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Merge pull request #8 from ramanathanlab/develop
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braceal authored Mar 17, 2023
2 parents 3359256 + c64b106 commit a1a2f6a
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Showing 4 changed files with 146 additions and 36 deletions.
42 changes: 31 additions & 11 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -16,39 +16,59 @@ The computational motif implemented by DeepDriveMD to support ML/AI-coupled simu
## Installation

Create a conda environment
conda create -n deepdrivemd python=3.9 -y
conda activate deepdrivemd

To install OpenMM for simulations:
conda install -c conda-forge gcc=12.1.0 -y
conda install -c conda-forge openmm -y

To install `deepdrivemd`:
git clone
cd deepdrivemd
make install

## Usage

The workflow can be tested locally using mock API's for the tasks by running:
python -m deepdrivemd.workflows.openmm_cvae --test -c tests/basic-local/test.yaml
The workflow can be tested on a workstation (a system with a few GPUs) via:
python -m deepdrivemd.workflows.openmm_cvae -c tests/apps-enabled-workstation/test.yaml
This will generate an output directory for the run with logs, results, and task specific output folders.

Each test will write a timestamped run directory to the `runs/` directory specified in `tests/basic-local/test.yaml`.
Each test will write a timestamped experiment output directory to the `runs/` directory.

To clean up the runs (by default these are ignored by git):
rm -r runs/
Inside the output directory, you will find:
$ ls runs/experiment-170323-091525/
inference params.yaml result run-info runtime.log simulation train
- `params.yaml`: the full configuration file (default parameters included)
- `runtime.log`: the workflow log
- `result`: a directory containing JSON files `simulation.json`, `train.json`, `inference.json` which log task results including success or failure, potential error messages, runtime statistics. This can be helpful for debugging application-level failures.
- `simulation`, `train`, `inference`: output directories each containing subdirectories `run-<uuid>` for each submitted task. This is where the output files of your simulations, preprocessed data, model weights, etc will be written by your applications (it corresponds to the application workdir).
- `run-info`: Parsl logs

An example, the simulation run directories may look like:
ls runs/experiment-170323-091525/simulation/run-08843adb-65e1-47f0-b0f8-34821aa45923:
1FME-unfolded.pdb contact_map.npy input.yaml output.yaml rmsd.npy sim.dcd sim.log
- `1FME-unfolded.pdb` the PDB file used to start the simulation
- `contact_map.npy`, `rmsd.npy`: the preprocessed data files which will be input into the train and inference tasks
- `input.yaml`, `output.yaml`: These simply log the task function input and return values, they are helpful for debugging but are not strtictly necessary
- `sim.dcd`: the simulation trajectory file containing all the coordinate frames
- `sim.log`: a simulation log detailing the energy, steps taken, ns/day, etc

By default the `runs/` directory is ignored by git.

**Note**: Mock testing is specified in each of the application scripts `deepdrivemd/applications/*/`.
Production runs can be configured and run analogously. See `examples/bba-folding-workstation/` for a detailed example of folding the [1FME]( protein. **The YAML files document the configuration settings and explain the use case**.

## Contributing
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12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions deepdrivemd/apps/cvae_inference/
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional
from typing import List

from deepdrivemd.api import (
Expand All @@ -11,8 +11,12 @@

class CVAEInferenceInput(BatchSettings):
contact_map_paths: List[Path]
"""A list of contact map .npy files to process."""
rmsd_paths: List[Path]
"""A list of rmsd .npy files to process. The ith rmsd_path and contact_map_path
should correspond to the same simualtion."""
model_weight_path: Path
"""The trained model weights .pt file to use for inference."""

class CVAEInferenceOutput(BaseSettings):
Expand All @@ -23,12 +27,14 @@ class CVAEInferenceOutput(BaseSettings):

class CVAEInferenceSettings(ApplicationSettings):
# Optionally resume training from a checkpoint file
checkpoint_path: Optional[Path] = None
cvae_settings_yaml: Path
"""Path to the CVAE hyperparameters."""
inference_batch_size: int = 128
"""The batch size to use during inference (larger batch size will be faster)."""
sklearn_num_jobs: int = 8
"""The number of cores to use for sklearn LOF method."""
num_outliers: int = 120
"""The number of latent space outliers to consider when picking the minimal RMSD structures."""

# validators
_checkpoint_path = path_validator("checkpoint_path")
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46 changes: 24 additions & 22 deletions examples/bba-folding-workstation/cvae-prod-settings.yaml
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@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
input_shape: [1, 28, 28]
filters: [16, 16, 16, 16]
kernels: [3, 3, 3, 3]
strides: [1, 1, 1, 2]
affine_widths: [128]
affine_dropouts: [0.5]
latent_dim: 3
lambda_rec: 1.0
num_data_workers: 4
prefetch_factor: 2
batch_size: 64
device: cuda
optimizer_name: RMSprop
lr: 0.001
weight_decay: 0.00001
epochs: 20
checkpoint_log_every: 20
plot_log_every: 20
plot_n_samples: 5000
plot_method: raw

# Parameters for a convolutional autoencoder as implemented in the mdlearn package.
# For additional documentation on the input parameters, see here:
input_shape: [1, 28, 28] # Contact matrix shape, in this case the number of residues in BBA.
filters: [16, 16, 16, 16] # The convolution filters to use (should be same number as kernels and strides)
kernels: [3, 3, 3, 3] # The convolution kernels to use
strides: [1, 1, 1, 2] # The convolution strides to use
affine_widths: [128] # The number of neurons in the linear layers (should be same number as affine_dropouts)
affine_dropouts: [0.5] # The dropout to use in the linear layers
latent_dim: 3 # The latent dimension of the autoencoder
lambda_rec: 1.0 # How much to weight the reconstruction loss vs the KL divergence
num_data_workers: 4 # The number of parallel data workers for loading data (performance tuning)
prefetch_factor: 2 # How many batches each data worker should prefetch (performance tuning)
batch_size: 64 # The batch size to use during training
device: cuda # The device to train/infer with (cuda or cpu)
optimizer_name: RMSprop # The optimizer used to train the model
optimizer_hparams: # See the torch documentation for the above optimizer for details:
lr: 0.001 # Learning rate for the optimizer
weight_decay: 0.00001 # Weight decay for the optimizer
epochs: 20 # The number of epochs to train for, smaller systems generally need fewer epochs
checkpoint_log_every: 20 # How often to log a model weight checkpoint file (we only use the last one logged, so set to number of epochs)
plot_log_every: 20 # How often to log a plot of the autoenoder latent space (helpful for debugging the model -- clustering should be visually apparent)
plot_n_samples: 5000 # The number of samples to plot
plot_method: raw # Plot the "raw" latent coordinates in 3D, "PCA" of the embeddings, "TSNE" of the embeddings, etc. See
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions examples/bba-folding-workstation/prod.yaml
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@@ -1,22 +1,104 @@
# This is an example YAML configuration file for running DeepDriveMD on
# a small workstation to fold the 1FME fast folding protein. All the data
# for this workflow is self contained within the repository including
# folded and unfolded structures. This is the best example to debug with
# as you can scale the number of GPUs, simulation length, and other settings
# using this small biomolecular system (28 residues) instead of a larger
# compute-intensive system. This workflow configuration takes approximately 8
# hours to run to convergence on 4 V100 GPUs.

# NOTE: There are more parameters that can be configured than are listed
# here. Please refer to deepdrivemd/ for details.

# NOTE: simulation_settings, train_settings, and inference_settings encapsulate
# specific application parameters suited towards your biomolecular system and
# machine learning training and inference algorithms. This is meant to be
# an illustrative example for best practices for configuring your experiments
# and exposing a convenient YAML interface to the input parameters you would like
# to tune. You may find that this (or a different) specific deep learning model or simulation
# script is suited to multiple problems, but DeepDriveMD is flexible and allows you
# to add your own custom solutions. This workflow is geared towards simulating a system
# from a starting state to some target, given as a PDB file via simulation_settings:rmsd_reference_pdb.
# In this case, we are using it to fold the 1FME protein by minimizing the RMSD to
# the native state. To start your modelling we recomend using the convolutational
# variational autoencoder as configured below as a first step. You may need to adjust
# the inference application if your task can not be cast as an RMSD minimization problem.

# The simulation input directory. Should contain subfolders with PDB
# files (and optional topology files)
simulation_input_dir: data/1fme
# The number of workers to use for all tasks (3 will be used for simulation,
# 1 will be shared between train/infer tasks)
num_workers: 4
# The number of simulations to run between training jobs (all the data produced
# throughout the duration of the workflow is used for training)
simulations_per_train: 6
# The number of simulations to run between inference jobs (inference is fast,
# we want to select outliers as quickly as possible)
simulations_per_inference: 1
# The total number of simulations to run before the workflow stops (1000 is
# essentially infinity and requires manually stopping the workflow once
# convergence is manually confirmed)
num_total_simulations: 1000

# Compute settings can be configured by refering to deepdrivemd/
# The `name` field specifies what type of system to run on and the subsequent
# arguments are conditional on the name field (e.g., a cluster may have different
# configuration than a workstation).
# Specify we want the workstation parsl configuration
name: workstation
# Identify which GPUs to assign tasks to. It's generally recommended to first check
# nvidia-smi to see which GPUs are available. The numbers below are analogous to
# setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3
available_accelerators: ["0", "1", "2", "3"]

# The simulation settings as exposed in deepdrivemd/apps/openmm_simulation
# This application uses OpenMM as a simulation backend and can be changed
# to suit your modelling needs. To see the full list of tunable parameters,
# see deepdrivemd/apps/openmm_simulation/
# The number of nanoseconds to run each simulation for
simulation_length_ns: 10
# How often to write a coordinate frame to a DCD file
report_interval_ps: 10
# The temperature to simulate at
temperature_kelvin: 300
# The reference PDB with which to compute RMSD of each reported frame to
rmsd_reference_pdb: data/1fme/1FME-folded.pdb

# The training settings for the convolutional variational autoencoder (CVAE).
# Full documentation and the paper citation which describes the application of
# the CVAE to contact maps can be found here:
# Here we pass a YAML file containing all the CVAE parameters (documentation included)
# This is just to avoid needing to copy and paste paramaters in both the train_settings and inference_settings
cvae_settings_yaml: examples/bba-folding-workstation/cvae-prod-settings.yaml

# The inference settings. For this workflow, the CVAE is periodically retrained
# on all the reported frames of the simulations. The most recent CVAE model weights
# are always used during inference. The inference application is responsible for analyzing
# the reported simulation frames and selecting a small subset of frames that are
# deemed biologically "interesting" which are then used to restart the subsequent simulations.
# The algorithm employed in this application is as follows:
# 1. Encode all the contact maps into the latent space learned by the CVAE.
# 2. Run the Local Outlier Factor (LOF) on the latent embeddings:
# 3. Take the top `num_outliers` outliers which correspond to the most negative LOF score
# 4. From the top outliers, re-sort them according to their RMSD to simulation_settings:rmsd_reference_pdb
# 5. Repeat this each call to the inference function analyzing more and more data from the simulations
# Following this procedure, each time a simulation finishes, the workflow submits a new simulation
# job using the frame corresponding to the next best outlier with minimal RMSD to the target state.
# As the workflow progresses, the simulations begin to sample conformers that are closer to the target reference state.
# To read the inference application logic, please see: deepdrivemd/apps/cvae_inference
# The same CVAE paratameter file as in train_settings
cvae_settings_yaml: examples/bba-folding-workstation/cvae-prod-settings.yaml
# The number of latent space outliers to consider when picking the minimal RMSD structures
num_outliers: 100

# After reading this example and trying out a few configuration changes, you should
# be able to consider whether your system of interest can be cast as an RMSD
# minimization problem or whether you need to make a small adjust to the inference
# script to change which frames should be preffered during simulation restarts.

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