Transposing allows you to play music meant for another instrument. It's a very useful skill to learn as you are often put in situations in which you want to play a song in another key or semitone. However, transposing is also very tedious and can take hours to manually do (sometimes taking hours). Though a few transposing solutions do exist, they require you to manually input each note, making the process very slow. Thus, we created NoteShift to automatically transpose music for anyone who has access to a computer or smartphone. We hope that our software will make the lives of all musicians easier.
Our app will allow the user to submit music through our website and indicate which key the music is in and which key they want to transpose to. Based on the user's input, NoteShift automatically transposes the music and uploads a downloadable PDF of the new music. The user will also have an option to hear the original song and the transposed song.
- Document scanning and reformatting
- Reading .jpg and .pdf music data
- A user-friendly web based UI
- Transposition from a desired intrument key to another
- Displaying trasposed music to a downloadable .pdf file
Built for HopHacks Fall 2019 at the Johns Hopkins University
- Winner of First Place Overall