A non-custodial iOS bitcoin wallet supporting Chaumian CoinJoin.
The main privacy features on the network level:
- Tor-only by default.
- BIP 158 block filters for private light client.
and on the blockchain level:
- Intuitive ZeroLink CoinJoin integration.
- Superb coin selection and labeling.
- Dust attack protections.
special thanks to Wasabi for making this possible
Chaincase is a Xamarin.Forms application built on top of the famed Wasabi Wallet privacy wallet.
It binds to Tor.framework for an anonymous connection to the outside world
This is experimental beta software. Your feedback is greatly appreciated 🗽
make sure to have the Wasabi submodule installed:
git submodule update --init --recursive
pull the Tor binary:
git lfs pull
And install a provisioning profile to make use of the entitlements: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/ios/get-started/installation/device-provisioning/