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ValueRaider edited this page Jul 23, 2023 · 15 revisions


Fetch price data for one ticker from Yahoo and make user-friendly.


yf.Ticker(symbol).history(...) -> pd.DataFrame


Parameter Description Default Valid values
interval: str Limits on intraday data:
1m = max 7 days within last 30 days
60m, 1h = max 730 days
• else up to 90m = max 60 days
'1d' 1m, 2m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 60m, 90m, 1h,
1d, 5d, 1wk, 1mo, 3mo
period: str Range duration. Don't mix with start or end '1mo' 1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo,
1y, 2y, 5y, 10y, ytd, max
start: str,dt,int Range start, inclusive 99 years ago (if period=None) 'YYYY-MM-DD', datetime, or epoch
end: str,dt,int Range end, exclusive now (if period=None) 'YYYY-MM-DD', datetime, or epoch
prepost: bool Include Pre and Post market data in results? False
actions: bool Include Dividends and Stock Splits in results? False
auto_adjust: bool Dividend-adjust all OHLC automatically? True
back_adjust: bool Deprecated False
repair: bool Detect problems in price data and repair. See Wiki page for details False
keepna: bool Keep NaN rows returned by Yahoo? False
proxy: str Optional. Proxy server URL scheme. None
rounding: bool Optional. Round values using Yahoo-suggested precision? False
timeout: float,None Optional. Stop waiting for response after N seconds. 10
raise_errors: bool Raise errors as exceptions instead of printing? False


Pandas DataFrame

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