Dice::Roller - Roll RPG-style polyhedral dice
use Dice::Roller;
my $dice = Dice::Roller.new("2d6 + 1");
say $dice.total; # 4. Chosen by fair dice roll.
say $dice.total; # 13
Dice::Roller is the second of my forays into learning Raku. The aim is simple - take a "dice string" representing a series of RPG-style dice to be rolled, plus any modifiers, parse it, and get Raku to virtually roll the dice involved and report the total.
It is still under development, but in its present form supports varied dice expressions adding and subtracting fixed modifiers or additional dice, as well as the "keep highest n" notations.
my $dice = Dice::Roller.new('3d6 + 6 + 1d4');
takes a single argument (a dice expression) and returns a Dice::Roller
object representing that collection of dice.
The expression syntax used is the shorthand that is popular in RPG systems; rolls of a group of similar dice are expressed as d, so 3d6 is a set of 3 six-sided dice, numbered 1..6. Additional groups of dice with different face counts can be added and subtracted from the total, as well as fixed integer values.
Preliminary support for some "selectors" is being added, and are appended to the dice identifier; rolling '4d6:kh3' stands for roll 4 d6, then keep the highest 3 dice. Selectors supported are:
:kh - keep the highest n dice from this group.
:kl - keep the lowest n dice from this group.
:dh - drop the highest n dice from this group.
:dl - drop the lowest n dice from this group.
Selectors can be chained together, so rolling '4d6:dh1:dl1' will drop the highest and lowest value dice.
Sets all dice in the expression to new random face values. Returns the Dice::Roller
object for convenience, so you can do:
say $dice.roll.total;
my $persuade-roll = Dice::Roller.new('1d20 -2').roll;
my $persuade-check = $persuade-roll.total;
Evaluates the faces showing on rolled dice including any adjustments and returns an Int
total for the roll.
throws an exception if the string failed to parse.
This behaviour might change in a future release.
You can get the module to spew out a bit of debugging text by setting Dice::Roller::debug = True
. You can also inspect the Match object ini a given roll: say $roll.match.gist
James Clark
Copyright 2016 - 2017 James Clark
Copyright 2024 Raku Community
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.