On October 8, 2018, I started the challenge of 100 Days Of Code challenge. During the course of this challenge, I pledge to code for 100 days. The problems will be selected from HackerRank and LeetCode. The code will be pushed iff all the test cases are successful.
I expect this challenge to be a wonderful experience. For any suggestions, feel free to mail me at [email protected]
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using Python. The problems are based on arrays.
- The first problem is related to the maximum of the hourglass sum. Refer to Day1/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the hourglass sum.
- The second problem is related to array manipulation. It returns the maximum value from an array after overlapping and adding the contents of it. Refer to Day1/Problem 2.pdf for a detailed explanation.
Solved 3 coding problems from HackerRank using Python. The problems are based on different topics.
- The first problem is related to the time complexity of prime number verification. Refer to Day2/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The second problem is related to Regular Expressions. It should return the sorted list of the names if the email domain of the person is gmail.com. Refer to Day2/Problem 2.pdf for a detailed explanation.
- The third problem is related to the removal of duplicate values from the Linked List. Refer to Day2/Problem 3.pdf for a detailed explanation.
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using Java. The problems are based on different topics.
- The first problem is related to RegEx to remove the repeated words from a sentence. Refer to Day3/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The second problem is related to the XOR calculation. It should return the number of terms which are greater than the later number and XOR calculated value. Refer to Day3/Problem 2.pdf for a detailed explanation.
Solved 1 coding problem from HackerRank using Python. The problems are based on arrays.
- The problem is related to the sorting of an array to count the number of Fraudulent notifications. It was a challenging one. Refer to Day4/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using Python and C++. The problems are based on arrays.
- The problem is related to Anagrams which deals with finding all the possible substrings within a string which can form an anagram. Refer to Day5/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to Bribe in which we have to consider if the bribe giving is possible or chaotic. Refer to Day5/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information. (PS: I don't support bribes :p)
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using Python. The problems are based searching algorithms.
- The problem is related to the minimum change of sum require to form a magic square (diagonal, row and column sum of a matrix is the same). Refer to Day6/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to the options to test the ice cream flavors having certain constraints. Refer to Day6/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using Python. The problems are based on different topics.
- The problem is related to the Lexicographical order to find the next highest word in the dictionary. Refer to Day7/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to finding a subset of an array whose sum is not a multiple of a given number. Refer to Day7/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using C++. The problems are based on hashmaps and dictionaries.
- The problem is related to the number of triplets of GP from an array. Refer to Day8/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find if any string contains a substring of the other. Refer to Day8/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using Python. The problems are based on string manipulation.
- The problem is related to a special palindrome configuration. Refer to Day9/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem. \
- The problem is related to find the number of characters we need to delete to make two strings anagram. Refer to Day9/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using Python. The problems are based on Searching.
- The problem is related to time production and efficient costs. Refer to Day10/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find the maximum sub-array sum. Refer to Day10/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information. \
Solved 3 coding problems from HackerRank using Python.
- The problem is related to counting the valleys formed by the letters. Refer to Day11/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is jumping on the clouds. Basically, it is a safe move algorithm to reach the goal from the starting point without getting stuck. Refer to Day11/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
- The problem is related to find if a number is prime or not under the given time bound complexity. Refer to Day11/Problem 3.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using Python.
- The problem is related to the difference in two timestamps. Refer to Day12/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to the iterators and iterables. Refer to Day12/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to the conversion of a string to an integer under special circumstances. Refer to Day13/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to the flipping of arrays by random number. Refer to Day13/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 3 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to finding the minimum difference between different times available in the array. Refer to Day14/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to removing the duplicate contents from the list. Refer to Day14/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
- The problem is related to check if a number is good or not. A number is termed as good if the rotation of a number by 180 degrees produces a valid number. Some of them are 1,2,5,6,8,9,0. Only 3,4 and 7 are bad numbers. Refer to Day14/Problem 3.pdf for a detailed explanation.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the target sum of the quadruples. Refer to Day15/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to the longest common prefix. Refer to Day15/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the largest common subsequence. Refer to Day16/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to the number of characters that need to be removed to match the string. Refer to Day16/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the sum of a range from a 2-d array. Refer to Day17/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to finding a new sub-array using the defined conditions. Refer to Day17/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find an exclusive range of logs between the given time range. Refer to Day18/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find the minimum sum for traversing from top left to bottom right of a 2-d array. Refer to Day18/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to printing the zig-zag pattern of an array. Refer to Day19/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to place the adjacent numbers together. Refer to Day19/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 3 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to the multiplication of two strings. Refer to Day20/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to the valid position movement of a robot in a 2-d matrix. Refer to Day20/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
- The problem is related to the card game 21. Refer to Day20/Problem 3.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using Python.
- The problem is related to the Huffman Encoding. Refer to Day21/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to the conversion of a string of ASCII characters to a string of characters. Refer to Day21/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to the swapping of an adjacent element in Linked List. Refer to Day22/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find the maximum profit from a share market problem. Refer to Day22/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to finding the minimum depth of a binary tree. Refer to Day23/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find the different possibilities of the status of a combination of switches. Refer to Day23/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the container with most water. Refer to Day24/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find the median of two arrays. Refer to Day24/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to convert an integer into its equivalent Roman numeral. Refer to Day25/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to distribute the array into two sets of unlike elements. Refer to Day25/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the possible characters while typing on a mobile phone. Refer to Day26/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to finding the length of the longest consecutive element sequence. Refer to Day26/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python and C++.
- The problem is related to find the sum of the numbers in two linked list. Refer to Day27/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find a valid triangle pair. Refer to Day27/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the pair of 4 numbers of a particular sum. Refer to Day28/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find the minimum sum of a falling path through A. Refer to Day28/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Java.
- The problem is related to calculate the number of nodes in a complete binary tree. Refer to Day29/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to the smoothening of an image. Refer to Day29/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to finding the longest palindrome in a string. Refer to Day30/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to some operations of partitioning of a string. Refer to Day30/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to printing some elements in a fashionable way. Refer to Day31/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to search in a rotated sorted array. Refer to Day31/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to remove the duplicates in-place such that each element appears only once and return the new length. Refer to Day32/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to insert a new interval into the intervals. Refer to Day32/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to finding the number of decoded ways of a string. Refer to Day33/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to finding the surrounded regions. Refer to Day33/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from GeeksForGeeks using Python.
- The problem is related to finding the maximum profit by buying and selling a share at most twice. Refer to Day34/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to finding the Longest Common Substring. Refer to Day34/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to finding the pairs which make the sum equal to 0. Refer to Day35/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to check if the binary tree is symmetric around the root. Refer to Day35/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to count the number of distinct, non-empty subsequences of S. Refer to Day36/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find the longest palindromic subsequence. Refer to Day36/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the length of the longest increasing subsequence. Refer to Day37/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to check if it can be constructed by taking a substring of it and appending multiple copies of the substring together. Refer to Day37/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to convert the sorted array into a binary search tree. Refer to Day38/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find the degree of an array. Refer to Day38/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to reshaping a matrix. Refer to Day39/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to check if two binary trees are same. Refer to Day39/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to searching a word in the grid. Refer to Day40/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to returning the maximum product after breaking it into the sum of at least two positive integers. Refer to Day40/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to finding the subsets of all the array. Refer to Day41/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to shifting the letters by a particular fashion. Refer to Day41/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to finding the possible permutations of a list. Refer to Day42/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to finding the minimum deletions required to sort an array. Refer to Day43/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to finding the biggest plus sign in the given pattern. Refer to Day43/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to designing a data structure which will perform specific solutions. Refer to Day44/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node. Refer to Day45/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to finding the total hamming distance. Refer to Day46/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to partitioning the array into equal k sets. Refer to Day46/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from HackerRank using Python.
- The problem is related to finding all the possible triplets. Refer to Day47/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to cloning a graph. Refer to Day48/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to returning the triplets under certain condition. Refer to Day49/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to computing the h-index of the researcher. Refer to Day49/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to returning the quotient when dividend and divisor are given. Refer to Day50/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to returning the maximum points accumulated after playing the number of tokens game. Refer to Day51/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to returning the least number of moves to make every value in A unique. Refer to Day52/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or not in the array. Refer to Day53/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the new array by modifying it with the underlying constraints. Refer to Day53/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the product of an array except for self. Refer to Day55/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find the maximum value of length where the two words do not share common letters. Refer to Day55/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to counting the number of times that the ball will move out of the grid. Refer to Day56/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find if the cards can be rearranged into a group of consecutive numbers. Refer to Day56/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the self-dividing numbers. Refer to Day57/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to count the number of requests given a particular input. Refer to Day57/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the complement of the number. Refer to Day58/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to find the largest palindrome product. Refer to Day58/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the words that can be typed using letters of the alphabet on only one rows of American keyboard. Refer to Day59/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is related to fetch the index of the largest string. Refer to Day59/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 3 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the pivot index of an array. Refer to Day60/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return an array consisting of all the even elements of A, followed by all the odd elements of A. Refer to Day60/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
- The problem is related to return the return the element which occurs only once in an array. Refer to Day60/Problem 3.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the middle name pivot index of an array. Refer to Day61/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return the largest 24 hour time that can be made. Refer to Day61/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode and GfG using Python.
- The problem is related to making two strings anagrams. Refer to Day62/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return a fair candy swap probability. Refer to Day62/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the maximum area of an island in the given 2D array. Refer to Day63/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return the preorder traversal of a tree. Refer to Day63/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the least number of perfect square numbers. Refer to Day64/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to find the area of rectangles. Refer to Day64/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the permutation of DI String case. Refer to Day65/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to verify the lexicographical order from the alien dictionary. Refer to Day65/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the grey code. Refer to Day66/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return the ordering of courses you should take to finish all courses. Refer to Day66/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the difference between two strings. Refer to Day67/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to print the first bad version. Refer to Day67/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the number which is present only once. Refer to Day68/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to check if it is a perfect number. Refer to Day68/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to the rotated array by k-factor. Refer to Day69/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return a list of uniques permutations of an array. Refer to Day69/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the array by increasing the value of resultant array by 1. Refer to Day70/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to check the completeness of a binary tree. Refer to Day71/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the largest number that can be generated using the combination of an array. Refer to Day72/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the maximum depth of a binary tree. Refer to Day73/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses. Refer to Day74/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to find all the possible combinations of an array which produces a particular sum. Refer to Day74/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from HackerRank using Python.
- The problem is related to return the number of distinct triplets that can be formed from the given arrays. Refer to Day75/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to find the longest palindromic subsequence's length. Refer to Day75/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the value of the BST node whose value is equal to the value of the root node. Refer to Day76/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to move all 0's to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements. Refer to Day76/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to find the duplicate number in the array. Refer to Day77/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from HackerRank using Python.
- The problem is related to count the number of distinct, non-empty subsequences of a string. Refer to Day78/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the base 7 representation of a number. Refer to Day79/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the maximum length of a subarray that appears in both arrays. Refer to Day80/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the element repeated N times. Refer to Day81/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to count the number of non-empty (contiguous) substrings that have the same number of 0's and 1's, and all the 0's and all the 1's in these substrings are grouped consecutively. Refer to Day81/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return True if num is a perfect square else False. Refer to Day82/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return the sum given a particular fashion. Refer to Day82/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to count the distinct ways to climb to the top. Refer to Day83/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode and Geeks for Geeks using Python.
- The problem is related to return the least number of moves to make every value in an array unique. Refer to Day84/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return the number of characters to be removed from a string to make it an anagram. Refer to Day84/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the number of ways in which the candy bars can be exchanged. Refer to Day85/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to rotating a list to right by k places. Refer to Day86/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to produce a valid string for number plates of the vehicles following a specific rule. Refer to Day87/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return the number of '1's in the first N number in the magical string S. Refer to Day88/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return the length L and the width W of the web page you designed in sequence. Refer to Day88/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is to find the number of ways in which a symbol can be assigned to make the sum equal to the target. Refer to Day89/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to find the longest uncommon sequence in two strings. Refer to Day89/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to maximize the number of content children in a cookie game. Refer to Day90/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to count the number of prime numbers less than n. Refer to Day91/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is to find the reverse of a 32-bit number. Refer to Day92/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return the number of 1's bit in the number. Refer to Day92/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is related to return a list such that, for each day in the input, tells you how many days you would have to wait until a warmer temperature. Refer to Day93/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is to reverse a linked list from position m to n. Refer to Day94/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to find the number of unique paths for a robot. Refer to Day94/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 1 coding problem from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is to find the longest string in the dictionary that can be formed by deleting some characters of the given string. Refer to Day95/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is to find the factorial of a number. Refer to Day96/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to count the number of segments in a string. Refer to Day96/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is to return a list of uncommon words. Refer to Day97/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to find the number of boomerangs. Refer to Day97/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is to print an element which doesn't appear in the order. Refer to Day98/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to print the second minimum element in the binary tree. Refer to Day98/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is to return a list of all the possible combinations a string could return in alphanumeric form. Refer to Day99/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return the minimum length word from a dictionary, which has all the letters from the string "licensePlate". Refer to Day99/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
Solved 2 coding problems from LeetCode using Python.
- The problem is to find the length of the longest fibonacci-like subsequence of an array. Refer to Day100/Problem 1.pdf for more information regarding the problem.
- The problem is to return the third largets numebr in the array. Refer to Day100/Problem 2.pdf for detailed information.
This concludes my #100DaysOfCode Challenge.