This template should help get you started developing with Tauri and Leptos.
cargo install create-tauri-app --locked
Make sure you have installed the prerequisites for your OS:, then run:
cd smart-trade
cargo tauri android init
For Desktop development, run:
cargo tauri dev
For Android development, run:
cargo tauri android dev
./tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./css/output.css --watch
Single file
Format a specific file by name
leptosfmt ./examples/counter/src/
Current directory
Format all .rs files within the current directory
leptosfmt .
Format all .rs files within the examples directory
leptosfmt ./examples
Format all .rs files ending with
within the examples directory
leptosfmt ./examples/**/*
cargo fmt --all -- --check
cargo fmt --all
rustfmt src/