Released Rector 0.13.3
Rector release downgrade is now handled in single run and with parallel run ⚡ It's faster and vendor includes only the packages it really uses.
New Features 🎉
- [Laravel] Add set for Laravel 9.x (#49), Thanks @hirenkeraliya
- [Attribures] Add annotation to attribute core rename in AnnotationToAttributeRector (#2384)
This now allows annotation to attribute rename with change in the namespace:
-use Project\Annotation\Security as SC;
+use Project\Attribute\Security as SC;
- * @SC\LoggedIn
- */
final class PrivateController
Bugfixes 🐛
- [Transform] Skip different method on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector (#2395)
- [CodeQuality] Add empty array support to InlineArrayReturnAssignRector (#2397)
- [PHP 8.2] Skip readonly class on property without type in ReadOnlyClassRector (#2398)
- Add annotation to attribute core rename in AnnotationToAttributeRector (#2380)
- [DowngradePhp81] Handle crash parent Arg is missing scope on DowngradeFirstClassCallableSyntaxRector (#2387)
Changes 📆
- remove
option as not compatible with parallel run, better handle via CI working-dir options (#2387)