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Jichao Ouyang edited this page Feb 25, 2017 · 8 revisions


connect:: (Stream -> {sink$: Stream, actions: Map String Function}) -> ReactClass -> ReactClass
connect:: (Stream -> Object -> {sink$: Stream, actions: Map String Function}) -> ReactClass -> ReactClass
connect(dataFlow[, options])

connect mean to connect some behavior to a React Component, you can think it as a HOC wrapper or decorator,

return ReactClass -> ReactClass

it return a function map a React Class to a new React Class, with all behavior define in dataFlow

import {connect} from 'react-most'

class TodoItem extends React.Component {
export default connect(function(intent$){
 let sink$ = intent$.filter(...).map(....)
 return {sink$}

parameter dataFlow Stream -> Object -> {sink$: Stream, actions: {name: Function}}

data flow is user define flow or behavior for intent stream, must return a object contains actions or sinks

let RxCounter = connect(function(intent$){
  let addSink$ = intent$.filter(x=>x.type=='add').map(({increment})=>state=>({value: state.value+increment}))
  return {
    add: increment=>({type: 'add', increment}),   // <-- define a action, Counter can trigger a action by invoke props.actions.add()
    addSink$, // <-- define a behavior when someone intent to trigger a "add" action

a sink$ must be a state transform stream, in this case it's Stream contains state=>({value: state.value+increment})

you can get current props from state transformer as well

(state, props)=>({value: state.value+props.increment})


  • parameter intent$ will be given by Most Provider
  • parameter initProps is the prop at the time component is created, this maybe different from props parameter in transformer function, which is the props when the transformer function is called.

parameter: options

options that you can give to the connect function:

  1. history


Most provider provide a intent$ stream container, all component inside the provider will share the same intent$ stream.

import Most from 'react-most'
  <Counter />

History and Time travel [experimental]

connect(intent$=>[awesome flow], {history:true})(App)


<App history={true}>

once you connect history to App, you have two extract methods from props

  1. props.history.backward
  2. props.history.forward

Reactive engine [experimental]

if you are Rx user, optionally you can pass a engine props into Most.

import Most from 'react-most'
<Most engine={function rxify() {
  let addToIntentStream = subject.onNext;
  let intentStream = new Rx.Subject();

  function flatObserve(intentSinks, f){
    return Rx.Observable.from(intentSinks).mergeAll().observe(f);
  return {intentStream, addToIntentStream, flatObserve}
  <Counter />

other reactive lib user can easily proivde you favor engine by simply provide these 3 things:

  1. intentStream: a Steam contains intents
  2. historyStream: a Stream contains history
  3. flatObserve(sinks,func): flat Stream of Stream sinks, and observe with func.