Distill extracts files from compressed archives.
- Extract files from
archives. - Different uncompression methods under the hood: PHP extensions and command line binaries.
- Strategy to choose the right file in case there are more than one available format. Strategies can be based on minimizing bandwidth or optimizing uncompression speed.
The recommended way to install Distill is through Composer. Just
create a composer.json
file for your project:
"require": {
"raulfraile/distill": "*"
To actually install Distill in your project, download the composer binary and run it:
wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
# or
curl -O http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
php composer.phar install
use Distill\Distill;
use Distill\File;
use Distill\Format\Zip;
$extractor = new Distill();
$file = new File(__DIR__ . '/../tests/files/file_ok.zip', new Zip());
$extractor->extract($file, __DIR__ . '/extract');
unix command and7z
unix command.cab
unix command.gz
unix command and7z
unix command.phar
unix command,7z
unix command, andrar
unix command,7z
unix command,Archive_Tar
package andPHAR
unix command,Archive_Tar
package andPHAR
unix command,Archive_Tar
package andPHAR
unix command.7z
unix command.xz
unix command and7z
unix command.zip
unix command,7z
unix command andzip
Distill allows to choose one format in case there are many available. For example, it can be useful for installers that want to reduce the bandwidth usage trying to choose compression formats with higher compression ratio and available in the client machine.
The library provides two strategies (more can be added):
- Minimum size (default): Choose files with higher compression ratio.
- Uncompression speed: Choose files which are faster to uncompress.
use Distill\Distill;
$extractor = new Distill();
$preferredFile = $extractor->getPreferredFile();
echo $preferredFile->getPath(); // test.tar.xz
use Distill\Distill;
use Distill\Strategy\UncompressionSpeed;
$strategy = new UncompressionSpeed();
$extractor = new Distill(null, $strategy);
$preferredFile = $extractor->getPreferredFile();
echo $preferredFile->getPath(); // test.tar.gz
If you are looking for a command line tool to extract compressed files check out distill-cli, which uses this library:
$ distill-cli extract archive.tar.gz path/
- Raul Fraile (@raulfraile)
- All contributors
Distill is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.