An easy way to organize programming lectures.
- Easy set up using Docker Compose
- Secure execution and automated testing of homework code
- Currently supported: Python, R
- Easily extendible
- Code execution feedback for debugging purposes
- Optional grading status
- Structuring of lectures into lessons and exercises
- Multiple parallel lectures supported
- Addable lecture and lessons file attachments
- Two different user models (Student/ Extern) vs. 1 User with two roles
- better secret management using python-decuple
- Improved Dashboard (change info, deregister)
- Statistics
- Messages
- Quizzes
- Improved Error Output
- Cleaner runner system
- Shibboleth Support
- Backup system
- Ability to link images stored in static files
- Update scores using a Exercise-Student model and post_save hooks on Submissions
- Add 1-to-Many relationship to Lectures that limit objects seen in Admin panel
- Fix permissions for ListViews
- Fix overwriting issue with two lesson resources with same name