New Features 🥳
Add GitHub output formatter (#6747 ), Thanks @neilime !
JUnit output format (#6726 ), Thanks @VitalyArt !
[dx] warn about too high level configuration and suggets more efficient set (#6735 )
Bugfixes 🐛
[PhpParser] Re-add back get value from __DIR__
and __FILE__
on ValueResolver
(#6756 )
[TypeDeclaration] Skip already typed param on AddClosureParamTypeForArrayReduceRector (#6737 )
[TypeDeclaration] Skip already typed param on AddClosureParamTypeForArrayMapRector (#6738 )
[Renaming] Handle crash on assign on for loop on RenameFunctionRector (#6730 )
[CodeQuality] Skip unused static methods in LocallyCalledStaticMethodToNonStaticRector, as should be handled by another rule (#6731 )
[Carbon] Fix refactor time to carbon to use ->getTimestamp() over ->timestamp (#6733 )
[TypeDeclaration] Unregister AddClosureParamTypeForArrayMapRector and AddClosureParamTypeForArrayReduceRector due to may read from docblock (#6727 )
[TypeDeclaration] Handle crash on union intersection on AddClosureParamTypeForArrayReduceRector (#6729 )
[Privatization] Skip magic method on PrivatizeFinalClassMethodRector (#6734 )
[Php74] Skip property hook on RestoreDefaultNullToNullableTypePropertyRector (#6736 )
[Php53] Handle parentheses in else on TernaryToElvisRector (#6740 )
[Php81] Handle crash Class parent was not found on MyCLabsMethodCallToEnumConstRector (#6741 )
[CodeQuality] Handle crash division by zero error on ForeachItemsAssignToEmptyArrayToAssignRector (#6743 )
fix(ValueObject): FileDiff first line number is below as expected (#6746 ), Thanks @neilime !
[naming] Skip variadic params in RenameParamToMatchTypeRector to avoid single naming for multiple types (#6748 )
Do not try to refresh attributes (#6750 ), Thanks @lyrixx !
[Php74] Skip with @var doc with more specific type on ClosureToArrowFunctionRector (#6753 )
[Php81] Skip property hook on ReadOnlyPropertyRector (#6758 )
[code-quality] Skip complex new instance with args assigns in InlineArrayReturnAssignRector (#6762 )
[CodeQuality] Handle crash first class callable on InlineArrayReturnAssignRector (#6763 )
[dx] Remove 3 rules registered in both code quality and coding style levels, keep them in coding style level only (#6757 )
[Symfony] Add attribute routing with mix other annotation (#703 )
[code-quality] Add InlineClassRoutePrefixRector (#701 )
Do not change method if name does not need to change (#700 ), Thanks @carlos-granados
[code-quality] Add attribute support (#702 )
[SYMFONY 5 & 6] Security add missing param (#699 ), Thanks @JohJohan
[code-quality] Add GetRepositoryServiceLocatorToRepositoryServiceInjectionRector (#368 )
[NodeAnalyzer] Ensure mix annotation and attribute lookup finder on AttrinationFinder::findManyBy* (#367 )
Add AttrinationFinder::findManyBy() (#366 )
Orm querybuilder set parameters to collection (#326 ), Thanks @marcelthole
add custom message support to AssertEmptyNullableObjectToAssertInstanceofRector (#461 )
[Attribute] Add CoversTrait support on CoversAnnotationWithValueToAttributeRector (#460 )
[CodeQuality] Skip union type on AssertCountWithZeroToAssertEmptyRector (#459 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.