Local containerized environment for development using Docker, Airflow and Spark.
- General Info
- Useful Articles
- Technologies Used
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Contact
- This project aims to provide a quick and easy way to provision a local development environment with Airflow and Spark for data enthusiasts.
- Here we use as a base the docker-compose.yaml available on the Airflow website. We extend the image to install our requirements and modify the services in docker-compose.yaml according to our needs.
- Running Airflow in Docker
- Building the Airflow image
- Docker Image for Apache Airflow
- Airflow Architecture Overview
- Apache Spark packaged by Bitnami
- Tech 1 - Docker/Docker compose
- Tech 2 - Airflow 2.3.4 - Docker image
- Tech 3 - Spark latest - Docker image
git clone [email protected]:razevedo1994/airflow_and_spark_docker_environment.git
mkdir -p ./logs ./plugins
echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
chmod +x ./build_environment.sh ./reset_environment.sh
- To access Spark Master UI:
Attention: If you want to clean up your environment run ./reset_environment.sh
. But be careful, this command will delete all your images and containers.
Project is: in progress
Created by Rodrigo Azevedo - feel free to contact me!