-Python 3.9 -Numpy -Pytorch 1.9.0 -jenkins -jenkinsapi -tqdm
Train Autoencoder and Approximate Reward Predictor (Only Driven Parameters) (New version no longer support)
User could mark the second command in run_train.bat and only run the first one. We provide some simulated data in dataset/data.csv. Trained weight of autoencoder and reward network are store in store/after_reward.pth and store/ae.pth. In the demo, reward is set as "max_hover_time_s".
Run the second command in run_train.bat. As no prior knowledge to know what makes a valid composition of parameters, data to train autoencoder are randomly sampled.
Run the third command in run_train.bat. As no prior knowledge to know what makes a valid composition of parameters, data to train RL are randomly sampled. Information about whether different designs are valid are stored in file full_record.csv, which could be used to get rid of some simulation.
The first command in "run_optim.bat" optimize driven parameters with autoencoder to reduce dimension of search space and approximate reward network to predict reward.
The second command in "run_optim.bat" optimize driven parameters and component instance. Similar as above, autoencoder is used to encode two kinds of parameters into continuous latent space. While jenkins is leverage for simulation.
Run the third command in "run_optim.bat".
Search space of component instance in Demo.
Component | Candidate Instance |
Battery | TurnigyGraphene1000mAh2S75C, TurnigyGraphene1000mAh4S75C, TurnigyGraphene1300mAh4S75C, TurnigyGraphene1200mAh6S75C, TurnigyGraphene1400mAh3S75C, TurnigyGraphene1500mAh3S75C, TurnigyGraphene1600mAh4S75C, TurnigyGraphene2200mAh3S75C |
ESC | ESC_debugging, kde_direct_KDEXF_UAS20LV, kde_direct_KDEXF_UAS55, t_motor_AIR_20A, t_motor_ALPHA_40A, t_motor_AT_40A,t_motor_AT_115A |
Propeller | apc_propellers_6x4EP, apc_propellers_6x6EP, apc_propellers_7x4EP, apc_propellers_7x5EP, apc_propellers_8x8EP |
Motor | t_motor_AS2312KV1400, t_motor_AT2321KV1250, t_motor_MN22041400KV, t_motor_MN4010KV475, t_motor_MT13063100KV |
Component Instance:
Component | Best Instance |
Battery | TurnigyGraphene2200mAh3S75C |
ESC | t_motor_AIR_20A |
Propeller | apc_propellers_6x4EP |
Motor | t_motor_AT2321KV1250 |
Driven Parameters:
Parameter | Value |
ArmLength | 200.047 |
SupportLength | 121.610 |
BatteryOffset_X | -0.087 |
BatteryOffset_z | -0.656 |