New Features 🎉
Update to php-parser 4.14.0 to work with literal _ number separator (#2321 )
Update to PHPStan 1.7.10 (#2424 )
[DowngradePhp82] Add DowngradeReadonlyClassRector to downgrade readonly class (#2322 )
[PHP 8.0] Add ConstantListClassToEnumRector (#2404 )
[DowngradePhp80] Add DowngradeEnumToConstantListClassRector (#2416 )
[DeadCode] Add RemoveJustPropertyFetchForAssignRector (#2423 )
Bugfixes 🐛
[PHP 8.0] Fix double annotation change on annotation to attribute (#2403 )
[Attribute] Fix UseAliasNameMatcher for the last part of use import rename (#2402 )
[Core] Fix bootstrap stubs load on PHP 7.2 when vendor/ excluded via skip() (#2394 )
[Php74] Skip nullable mixed on Php 8.0 feature enabled on TypedPropertyRector (#2414 )
[Php80] Mirror additional docblock on importNames() on ClassPropertyAssignToConstructorPromotionRector (#2410 )
[Renaming] Skip docblock rename different namespace on RenameClassRector (#2419 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.