A cross-platform private song playback service.
Note: The project is still under active development and only provides a web service version. You can deploy it to your server directly or using docker.
Use Example:
create file data/config.cjs
const config = {
// port: '9500', // bind port
// bindIp: '', // bind IP
// httpLog: true, // Whether to enable HTTP request logging
// 'cors.enabled': false, // Whether to enable cross-domain
// 'cors.whitelist': [ // Domain names that are allowed to cross domains. An empty array allows all domain names to cross domains.
// // 'www.xxx.com',
// ],
// 'proxy.enabled': false, // Whether to use a proxy to forward requests to this server
// 'proxy.header': '', // Proxy forwarding request headers, `x-real-ip`
// Local directories that are allowed to be accessed
// This is usually your music directory
// allowPublicDir: ['G:', 'E:\\music'], // windows
// allowPublicDir: ['/music'], // linux
password: '123456a', // Login Password
module.exports = config
docker run --volume=/home/music:/music --volume=/data:/server/data -p 8080:9500 -d test:latest
Available environment variables
Variable Name | Description |
Bind port, Default 9500 |
Bind IP, Default , Use to accept all IPv4 requests, use :: to accept all IP requests |
Proxy forwarding request headers, x-real-ip , If set, it is automatically enabled |
Local directories that are allowed to be accessed, Use , to separate multiple |
Data path, Default ./data |
Login Password |
Config file path, Default ./data/config.js |
Log path, Default ./data/logs |
pnpm i
pnpm run build:web
cd build
mkdir data
# create file `config.cjs`
node index.cjs
This project is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0 with the following additional terms:
- Commercial use is strictly prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained from the original author.
- See the LICENSE file for full details.