The file
generates a reference trajectory for the end effector from it's initial configuration to the standoff configuration after placing the cube at it's goal position.
It consists of two functions: TrajectoryGenerator
which generates the reference trajectory in 8 segments, indicated in the docstring at the beginning of the file, and a function populate_configuration_list
is used to format the robot configuration to write it correctly to the csv file.
The file
simulates the kinematics of the YouBot.
It consists of three functions: odometry
which calculates the new chassis configuration using odometry equations, limit_speeds
which clips the robot wheels and manipulator joint speeds within the specified limits, NextState
which takes in the current configuration of the robot and outputs the next configuration after time dt.
The file
is used to perform feedback control of the mobile manipulator.
It consists of two functions: BaseandArmSpeeds
which computes the wheel and joint speeds from the end effector twist, FeedbackControl
which performs feedforward and PI control to output the commanded end effector twist
There are three different files based on the specified task.
The file
runs the program with the best tuned Kp and Ki values.
The file
runs the program with the overshoot Kp and Ki values.
The file
runs the program with the newTask Kp and Ki values.
All these file consist of a main
function which simulates the entire task and returns a list of the robot configurations and the error variation over time. The function plot_error
plots the 6 vector error using matplotlib. The robot configurations are saved in a csv file using np.savetxt
All the robot parameters are defined in a file
. The timestep for all simulations dt
is 0.01