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Package jsonapi is simple wrapper for buildin net/http package. It aims to let developers build json-based web api easier.


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Package jsonapi is simple wrapper for buildin net/http package. It aims to let developers build json-based web api easier.

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Notable changes before v1


There're 2 breaking changes:

  • logging middleware is removed.
  • session middleware is removed.

And 3 tools are deprecated:

  • apitool.Client
  • apitool.Call
  • apitool.ParseResponse

Deprecated components will be removed at v0.3.0


Create an api handler is so easy:

// HelloArgs is data structure for arguments passed by POST body.
type HelloArgs struct {
        Name string
        Title string

// HelloReply defines data structure this api will return.
type HelloReply struct {
        Message string

// HelloHandler greets user with hello
func HelloHandler(q jsonapi.Request) (res interface{}, err error) {
        // Read json objct from request.
        var args HelloArgs
        if err = q.Decode(&args); err != nil {
                // The arguments are not passed in JSON format, returns http
                // status 400 with {"errors": [{"detail": "invalid param"}]}
                err = jsonapi.E400.SetOrigin(err).SetData("invalid param")

        res = HelloReply{fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s %s", args,Title, args.Name)}

And this is how we do in main function:

// Suggested usage
apis := []jsonapi.API{
    {"/api/hello", HelloHandler},
jsonapi.Register(http.DefaultMux, apis)

// old-school
http.Handle("/api/hello", jsonapi.Handler(HelloHandler))

Generated response is a subset of jsonapi specs. Refer to handler_test.go for examples.

Call API with Go

var result MyResult
param := MyParam { ... }
err := callapi.EP(http.MethodPost, uri).Call(ctx, param, &result)
var (
    eClient callapi.EClient
    eFormat callapi.EFormat
if err != nil {
    switch {
    case errors.As(err, &eClient):
        log.Fatal("failed to send request:", err)
    case errors.As(err, &eFormat):
        log.Fatal("failed to parse response:", err)
        log.Fatal("API returns error:", err)

Call API with TypeScript

There's a fetch.ts providing grab<T>() as simple wrapping around fetch(). With following Go code:

type MyStruct struct {
    X int  `json:"x"`
    Y bool `json:"y"`

func MyAPI(q jsonapi.Request) (ret interface{}, err error) {
    return []MyStruct{
	    {X: 1, Y: true},
		{X: 2},
	}, nil

function main() {
    apis := []jsonapi.API{
	    {"/my-api", MyAPI},
	jsonapi.Register(http.DefaultMux, apis)
	http.ListenAndServe(":80", nil)

You might write TypeScript code like this:

export interface MyStruct {
  x?: number;
  y?: boolean;

export function getMyApi(): Promise<MyStruct[]> {
  return grab<MyStruct[]>('/my-api');

export function postMyApi(): Promise<MyStruct[]> {
  return grab<MyStruct[]>('/my-api', {
    method: 'POST',
	headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
	body: JSON.stringify('my data')


func runtimeLog(h jsonapi.Handler) jsonapi.Handler {
    return func(r jsonapi.Request) (data interface{}, err error) {
        log.Printf("entering path %s", r.R().URL.Path)
        begin := time.Now().Unix()
        data, err = h(r)
        log.Printf("processed path %s in %d seconds", r.R().URL.Path, time.Now().Unix()-begin)

func main() {
    jsonapi.With(runtimeLog).Register(http.DefaultMux, myapis)
    http.ListenAndServe(":80", nil)

There're few pre-defined middlewares in package apitool, see godoc.


Mozilla Public License Version 2.0

Copyright 2019- Ronmi Ren [email protected]


Package jsonapi is simple wrapper for buildin net/http package. It aims to let developers build json-based web api easier.







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