This is my project, Employee Management System. It is coded in bash script and SQLite is used for storing data,i.e., database. It helps the organisation to manage its employee details. It has features like Add employee detials, Update employee details, View employee details, Delete employee details. It also has features like admin login and logout which helps in keeping the data secure and the data can only be managed by the admin. The data is stored in the Database [SQLite]
Here are some steps that are to be followed.
- Save the scipt in a file with .sh extension
- Open SQLite and create database named "employee.db"
- Now open terminal and use this command "chmod +x filename.sh"
- Then this command "./filename.sh"
- Then the Employee Management System starts working.
- It asks for username and password of the admin. Then provide the following credentials. Username: admin, Password: dbadmin
Thank you.