Forward ports behind router/firewall through Firebase.
BEWARE: this is not secure at all!!!
Sample usecase: connect to VNC server behind router
VNC client <---> Fireport server <---> Firebase <---> Fireport client <---> VNC server
- Run VNC server on machine 1
- Run Fireport client on machine 1: java -jar fireport.jar vnc-test client 5900
- Run Fireport server on machine 2: java -jar fireport.jar vnc-test server 5900
- Run VNC client on machine 2 and connect to localhost
- Enjoy!
Build instructions:
- download and install java
- download and install maven
- clone the repository
- compile and generate jar: mvn clean compile assembly:single
- run the jar: java -jar target/fireport-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar