Using an inexpensive rtl-sdr dongle, it's possible to listen for signals from ERT compatible smart meters using rtlamr. This script runs as a daemon, launches rtl_tcp and rtlamr, and parses the output from rtlamr. If this matches your meter, it will push the data into openhab using the REST API.
OpenHAB items, rules, and portion of my sitemap are included
OpenHAB - Tested version 1.8 on Ubuntu 14.04
rtl-sdr installed
Set dongle serial number with rtl-eeprom
install Go programming language & set gopath
sudo apt-get install golang
install rtlamr
go get
install perl packages
sudo apt-get install libwww-mechanize-perl libfile-pid-perl
create log file and set permissions
sudo touch /var/log/amridm2openhab.log
sudo chmod 644 /var/log/amridm2openhab.log
sudo chown root:adm /var/log/amridm2openhab.log
copy perl script into /usr/sbin and set executable
sudo cp amridm2openhab /usr/sbin/amridm2openhab
sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/amridm2openhab
copy initscript into init.d and set executable
sudo cp initscript-amridm2openhab /etc/init.d/amridm2openhab
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/amridm2openhab
set initscript to run on boot and start
update-rc.d amridm2openhab defaults 99
sudo service amridm2openhab start
Optional, watch log file to verify it has started
tail -f /var/log/amridm2openhab.log