canopen lets you send and received data in a CANopen network.
The library contains basic functionality and doesn't aim to be a complete implementation of the CANopen protocol. You can find a complete CANopen implementation in the CANopenNode project.
CANopen is a protocol to communicate on a CAN bus. Data is exchanged between nodes using CANopen frames, which uses a subset of the bytes in a CAN frames. This project extends the can library to interact with a CANopen nodes. Setup your hard- and software as described there.
You can find a very good documentation about CANopen here.
bus, _ := can.NewBusForInterfaceWithName("can0")
Parts of CANopen protocol are based on request/response communication. The library makes it easy to send a request and wait for the reponse.
// Frame to be sent
payload := []byte{...}
frame := canopen.NewFrame(canopen.MessageTypeRSDO, payload)
// Expected id of response frame
respID := canopen.MessageTypeTSDO
req := canopen.NewRequest(frame, respID)
// Create client which sends request and waits for response
client := &canopen.Client{bus, time.Second * 1}
resp, _ := client.Do(req)
Matthias Hochgatterer
canopen is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.