Released Rector 0.17.1
In this release we continue preparing for Rector 1.0 release #7854
This includes:
- removing more parent node connections, to lower node tree memory consumption
- replacing
method withreturn NodeTraverser::REMOVE_NODE
direct constant to make changes happen directly in the Rector rule - refactoring node adding from post-process to directly in the rule
New Features 🥳
- [Docblock] Move DocBlockUpdater service usage from AbstractRector to PhpDocTypeChanger (#4215)
- Improve string support in Doctrine Annotations (#3645), Thanks @yguedidi!
- [Php80] Fix add default nullable type on ClassPropertyAssignToConstructorPromotionRector (#4091)
- Add STRICT_BOOLEANS set (#4116)
- [FileProcessor] Add warning instead of skip InlineHTML on PhpFileProcessor (#4058)
- Remove node adding collector (#4095)
- Remove propperty to add collector, add them directly or as a constructor dependency (#4131)
- Move ReturnArrayClassMethodToYieldRector to PHPUnit Rector (#4213)
Bugfixes 🐛
- [CodeQuality] Exclude first class callable from IntvalToTypeCastRector (#7962) (#4040), Thanks @thbley!
- [CodingStyle] Skip first class callable on UnSpreadOperatorRector (#4041)
- Skip StrvalToType for strval first class callable syntax (#4046), Thanks @NicoImparfait!
- Ensure check isFirstClassCallable() before node->getArgs() on CallLike (#4049)
- [CodeQuality] Skip multiple assigns append before foreach on ForeachItemsAssignToEmptyArrayToAssignRector (#4052)
- [CodeQuality] Skip deep append in if foreach before on ForeachItemsAssignToEmptyArrayToAssignRector (#4053)
- [NodeTypeResolver] Handle crash after next exit() on no namespaced code after removal next attribute (#4074)
- [FileProcessor] Show warning on has InlineHTML node if file has changed on PhpFileProcessor (#4079)
- Make SimplifyRegexPatternRector work without parent nodes + deprecate BetterNodeFinder and findParent* methods (#4105)
- Fix StaticCallOnNonStaticToInstanceCallRector to skip parent's parent's method calls. (#4098), Thanks @klimslim!
- [CodingStyle] Skip countable object on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector (#4108)
- [DeadCode] Skip used on Closure use next stmt on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector (#4042)
- [CodeQuality] Handle throw after if on ConsecutiveNullCompareReturnsToNullCoalesceQueueRector (#4107)
- [CodeQuality] Handle return new object and no return on ConsecutiveNullCompareReturnsToNullCoalesceQueueRector (#4112)
- Make ConvertStaticPrivateConstantToSelfRector work for non-final classes, make part of code-quality set (#4114)
- StringClassNameToClassConstantRector: cheap checks first (#4151), Thanks @staabm!
- Reduce memory-consumption by simpler skip-patterns (#4152), Thanks @staabm!
- Skipping: Use plain string functions instead of regex matching (#4153), Thanks @staabm!
- Split instance of check to 2 rules (#4165)
- Performance: Prevent sorting of files in PhpFilesFinder (#4164), Thanks @staabm!
- Move PreferThisOrSelfMethodCallRector to PHPUnit rector package, to handle exact cases (#4194)
- [Renaming] Handle crash in trait use on RenameClassRector (#4196)
- [Php56] Handle infinite loop on big array method call on AddDefaultValueForUndefinedVariableRector (#4142)
- [Php56] Skip variable variable on AddDefaultValueForUndefinedVariableRector (#4148)
Removed 💀
- [DeadCode] Remove removeNode() from RemoveDeadReturnRector, merge RemoveLastReturnRector to RemoveDeadReturnRector (#4085)
- [PHP+HTML cleanup] Remove MixPhpHtmlDecorator (#4054)
- Remove HTML + PHP support, as must be handled in php-parser first (#4051)
- Remove MultipleClassFileToPsr4ClassesRector as only PSR4 rule, bit risky and better handled with PHPStan + remove adding/removing files logic, use printer instead (#4117)
- Remove NormalizeNamespaceByPSR4ComposerAutoloadRector as only moves files to namespaces, does not update any class referenes; better use IDE here (#4057)
- Remove MultipleClassFileToPsr4ClassesRector as only PSR4 rule, bit risky and better handled with PHPStan + remove adding/removing files logic, use printer instead (#4117)
- Remove AttributeCompatibleAnnotationRector, as only for one-time migration of private project, not suitable for general use (#4064)
- Remove RemoveAlwaysTrueConditionSetInConstructor, as overly specific and not practical; better handle with PHPStan (#4065)
- Remove deprecated UnionTypesRector and NarrowUnionTypeDocRector, use strict-based rules from TypeDeclaration set instead (#4069)
- Remove TargetRemoveClassMethodRector, as IDE specific (#4076)
- Remove ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector as narrow, does not check variable usage and might be on purpose (#4084)
- Remove ChangeGlobalVariablesToPropertiesRector as the scope might change after the variable is defined, better handle with PHPStan (#4086)
- Remove NewToConstructorInjectionRector as unused and only for demo purposes (#4087)
- [NodeTraverser] Remove double apply FileWithoutNamespace, remove recursive lookup stmts on BetterStandardPrinter (#4097)
- Remove ActionInjectionToConstructorInjectionRector as rather for demo purposes, not practical (#4113)
- Remove ConstantListClassToEnumRector as custom-made, not practical for enum upgrades (#4115)
- Remove RemoveMethodCallParamRector, as unused (#4119)
- Remove RemoveAllowDynamicPropertiesAttributeRector as attribute is a comment on lower PHP versions, also rather downgrade rule (#4120)
- Remove DoctrineAnnotationClassToAttributeRector as made for custom project, not useful for general use (#4127)
- Remove UnsetAndIssetToMethodCallRector as unused (#4123)
- Remove MethodCallToMethodCallRector as unused (#4128)
- Remove NewArgToMethodCallRector as unused (#4130)
- Remove RemoveDelegatingParentCallRector as overly complex and usually on purpose (#4136)
- Remove RemoveEmptyMethodCallRector as better handled by PHPStan (#4161)
- Remove BetterNodeFinder::findLastInstanceOf() as unused + make resolvePreviousNode() private, as used only locally (#4195)
- [DeadCode] Remove Assign and AssignRef as node types on RemoveNonExistingVarAnnotationRector (#4209)