This repo is mainly created to help each other in contributing test cases for DSA Lab.Everyone is welcome to contribute to this repo.We requested many times to the PD Lab team to provide us with more test cases but they didn't provide us with the test cases.So we decided to create our own test cases and help each other in the process. Anyone having potential edge case or find any bug or typo in this repo can keep a PR .We are happy to merge it.
- Fork the repository.
- Set up locally make your changes
- And push your changes to your forked repository.
- Create a pull request to the main repository from Git Hub.
- If anyone has any idea enhancing this repo feel free to open an issue.
- If you find any bug or typo in this repo feel free to open an issue.
- Please dont spam in the repo.
- Please dont create a PR for silly test cases or wrong test cases.First think about the test case properly before keeping a PR.
- Opening an issue.
- Improving the repo.
- Solving specific issues.
- Enhancing documentation.
- Adding new test cases.
- Fix bugs in the old test cases.