Django ISO Manager is a repository replication manager written in Python using the Django Framework.
This Django App manages an ISO repository for Operation Systems (OS) images like Windows or Linux.
Clone repository
$ git clone
Change into the project's directory
$ cd django_iso_manager/
Install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Make migrations
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
Create admin user
$ python createsuperuser
Run the app
$ python runserver
Go to and enter credentials you created earlier with createsuperuser
At this stage, it is possible to scan a folder with ISO images (ISOMANAGER > Auto-Update Targets > Add Auto-Update Target). This works better if all the images are already registered in the catalog (see [below](#Example json data for importing an ISO) for its format). Alternative, you can add individual ISO images in ISOMANAGER > Managed Items > Add Managed Item). In that case, you will have to create a Catalog Item for the ISO (Library Item -> '+').
- Admin management console (django admin)
- Scan repository folder and auto-add ISOs
- Import ISO images into a catalog using json
- Export ISO catalog data in various formats (json, yaml, csv, html, xlsx, etc.)
- Verify SHA256 checksums of the existing images in the datastore
- Select how often to update the catalog data from datastore
- Add ISO with custom name
- Filter Catalog items by OS version, version scheme, name, architecture, language
- Filter Managed images by OS version, version scheme, name, architecture, language
- Select which ISOs are to be managed by the app (managed items)
- Attach update rules for ISOs for managed items (LTS, Major ver, Minor ver)
- Select priority for updating catalogs of ISOs
- Select download options: bittorrent download, remote library download(nfs, smb s3), remote share storage driver(nfs, smb, s3)
- Download all latest images from specific os family (or other conditions)
- Verify SHA256 checksum after download
- Select whether to keep or delete old version of an ISO after update
- Records of downloads (download_list) and deleted items (delete_list)
- Custom folder structure (default structure will require the standard Family/OS - Flavor/os.vanilla-1.0.1.iso)
"os_edition_name":"Ubuntu Server",
"os_edition_description":"Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa) Live Server amd64",
"contributors":"John Doe, [email protected]",
"release_date":"2021-11-16 15:06:29",
"description":"ubuntu iso item",
"keywords":"linux, ubuntu, calver",
"last_update":"2021-11-16 15:06:47",
"download_urls":"{'k': 'v'}"