This kit includes Browsersync, gulp-sass (with bourbon and neat mixins), live-reload (with css injection), local server, image resizing, sassdoc, and sourcemaps. Source organization scaffolding for SASS is also included and modeled after Sass guidelines.
You'll need the following to get this to work:
- Node
- Gulp
- ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick (dependencies for gulp-image-resize)
imagemagick, graphicsmagick, and node (w/NPM) can be installed with homebrew using
brew install imagemagick
,brew install graphicsmagick
, andbrew install node
cd directory/of/your/choice
git clone && cd gulp-starter && npm install && gulp
- Your default browser should open to
. Openlocalhost:3001
in a new tab for Browser-sync awesomeness. Your terminal will also provide an external link you can use for other devices on the same network.
- JavaScript
- Put JavaScript files in
. - Gulp will build both a main.js (unminified and unuglified) and main.min.js (minified, uglified) in the
directory. - jQuery CDN is currently included above
- Put JavaScript files in
- The latest version of Bourbon and Neat are included with the clone and do not require additional installation.
- Bourbon documentation (Mixin library)
- Neat documentation (Mixin library for layout built on top of Bourbon)
- Sassdoc sass documentation generator
- There are 16 open-source Google fonts in
that have be renamed according to a naming convention for easier use of@font-face
. You can change these fonts easily inscss/_variablesscss
by changing the multiple$font:''
variables. - Acceptable values include the following:
- There are 16 open-source Google fonts in
- Documentation is automatically generated for all sass mixins and functions in
. For information on annotation conventions, check out the sassdocs website.
- Documentation is automatically generated for all sass mixins and functions in
- Images added to
will be automatically resized to widths of 1200px, 600px, 300px and moved toimages/
, andimages/thumbs
- Images added to
NOTE: Errors in sass or js syntax do not break the server, livereload, etc. Be sure to check your console for errors.