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Source code for the 'Danube Delta' tour guide app.

Setting up the project

This is a PhoneGapped, single page, static webapp. All dependencies are handled through npm, and the build process is managed by gulp.

To set up the project, install gulp and the project dependencies:

$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install

Setting up Phonegap

To run phonegap related tasks, you'll also need to install phonegap. The android wrapper has been modified to include the Crosswalk runtime. Before using the Android platform in any way, you should run

Installation steps summed up:

$ npm install -g phonegap cordova
$ ./mobile/

After this, you can just cd mobile and use phonegap and cordova commands freely from there.

Available build workflow commands

Minimal build

$ gulp
$ # or
$ gulp build

This will compile a minimal working version (not production-ready) of the project into the ./.tmp folder. No minification or optimization, this task should always do the least possible amount of work to get to something that works.

Production-ready build

$ gulp build:dist

This will compile a production-ready minified and optimized build into the `./dist' folder.

Android OBB build

This will do build:dist, then take the maps out of the assets folder and put it into an OBB file for upload to Google Play. Afterwards, we move ./dist over ./.tmp so that it can be picked up by cordova (which has its www folder symlinked to ./.tmp)

$ gulp build:dist:android

This will run gulp build as a prerequisite and then proceed to perform a number of additional transformations (uglify, csso, html-minify, etc), outputting into the ./dist folder.


$ gulp clean
$ # or
$ gulp clean:dist

This will delete the ./.tmp or ./dist folders respectively.

Serving the results

$ gulp serve
$ # or
$ gulp serve:dist

This will start a browserSync server with either the ./.tmp or ./dist directory as the source. browserSync will synchronize scroll events, form actions, and more.

Developing for the web

$ gulp watch

This will run the build task, then a gulp serve server on top of it that will automatically refresh when you change anything relevant in ./app.

Developing with phonegap

$ gulp watch:gap

This will run the build task, and then start a phonegap serve server that you can connect to from your mobile devices by using the PhoneGap Developer App. It will also livereload upon detecting changes.

For running just the server with a livereload watch on ./.tmp and without actually compiling anything:

$ gulp serve:gap

This is useful, for example, when running gulp watch and gulp serve:gap at the same time. This way, anything you modify in the sources will get picked up by gulp watch, compiled to ./.tmp and pushed to browserSync, then picked up by gulp serve:gap and pushed to your phone.

Deployment with phonegap

After taking the steps described above, just use regular cordova:

$ cd mobile
$ cordova run android
$ # or
$ cordova run ios
$ # or
$ cordova compile android --release # To get a publish-ready APK


$ gulp test

This will run the tests on the files in the ./.tmp directory by using a phantomjs headless browser, and re-run them upon detecting file changes. It will output the results to the console and optionally as system notifications if you're on OSX.

A typical development workflow will involve running either combination of:

  • gulp watch and gulp test
  • gulp watch:gap and gulp test

It will start a testing server on http://localhost:9876. You can connect to this server with as many test browsers on your network as you want. Leave them running with the tab open to have Karma use them for all future tests.

$ gulp test:once

This will run the build task, and then the tests just one time. Used by travis. Additionally, it will also generate accurate coverage reports for coveralls.

Production server

$ foreman start
$ # or
$ ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js build:dist && node index.js

This will start the production express server (using the ./dist folder) that doesn't do any fancy live-reloading or scroll synchronization, but does gzip your assets.


$ # if you're using `foreman start`, it'll start the server on `localhost:5000`
$ PORT=5000 gulp pagespeed

Use this in combination with the production server to alias it to a secure external tunnel URL, which will then get passed to Google Pagespeed Insights. You'll receive a report in your terminal about how to further improve the performance of the application.

Tools, libraries and languages used

  • gulp - build workflow
  • browserify - JavaScript bundle generation
  • karma - test runner
  • mocha - test framework
  • should - assertion library
  • istanbul - coverage reports
  • browserSync - development server
  • phonegap - mobile app packaging
  • famous - view library
  • jade - HTML preprocessor
  • stylus - CSS preprocessor
  • jshint - JavaScript linting
  • travis - continuous integration
  • coveralls - online coverage reports

Project structure

Base folders:

├── app           # raw application logic and assets
├── gulp          # build tasks
└── test          # frontend tests

Temporary folders:

├── .tmp          # minimal build
├── dist          # production build
├── coverage      # coverage information
└── node_modules  # node dependencies


  • All commits and pull requests get processed by travis, which runs the test suite. Every build will also report to coveralls.
  • Fork the project and send in pull requests.
  • Lint JavaScript code with jshint, which will automatically pick up the included .jshintrc.




Source code for the 'Danube Delta' tour guide app.






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