A python implementation of extracting clauses from a sentence.
Example of sentences and their clauses.
Sentence | Clauses |
The dog went to the county fair. | ['The dog went to the county fair'] |
He plays cricket but does not play hockey. | ['He plays cricket', 'He does not play hockey'] |
Joe waited for the train, but the train was late. | ['Joe waited for the train', 'the train was late'] |
I can’t believe how fast the dog ran to the county fair. | ["I ca n't believe", 'the dog ran to the county fair'] |
Joe realized that the train was late while he waited at the train station. | ['Joe realized', 'the train was late', 'he waited at the train station'] |
Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station early but waited until noon for the bus. | ['Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station early', 'Mary and Samantha waited until noon for the bus'] |
The project requires Python 3, Nltk and CoreNLP.
We can use other parser like Berkeley parser and compare the results. We can also add more patterns to handle complex sentences.
Note:- This is a little R&D, I was doing on my part, So it's not a full flegded project and works only for simple sentences and can not parse the complex sentence structures.
The MIT License - Copyright (c) 2018 Rahul Kumar Gond