Data and code for Central Georgia black bear population viability analysis (PVA). The PVA involved forecasting with a female-based population model fit to spatial capture-recapture data.
Hooker, M.J., R.B. Chandler, B.T. Bond, and M.J. Chamberlain. In press. Assessing population viability of black bears using spatial capture-recapture models. Journal of Wildlife Management.
- Compressed R data file with the encounter histories, trap coordinates, and trap operational status information.
- GeoTiff spatial layer defining the state space.
- Compute summary statistics and create maps of the detection locations, referenced by year, for each bear.
Fit the model with the lowest WAIC score. The other models were run on the UGA cluster. That code is not included here.
Warning It takes about a day to run this script.
Forecast with the fitted model. Depends on the
function in R/forecast_fn.R -
Warning It takes about a day to run this script.
- Function for forecasting population dynamics.
- Assess sensitivity of results to specification of the state space.
- The most supported model.
- TeX file with supporting information accompanying the paper.