinfo is None:
        dt = dt.replace(tzinfo = tzlocal()) # If no timezone is specified, assume local timezone
    dt = dt.astimezone(tzlocal()) # Convert to local timezone
    return dt

def datetime_to_str(dt, **kwargs):
    Our custom to_str_function, converts a datetime object to a string with a format that can be specfied in kwargs.
    return dt.strftime(kwargs['format'])
# Now we can create our custom formatter dictionary from the generic formatter interface in tksheet
datetime_formatter = formatter(datatypes = datetime,
                               format_function = to_local_datetime,
                               to_str_function = datetime_to_str,
                               invalid_value = "NaT",
                               format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S",
# From here we can pass our datetime_formatter into format_cells() just like any other formatter

For those wanting even more customisation of their formatters you also have the option of creating a custom formatter class. This is a more advanced topic and is not covered here, but it's recommended to create a new class which is a subclass of the tksheet.Formatter class and overriding the methods you would like to customise. This custom class can then be passed into the format_cells() formatter_class argument.

Table Options and Other Functions

The list of key word arguments available for set_options() are as follows, see here as a guide for what arguments to use.


Get internal storage dictionary of highlights, readonly cells, dropdowns etc.

get_cell_options(canvas = "table")

Delete any formats, alignments, dropdown boxes, checkboxes, highlights etc. that are larger than the sheets currently held data, includes row index and header in measurement of dimensions.


Delete all alignments, dropdown boxes, checkboxes, highlights etc.




Flash a dashed box of chosen dimensions.

show_ctrl_outline(canvas = "table", start_cell = (0, 0), end_cell = (1, 1))

Reset table undo storage.


Refresh the table.

redraw(redraw_header = True, redraw_row_index = True)

Refresh the table.

refresh(redraw_header = True, redraw_row_index = True)

Example Loading Data from Excel

Using pandas library, requires additional libraries:

  • pandas
  • openpyxl
from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk
import pandas as pd

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           data = pd.read_excel("excel_file.xlsx",      # filepath here
                                                #sheet_name = "sheet1", # optional sheet name here
                                                engine = "openpyxl",
                                                header = None).values.tolist())
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")

app = demo()

Example Custom Right Click and Text Editor Validation

This is to demonstrate adding your own commands to the in-built right click popup menu (or how you might start making your own right click menu functionality) and also validating text editor input. In this demonstration the validation removes spaces from user input.

from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           data = [[f"Row {r}, Column {c}\nnewline1\nnewline2" for c in range(50)] for r in range(500)])
        self.sheet.extra_bindings([("begin_edit_cell", self.begin_edit_cell),
                                   ("end_edit_cell", self.end_edit_cell)])
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Say Hello", self.new_right_click_button)
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")

    def new_right_click_button(self, event = None):
        print ("Hello World!")

    def begin_edit_cell(self, event = None):
        return event.text

    def end_edit_cell(self, event = None):
        # remove spaces from user input
        if event.text is not None:
            return event.text.replace(" ", "")

app = demo()
  • If you want a totally new right click menu you can use self.sheet.bind("<3>", <function>) with a tk.Menu of your own design (right click is <2> on MacOS) and don't use "right_click_popup_menu" with enable_bindings().

Example Displaying Selections

This is to demonstrate displaying what the user has selected in the sheet.

from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           data = [[f"Row {r}, Column {c}\nnewline1\nnewline2" for c in range(50)] for r in range(500)])
        self.sheet.extra_bindings([("all_select_events", self.sheet_select_event)])
        self.show_selections = tk.Label(self)
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.show_selections.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")

    def sheet_select_event(self, event = None):
            if event[0] == "select_cell":
                self.show_selections.config(text = f"Cells: ({event[1] + 1},{event[2] + 1}) : ({event[1] + 1},{event[2] + 1})")
            elif "cells" in event[0]:
                self.show_selections.config(text = f"Cells: ({event.selectionboxes[0] + 1},{event.selectionboxes[1] + 1}) : ({event.selectionboxes[2]},{event.selectionboxes[3]})")
            elif event[0] == "select_column":
                self.show_selections.config(text = f"Columns: {event[1] + 1} : {event[1] + 1}")
            elif "columns" in event[0]:
                self.show_selections.config(text = f"Columns: {event[1][0] + 1} : {event[1][-1] + 1}")
            elif event[0] == "select_row":
                self.show_selections.config(text = f"Rows: {event[1] + 1} : {event[1] + 1}")
            elif "rows" in event[0]:
                self.show_selections.config(text = f"Rows: {event[1][0] + 1} : {event[1][-1] + 1}")
                self.show_selections.config(text = "")
            self.show_selections.config(text = "")

app = demo()

Example List Box

This is to demonstrate some simple customization to make a different sort of widget (a list box).

from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk

class Sheet_Listbox(Sheet):
    def __init__(self,
                 values = []):
                       parent = parent,
                       show_horizontal_grid = False,
                       show_vertical_grid = False,
                       show_header = False,
                       show_row_index = False,
                       show_top_left = False,
                       empty_horizontal = 0,
                       empty_vertical = 0)
        if values:

    def values(self, values = []):
        self.set_sheet_data([[v] for v in values],
                            reset_col_positions = False,
                            reset_row_positions = False,
                            redraw = False,
                            verify = False)

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
                                  weight = 1)
                               weight = 1)
        self.listbox = Sheet_Listbox(self,
                                     values = [f"_________  Item {i}  _________" for i in range(2000)])
        self.listbox.grid(row = 0,
                          column = 0,
                          sticky = "nswe")
        #self.listbox.values([f"new values {i}" for i in range(50)]) set values

app = demo()

Example Header Dropdown Boxes and Row Filtering

A very simple demonstration of row filtering using header dropdown boxes.

from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1) = ([["3", "c", "z"],
                      ["1", "a", "x"],
                      ["1", "b", "y"],
                      ["2", "b", "y"],
                      ["2", "c", "z"]])
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           data =,
                           theme = "dark",
                           height = 700,
                           width = 1100)
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.create_header_dropdown(c = 0,
                                          values = ["all", "1", "2", "3"],
                                          set_value = "all",
                                          selection_function = self.header_dropdown_selected,
                                          text = "Header A Name")
        self.sheet.create_header_dropdown(c = 1,
                                          values = ["all", "a", "b", "c"],
                                          set_value = "all",
                                          selection_function = self.header_dropdown_selected,
                                          text = "Header B Name")
        self.sheet.create_header_dropdown(c = 2,
                                          values = ["all", "x", "y", "z"],
                                          set_value = "all",
                                          selection_function = self.header_dropdown_selected,
                                          text = "Header C Name")

    def header_dropdown_selected(self, event = None):
        hdrs = self.sheet.headers()
        # this function is run before header cell data is set by dropdown selection
        # so we have to get the new value from the event
        hdrs[event.column] = event.text
        if all(dd == "all" for dd in hdrs):
            rows = [rn for rn, row in enumerate( if all(row[c] == e or e == "all" for c, e in enumerate(hdrs))]
            self.sheet.display_rows(rows = rows,
                                    all_displayed = False)
app = demo()

Example Readme Screenshot Code

The code used to make a screenshot for the readme file.

from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           expand_sheet_if_paste_too_big = True,
                           empty_horizontal = 0,
                           empty_vertical = 0,
                           align = "w",
                           header_align = "c",
                           data = [[f"Row {r}, Column {c}\nnewline 1\nnewline 2" for c in range(6)] for r in range(21)],
                           headers = ["Dropdown Column", "Checkbox Column", "Center Aligned Column", "East Aligned Column", "", ""],
                           theme = "black",
                           height = 520,
                           width = 930)
        self.sheet.enable_bindings("all", "edit_index", "edit header")
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Hide Rows", self.hide_rows, table_menu = False, header_menu = False, empty_space_menu = False)
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Show All Rows", self.show_rows, table_menu = False, header_menu = False, empty_space_menu = False)
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Hide Columns", self.hide_columns, table_menu = False, index_menu = False, empty_space_menu = False)
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Show All Columns", self.show_columns, table_menu = False, index_menu = False, empty_space_menu = False)
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        colors = ("#509f56",
        self.sheet.align_columns(columns = 2, align = "c")
        self.sheet.align_columns(columns = 3, align = "e")
        self.sheet.create_dropdown(r = "all",
                                   c = 0,
                                   values = ["Dropdown"] + [f"{i}" for i in range(15)])
        self.sheet.create_checkbox(r = "all", c = 1, checked = True, text = "Checkbox")
        self.sheet.create_header_dropdown(c = 0, values = ["Header Dropdown"] + [f"{i}" for i in range(15)])
        self.sheet.create_header_checkbox(c = 1, checked = True, text = "Header Checkbox")
        self.sheet.align_cells(5, 0, align = "c")
        self.sheet.highlight_cells(5, 0, bg = "gray50", fg = "blue")
        self.sheet.highlight_cells(17, canvas = "index", bg = "yellow", fg = "black")
        self.sheet.highlight_cells(12, 1, bg = "gray90", fg = "purple")
        for r in range(len(colors)):
            self.sheet.highlight_cells(row = r,
                                       column = 3,
                                       fg = colors[r])
            self.sheet.highlight_cells(row = r,
                                       column = 4,
                                       bg = colors[r],
                                       fg = "black")
            self.sheet.highlight_cells(row = r,
                                       column = 5,
                                       bg = colors[r],
                                       fg = "purple")
        self.sheet.highlight_cells(column = 5,
                                   canvas = "header",
                                   bg = "white",
                                   fg = "purple")
        self.sheet.extra_bindings("all", self.all_extra_bindings)
    def hide_rows(self, event = None):
        rows = self.sheet.get_selected_rows()
        if rows:
    def show_rows(self, event = None):
        self.sheet.display_rows("all", redraw = True)
    def hide_columns(self, event = None):
        columns = self.sheet.get_selected_columns()
        if columns:
    def show_columns(self, event = None):
        self.sheet.display_columns("all", redraw = True)
    def all_extra_bindings(self, event = None):
        #print (event)
            if hasattr(event, 'text'):
                return event.text

app = demo()

Example Saving tksheet as a csv File

To both load a csv file and save tksheet data as a csv file not including headers and index.

from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
import csv
from os.path import normpath
import io

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           data = [[f"Row {r}, Column {c}" for c in range(6)] for r in range(21)])
        self.sheet.enable_bindings("all", "edit_header", "edit_index")
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Open csv", self.open_csv)
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Save sheet", self.save_sheet)
        self.sheet.change_theme("light green")
        # center the window and unhide
        w = self.winfo_screenwidth() - 20
        h = self.winfo_screenheight() - 70
        size = (900, 500)
        x = (w/2 - size[0]/2)
        y = h/2 - size[1]/2
        self.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (size + ((w/2 - size[0]/2), h/2 - size[1]/2)))

    def save_sheet(self):
        filepath = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(parent = self,
                                                title = "Save sheet as",
                                                filetypes = [('CSV File','.csv'),
                                                             ('TSV File','.tsv')],
                                                defaultextension = ".csv",
                                                confirmoverwrite = True)
        if not filepath or not filepath.lower().endswith((".csv", ".tsv")):
            with open(normpath(filepath), "w", newline = "", encoding = "utf-8") as fh:
                writer = csv.writer(fh,
                                    dialect = csv.excel if filepath.lower().endswith(".csv") else csv.excel_tab,
                                    lineterminator = "\n")
                writer.writerows(self.sheet.get_sheet_data(get_header = False, get_index = False))
    def open_csv(self):
        filepath = filedialog.askopenfilename(parent = self, title = "Select a csv file")
        if not filepath or not filepath.lower().endswith((".csv", ".tsv")):
            with open(normpath(filepath), "r") as filehandle:
                filedata =
            self.sheet.set_sheet_data([r for r in csv.reader(io.StringIO(filedata),
                                                             dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(filedata),
                                                             skipinitialspace = False)])

app = demo()

Example Using and Creating Formatters

from tksheet import *
import tkinter as tk
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta, time
from dateutil import parser, tz
from math import ceil
import re

date_replace = re.compile('|'.join(['\(', '\)', '\[', '\]', '\<', '\>']))

# --------------------- Custom formatter methods ---------------------
def round_up(x):
    try: # might not be a number if empty
        return float(ceil(x))
        return x

def only_numeric(s):
    return ''.join(n for n in f"{s}" if n.isnumeric() or n == '.')

def convert_to_local_datetime(dt: str, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(dt, datetime):
    elif isinstance(dt, date):
        dt = datetime(dt.year, dt.month,
        if isinstance(dt, str):
            dt = date_replace.sub("", dt)
            dt = parser.parse(dt)
            raise ValueError(f"Could not parse {dt} as a datetime")
    if dt.tzinfo is None:
        dt.replace(tzinfo = tz.tzlocal())
    dt = dt.astimezone(tz.tzlocal())
    return dt.replace(tzinfo = None)

def datetime_to_string(dt: datetime, **kwargs):
    return dt.strftime('%d %b, %Y, %H:%M:%S')

# --------------------- Custom Formatter with additional kwargs ---------------------

def custom_datetime_to_str(dt: datetime, **kwargs):
    return dt.strftime(kwargs['format'])

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           empty_vertical = 0,
                           empty_horizontal = 0,
                           data = [[f"{r}"]*11 for r in range(20)]
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.headers(['Non-Nullable Float Cell\n1 decimals places', 
                            'Float Cell', 
                            'Int Cell', 
                            'Bool Cell', 
                            'Percentage Cell\n0 decimal places', 
                            'Custom Datetime Cell',
                            'Custom Datetime Cell\nCustom Format String',
                            'Float Cell that\nrounds up', 
                            'Float cell that\n strips non-numeric', 
                            'Dropdown Over Nullable\nPercentage Cell', 
                            'Percentage Cell\n2 decimal places'])
        # ---------- Some examples of cell formatting --------
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 0, formatter_options = float_formatter(nullable = False))
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 1, formatter_options = float_formatter())
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 2, formatter_options = int_formatter())
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 3, formatter_options = bool_formatter(truthy = truthy | {"nah yeah"}, falsy = falsy | {"yeah nah"}))
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 4, formatter_options = percentage_formatter())

        # ---------------- Custom Formatters -----------------
        # Custom using generic formatter interface
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 5, formatter_options = formatter(datatypes = datetime, 
                                                                       format_function = convert_to_local_datetime, 
                                                                       to_str_function = datetime_to_string, 
                                                                       nullable = False,
                                                                       invalid_value = 'NaT',
        # Custom format
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 6, datatypes = datetime, 
                                         format_function = convert_to_local_datetime, 
                                         to_str_function = custom_datetime_to_str, 
                                         nullable = True,
                                         invalid_value = 'NaT',
                                         format = '(%Y-%m-%d) %H:%M %p'
        # Unique cell behaviour using the post_conversion_function
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 7, formatter_options = float_formatter(post_format_function = round_up))
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 8, formatter_options = float_formatter(), pre_format_function = only_numeric)

        self.sheet.create_dropdown('all', 9, values = ['', '104%', .24, "300%", 'not a number'], set_value = 1)
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 9, formatter_options = percentage_formatter(), decimals = 0)
        self.sheet.format_cell('all', 10, formatter_options = percentage_formatter(decimals = 5))

app = demo()


Welcome and thank you for your interest in tksheet!

tksheet Goals

  • Adaptable rather than comprehensive: Prioritizes adaptability over comprehensiveness, providing essential features that can be easily extended or customized based on specific needs. This approach allows for flexibility in integrating tksheet into different projects and workflows.

  • Lightweight and performant: Aims to provide a lightweight solution for creating spreadsheet-like functionality in tkinter applications, without additional dependencies and with a focus on efficiency and performance.


tksheet is designed to only use built-in Python libraries (without third-party dependencies). Please ensure that your contributions do not introduce any new dependencies outside of Python's built-in libraries.


tksheet is released under the MIT License. You can find the full text of the license here.

By contributing to the tksheet project, you agree to license your contributions under the same MIT License. Please make sure to read and understand the terms and conditions of the license before contributing.

Contributing Code

To contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the tksheet repository.
  2. If you are working on a new feature, create a new branch for your contribution. Use a descriptive name for the branch that reflects the feature you're working on.
  3. Make your changes in your local branch, following the code style and conventions established in the project.
  4. Test your changes thoroughly to ensure they do not introduce any new bugs or issues.
  5. Submit a pull request to the main branch of the tksheet repository, including a clear title and detailed description of your changes. Pull requests ideally should include a small but comprehensive demonstration of the feature you are adding.
  6. Don't forget to update the documentation!

Note: If you're submitting a bugfix, it's generally preferred to submit it directly to the relevant branch, rather than creating a separate branch.

Asking Questions

Got a question that hasn't been answered in the closed issues or is missing from the documentation? please follow these guidelines:

  • Submit your question as an issue in the Issues tab.
  • Provide a clear and concise description of your question, including any relevant details or examples that can help us understand your query better.


Please use the Issues tab to report any issues or ask for assistance.

When submitting an issue, please follow these guidelines:

  • Check the existing issues to see if a similar bug or question has already been reported or discussed.
  • If reporting a bug, provide a minimal example that can reproduce the issue, including any relevant code, error messages, and steps to reproduce.
  • If asking a question or seeking help, provide a clear and concise description of your question or issue, including any relevant details or examples that can help people understand your query better.
  • Include any relevant screenshots or gifs that can visually illustrate the issue or your question.

Enhancements or Suggestions

If you have an idea for a new feature, improvement or change, please follow these guidelines:

  • Submit your suggestion as an issue in the Issues tab.
  • Include a clear and concise description of your idea, including any relevant details, screenshots, or mock-ups that can help contributors understand your suggestion better.
  • You're also welcomed to become a contributor yourself and help implement your idea!
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