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This repository is a tutorial for setting up a WebAssembly demo application to be executed as a container using crun, podman, and MicroShift (OpenShift optimized for edge computing).

If you're not interested in trying out the MicroShift portion of this tutorial, you can optionally try a slightly older version of this tutorial using Fedora. If so please see the Fedora tutorial. Otherwise, the rest of this tutorial will focus on RHEL 8, as that's where MicroShift is currently supported.

Install Dependencies

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you'll need to install various dependencies listed below. We list out all of the steps but leave it up to the user if they want to separate their environments between a development environment and a deployment environment, or they could certainly be the same system.

Additionally, not all installation steps are required below. It really depends on which deployment examples you're interested in e.g. wasmedge, crun, podman, cri-o, MicroShift or all of the above. So you may want to look at the deployment options below in Run WASM App to determine which dependencies you should install.

Install RHEL 8

First you'll need a RHEL 8 installation on a VM or baremetal system. Here we focus on a VM installation using the libvirt virtualization platform.

  1. Download the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.X DVD ISO image for the x86-64 architecture from the Red Hat Developer site and copy the file to the /var/lib/libvirt/images directory. The latest RHEL 8 minor version at this time is 7. NOTE: This has only been tested on the x86-64 architecture.
  2. Download the OpenShift pull secret from the page and save it into the ~/.pull-secret.json file.
  3. Run the following command to install the necessary components for the libvirt virtualization platform and its QEMU KVM hypervisor driver.
    sudo dnf install -y libvirt virt-manager virt-install virt-viewer libvirt-client qemu-kvm qemu-img
  4. Run the following commands to create and run the virtual machine with the minimum of 2 CPU cores, 2GB RAM and 20GB storage minimum. Feel free to increase the resources if desired.
    sudo -b bash -c " \
    cd /var/lib/libvirt/images && \
    virt-install \
        --name ${VMNAME} \
        --vcpus 2 \
        --memory 2048 \
        --disk path=./${VMNAME}.qcow2,size=20 \
        --network network=default,model=virtio \
        --events on_reboot=restart \
        --location ${DVDISO} \
        --extra-args \"inst.ks=${KICKSTART}\" \
        --wait \
    Watch the OS console of the virtual machine to see the progress of the installation, waiting until the machine is rebooted and the login prompt appears. The OS console is also accessible from the virt-manager GUI by running sudo virt-manager.
  5. Once the virtual machine installation is complete and boots to the login prompt, you can now log into the machine either using the OS console, or using SSH (preferred) and the user credentials redhat:redhat. To log in using SSH, get the IP address of the VM with the following command:
    sudo virsh domifaddr microshift-starter
     Name       MAC address          Protocol     Address
      vnet2      52:54:00:d6:ab:4b    ipv4
  6. Set an environment variable with the IP address of the virtual machine.
  7. Copy over your SSH public key over to the virtual machine for passwordless authentication.
    ssh-copy-id redhat@${RHEL_VM_IP_ADDR}
  8. Copy your pull secret file to the MicroShift virtual machine using redhat:redhat credentials:
    scp ~/.pull-secret.json redhat@${RHEL_VM_IP_ADDR}:
  9. Log into the MicroShift virtual machine:
    ssh redhat@${RHEL_VM_IP_ADDR} # when prompted, password is `redhat`
  10. Once you're logged in, register your RHEL machine and attach your subscriptions. The credentials to use will be your username/password used for your Red Hat account.
    sudo subscription-manager register --auto-attach

Install rust toolchain and add the wasm32-wasi target

Run these commands on your development machine:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup target add wasm32-wasi

Install crun with the wasmedge runtime and shared library

The following steps should be executed on your RHEL 8 virtual machine installation.

  1. On RHEL 8 users should first disable the container-tools module in order to avoid conflicts with packages from the Copr repos:
    sudo dnf module disable container-tools -y
  2. You'll need to enable the following EPEL and Copr repos:
    sudo dnf install -y
    sudo dnf copr enable -y
  3. Then install crun to get crun built with wasmedge support by relying on the shared library installed by the wasmedge package. Here we install the crun-wasm RPM as it contains all the right dependencies i.e. crun and wasmedge. Note that crun-wasm is just a symbolic link to crun.
    sudo dnf install -y crun-wasm
  4. Verify crun is installed that enables support for wasmedge:
    crun --version | grep wasmedge

NOTE: Currently the way to do this is via EPEL and Copr repositories until we have official releases of these RPMs.

Install podman

You'll still need crun in order to execute the wasm app with podman, so be sure to install the crun dependency in the previous step as well. Then run the following command from your RHEL virtual machine:

sudo dnf install -y podman

Install buildah

On your development system or wherever you will be buildling the OCI container image with buildah, run the following command:

sudo dnf install -y buildah

Install MicroShift and CRI-O

From your RHEL virtual machine, follow the below instructions to install MicroShift and CRI-O.

  1. Enable the MicroShift RPM repos and install MicroShift, cri-o, and the oc and kubectl clients:

    sudo subscription-manager repos \
         --enable rhocp-4.12-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms \
         --enable fast-datapath-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
    sudo dnf install -y microshift-4.12.6 openshift-clients
  2. Confgure the minimum required firewall rules:

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source=
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source=
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  3. Configure cri-o to use the pull secret:

    sudo cp ~redhat/.pull-secret.json /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret
  4. Configure cri-o to use crun:

    sudo sed -i 's/# default_runtime =.*/default_runtime = "crun"/' /etc/crio/crio.conf
  5. Start the microshift service:

    sudo systemctl enable --now microshift.service
  6. Enable MicroShift access for the redhat user account:

    mkdir ~/.kube
    sudo cat /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig > ~/.kube/config
  7. Finally, check if MicroShift is up and running by executing the below oc commands.

    When started for the first time, it may take a few minutes to download and initialize the container images used by MicroShift. On subsequent restarts, all the MicroShift services should take a few seconds to become available.

    oc get cs
    oc get pods -A

Build WASM App

This example uses rust to compile a WebAssembly module but you can use any supported language of choice. The following instructions are executed from your host development system where your rust toolchain is installed.

cargo new

This example app was originally created by executing:

cargo new hello_wasm --bin
# Or if already in the root directory:
cargo init --bin

cargo build

Compile the rust app to the wasm32-wasi target using cargo:

cargo build --target wasm32-wasi

Build and Push WASM App Container Image

Use the Containerfile provided in this repo to build a container image for this wasm demo app workload using the below instructions.

Build Container Image

buildah build --annotation "module.wasm.image/variant=compat" --platform wasi/wasm -t <registry>/<repo>/wasm-demo-app .

Push Container Image

This step is only necessary if you're deploying to a different system than where you built the image.

buildah login <registry>
buildah push <registry>/<repo>/wasm-demo-app

Run WASM App

There are several ways to run the wasm binary depending on what you're interested in and each one is documented below:

Using wasmedge

You can run the built wasm app directly with wasmedge. This is ideal for quick iterative development and testing.

First, copy over the built Wasm module from your host development system to the RHEL virtual machine:

scp ./target/wasm32-wasi/debug/wasm-demo-app.wasm redhat@${RHEL_VM_IP_ADDR}:

Then execute it with the following command:

wasmedge ~/wasm-demo-app.wasm

Using crun

You can use crun and a config.json to execute your container manually.

First we need to create a directory that will house the container archive and extract the container image into it:

mkdir container-archive
cd ./container-archive/
mkdir rootfs
podman export $(podman create <registry>/<repo>/wasm-demo-app) | tar -C rootfs -xvf -

Then you'll need to generate and modify a config.json container spec:

crun spec
sed -i 's|"sh"|"/wasm-demo-app.wasm"|' config.json
sed -i 's/"terminal": true/"terminal": false/' config.json
sed -i '/"linux": {/i \\t"annotations": {\n\t\t"module.wasm.image/variant": "compat"\n\t},' config.json

Then you can run the container with:

crun run wasm-demo-app

Additionally, you can use the container lifecycle operations:

crun create wasm-demo-app

# View the container is created and in the "created" state.
crun list

# Start the process inside the container.
crun start wasm-demo-app

# After 5 seconds view that the container has exited and is now in the stopped state.
crun list

# Now delete the container.
crun delete wasm-demo-app

Using podman

You'll need to have crun installed to execute the wasm app with podman, so be sure you install that first if you haven't already.

podman run --platform=wasi/wasm <registry>/<repo>/wasm-demo-app

Using MicroShift

Use the wasm-pod.yaml Kubernetes manifest in this repository to deploy with MicroShift. If you're using a single system for the development, building and deployment of this example app, then skip the scp command. Otherwise, execute the following command from your development system to copy over the Kubernetes manifest to your RHEL virtual machine:

scp ./wasm-pod.yaml redhat@${RHEL_VM_IP_ADDR}:

Then from your RHEL virtual machine execute the below commands:

oc apply -f ~/wasm-pod.yaml
oc get pods
oc logs -f pod-with-wasm-workload

Accessing the MicroShift cluster remotely from a different host

If you're preferring to run oc and kubectl commands from your development system to the system running your MicroShift cluster, then copy over the kubeconfig and either open up port 6443 to talk to the Kube API Server, or use SSH port forwarding from your development system to your virtual machine system. Both methods are documented below.

Copy kubeconfig

Copy over the kubeconfig using the following commands:

mkdir ~/.kube
scp redhat@${RHEL_VM_IP_ADDR}:.kube/config ~/.kube/config
Opening the Firewall

From your RHEL virtual machine, open the firewall port for the Kubernetes API server (6443/tcp) by running the following command:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=6443/tcp && sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Then on your development system replace the server field in your kubeconfig file with the name or IP address of your RHEL virtual machine running MicroShift by running the following command:

sed -i "s|server:|server: https://${RHEL_VM_IP_ADDR}:6443|" ~/.kube/config
SSH Port Forwarding

If you don't want to open up the firewall port for the Kubernetes API server, then forward port 6443 using SSH port forwarding by executing the following command:

ssh -L 6443:${RHEL_VM_IP_ADDR}:6443 redhat@${RHEL_VM_IP_ADDR}
Test oc command from your development system

Run the following commands and verify communication is successful:

oc cluster-info
oc get pods -A


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