Tags: rayvburn/humap_local_planner
Comparative experiments of a HUMAP planner This is an automatic tag of a HUMAP planner version used during the simulation experiments.
Comparative experiments of a HUMAP planner This is an automatic tag created just after the real-world experiments. It is highly probable that this version, used during the comparative experiments with a HUMAP planner, was also employed for simulation experiments.
Baseline version of the planner before tuning for experiments
initial setup for planning (trajectory generation and scoring) prepar… …ed, still struggling with some edge cases
[melodic] CMakeLists - bumped minimum_required cmake version, added c… …pp17 definitions (Ubuntu > 16 only)
[melodic] CMakeLists - bumped minimum_required cmake version, added c… …pp17 definitions (Ubuntu > 16 only)
Unit tests: SocialConductor class output vector tested