Data, code, and other files associated with the manuscript "Modeling abundance, distribution, movement, and space use with camera and telemetry data" hopefully to appear in Ecology as part of the special issue on joint spatial capture-recapture movement models.
camera_telemetry.tex Manuscript
ecology.bst Bibliography style file for Ecology
mybib.bib BibTeX bibliography
R/ Directory with R scripts, shell scripts, and data
- deer_scr_telem.RData Compressed R data file with deer camera and telemetry data used in the analysis
- cluster Directory with R scripts and shell files for execution on the GACRC cluster
- Shell script to run
on the GACRC cluster - scr_DA.R R script to fit basic SCR model without movement
- Additional shell and R scripts are similar to the two above, but for the models with movement
- Shell script to run
- R/sims Directory with R scripts and shell files for running the simulation study
figs/ Directory with figures used in the manuscript
scrmove/ R package with MCMC samplers
supp/ Directory with supplemental information