Tableau :!/vizhome/VideoGameSales_15914816312660/GenreAnalysis
Dataset is Obtained from Kaggle Dataset.
I have created Visualization using Tableau and Python that answer following question.
Total and Average Sales Analysis for each Genre.
Top 15 Games, Top 15 Publisher and Top 10 Platform Classified by Genre.
Sales Percentage Distribution between different Region for each Genre.
Global Sales distribution over Years.
Total Sales and Number of Games across Platform.
Top 15 Games Categoriezed by Region, Genre, Platform, Top 15 Publisher.
Global Sales Distribution for Top 15 Platform between Genre.
Number of Games and Global Sales of Top 15 Publisher across Genre.
"Video Game Sales.twbx" - this file is Tableau Workbook and can be accessed from my Tableau public profile as well using!/vizhome/VideoGameSales_15914816312660/GenreAnalysis
"video-game-sales-data-analysis.ipynb" - this file contain Kaggle Notebook.
"" - Complete Python Code to Generate all Visualization mentioned in Kaggle Notebook.
"vgsales.csv" - Dataset
"vgsales_region_pivoted.csv" - Same Content as above, just pivoted by Region to make Visualization easy with Tableau.