ls : ls with no option list files and directories in bare format where we won’t be able to view details like file types, size, modified date and time, permission and links etc.
cd : Known as change directory command. It is used to change current working directory.
chkconfig : Used to list all available services and view or update their run level settings.
ed : Used for launching the ed text editor which is a line-based text editor with a minimal interface which makes it less complex for working on text files i.e creating, editing, displaying and manipulating files.
echo : Used to display line of text/string that are passed as an argument.
exec : Used to execute a command from the bash itself.
fc : Used to list, edit or re-execute the commands previously entered into an interactive shell.
find : Used to find files and directories and perform subsequent operations on them.
free : Displays the total amount of free space available along with the amount of memory used and swap memory in the system, and also the buffers used by the kernel.
grep : Searches a file for a particular pattern of characters, and displays all lines that contain that pattern.
gzip : This command compresses files. Each single file is compressed into a single file.
cp : cp is an linux command of category called file system and of Mandatory status used to copy files in the linux.
cat : cat is a category of filesystem and of Mandatory status. It is used to concatinate or print files.
printf :It is a standard bulletin that formats and prints data.
rmdir : remove directory. It is a linux of command category called file system and of Mandatory status.
vi :it is a text processing category of optional status which is used to open the vi text editor.
pwd :In Unix-like and some other operating systems, the pwd command (print working directory) writes the full pathname of the current working directory to the standard output.
tee :In computing, tee is a command in command-line interpreters (shells) using standard streams which reads standard input and writes it to both standard output and one or more files
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