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redpanda: add console as subchart to redpanda (redpanda-data/helm-cha…
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* redpanda: add console as subchart to redpanda

* use my fork until we can get changes upstream

use my fork for chart-testing until a change can be merged upstream to
not use the `--reuse-values` flag


* allow postStart first-sasl-user hack to run even with only one replica

* fix: type

* Delete admin.conf


Co-authored-by: alejandroesc <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
joejulian and alejandroEsc authored Feb 13, 2023
1 parent 75ee654 commit f6fb75b
Show file tree
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Showing 9 changed files with 218 additions and 15 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions charts/redpanda/Chart.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- name: console
version: 0.5.0
digest: sha256:7fd70de57651b2f1857f3eb519c427dbbcad8fc6ea656925651bb0c10839b035
generated: "2023-02-09T08:51:15.13722333-08:00"
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion charts/redpanda/Chart.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,14 +23,21 @@ type: application
# The chart version and the app version are not the same and will not track
# together. The chart version is a semver representation of changes to this
# chart.
version: 2.8.7
version: 2.9.0

# The app version is the default version of Redpanda to install.
appVersion: v22.3.12
# kubeVersion must be suffixed with "-0" to be able to match cloud providers
# kubernetes versions like "v1.23.8-gke.1900". Their suffix is interpreted as a
# pre-release. Our "-0" allows pre-releases to be matched.
kubeVersion: "^1.21.0-0"

- name: console
condition: console.enabled
version: ">=0.5 <1.0"

Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions charts/redpanda/templates/_helpers.tpl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -525,3 +525,16 @@ return a warning if the chart is configured with insufficient memory
{{- printf "%d is below the minimum recommended value for Redpanda" $result -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "seed-server-list" -}}
{{- $brokers := list -}}
{{- range $ordinal := until (.Values.statefulset.replicas | int) -}}
{{- $brokers = append $brokers (printf "%s-%d.%s"
(include "redpanda.fullname" $)
(include "redpanda.internal.domain" $))
{{- end -}}
{{- toJson $brokers -}}
{{- end -}}
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions charts/redpanda/templates/configmap.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ data:
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- range untilStep 0 (.Values.statefulset.replicas|int) 1 }}
{{- range (include "seed-server-list" . | mustFromJson) }}
- host:
address: "{{ template "redpanda.fullname" $ }}-{{ . }}.{{ template "redpanda.internal.domain" $ }}"
address: {{ . }}
port: {{ $values.listeners.rpc.port }}
{{- end }}
{{- if and (include "is-licensed" . | fromJson).bool }}
Expand Down
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions charts/redpanda/templates/console/configmap.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
{{ $values := .Values }}

{{/* if the console chart has the creation of the configmap disabled, create it here instead */}}
{{ if not .Values.console.configmap.create }}
{{ $consoleConfigmap := dict "create" true }}

{{/* kafka section */}}

{{/* brokers */}}
{{ $kafkaBrokers := list }}
{{ range (include "seed-server-list" . | mustFromJson) }}
{{ $kafkaBrokers = append $kafkaBrokers (printf "%s:%d" . (int $values.listeners.kafka.port)) }}
{{ end }}

{{/* sasl */}}
{{/* the rest of sasl is configured through the secret */}}
{{ $kafkaSASL := dict "enabled" (include "sasl-enabled" . | fromJson).bool }}

{{/* tls */}}
{{/* the rest of tls is configured through the secret */}}
{{ $kafkaTLS := dict "enabled" (include "kafka-internal-tls-enabled" . | fromJson).bool }}

{{/* schemaRegistry */}}
{{- $urls := list -}}
{{ $proto := "http" }}
{{ if (include "schemaRegistry-internal-tls-enabled" . | fromJson).bool }}
{{ $proto = "https" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $port := int $values.listeners.schemaRegistry.port }}
{{ range (include "seed-server-list" . | mustFromJson) }}
{{ $urls = append $urls (printf "%s://%s:%d" $proto . $port) }}
{{ end }}
{{/* tls */}}
{{/* the rest of tls is configured through the secret */}}
{{ $schemaRegistryTLS := dict "enabled" (include "schemaRegistry-internal-tls-enabled" . | fromJson).bool }}

{{ $kafkaSchemaRegistry := dict
"enabled" .Values.listeners.schemaRegistry.enabled
"urls" $urls
"tls" $schemaRegistryTLS
{{ $consoleConfigKafka := dict
"brokers" $kafkaBrokers
"sasl" $kafkaSASL
"tls" $kafkaTLS
"schemaRegistry" $kafkaSchemaRegistry
{{ $consoleConfig := dict "kafka" $consoleConfigKafka }}
{{ $config := dict
"Values" (dict
"console" (dict "config" $consoleConfig)
"configmap" $consoleConfigmap

{{ $console := deepCopy .Subcharts.console }}
{{ $console := merge $config $console }}

{{ include (print .Subcharts.console.Template.BasePath "/configmap.yaml") $console }}
{{ end }}
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions charts/redpanda/templates/console/deployment.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
{{ if (not .Values.console.deployment.create) }}

{{ $extraVolumes := list }}
{{ $extraVolumeMounts := list }}
{{ $command := list }}
{{ if (include "sasl-enabled" . | fromJson).bool }}
{{ $command = concat $command (list "sh" "-xc") }}
{{ $command = append $command (printf "set -e; IFS=: read -r KAFKA_SASL_USERNAME KAFKA_SASL_PASSWORD KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM < /mnt/users/users.txt; KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM=${KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM:-%s}; export KAFKA_SASL_USERNAME KAFKA_SASL_PASSWORD KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM; /app/console $@" ( include "sasl-mechanism" . )) }}
{{ $command = append $command "--" }}
{{ $extraVolumes = append $extraVolumes (dict
"name" (printf "%s-users" (include "redpanda.fullname" .))
"secret" (dict
"secretName" .Values.auth.sasl.secretRef
{{ $extraVolumeMounts = append $extraVolumeMounts (dict
"name" (printf "%s-users" (include "redpanda.fullname" .))
"mountPath" "/mnt/users"
"readOnly" true
) }}
{{ end }}

{{ $kafkaTLS := list }}
{{ if (include "kafka-internal-tls-enabled" . | fromJson).bool }}
{{ $service := .Values.listeners.kafka }}
{{ $cert := get .Values.tls.certs $service.tls.cert }}
{{ if $cert.caEnabled }}
{{ $kafkaTLS = append $kafkaTLS (dict
"value" (printf "/mnt/cert/kafka/%s/ca.crt" $service.tls.cert)
{{ $extraVolumes = append $extraVolumes (dict
"name" (printf "kafka-%s-cert" $service.tls.cert)
"secret" (dict
"defaultMode" 0420
"items" (list (dict "key" "ca.crt" "path" "ca.crt") )
"secretName" (printf "%s-%s-cert" (include "redpanda.fullname" .) $service.tls.cert)
{{ $extraVolumeMounts = append $extraVolumeMounts (dict
"name" (printf "kafka-%s-cert" $service.tls.cert)
"mountPath" (printf "/mnt/cert/kafka/%s" $service.tls.cert)
"readOnly" true
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ $schemaRegistryTLS := list }}
{{ if (include "schemaRegistry-internal-tls-enabled" . | fromJson).bool }}
{{ $service := .Values.listeners.schemaRegistry }}
{{ $cert := get .Values.tls.certs $service.tls.cert }}
{{ if $cert.caEnabled }}
{{ $schemaRegistryTLS = append $schemaRegistryTLS (dict
"value" (printf "/mnt/cert/schemaregistry/%s/ca.crt" $service.tls.cert)
{{ $extraVolumes = append $extraVolumes (dict
"name" (printf "schemaregistry-%s-cert" $service.tls.cert)
"secret" (dict
"defaultMode" 0420
"items" (list (dict "key" "ca.crt" "path" "ca.crt") )
"secretName" (printf "%s-%s-cert" (include "redpanda.fullname" .) $service.tls.cert)
{{ $extraVolumeMounts = append $extraVolumeMounts (dict
"name" (printf "schemaregistry-%s-cert" $service.tls.cert)
"mountPath" (printf "/mnt/cert/schemaregistry/%s" $service.tls.cert)
"readOnly" true
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ $adminTLS := list }}
{{ if (include "admin-internal-tls-enabled" . | fromJson).bool }}
{{ $service := .Values.listeners.admin }}
{{ $cert := get .Values.tls.certs $service.tls.cert }}
{{ if $cert.caEnabled }}
{{ $adminTLS = append $adminTLS (dict
"value" (printf "/mnt/cert/adminapi/%s/ca.crt" $service.tls.cert)
{{ $extraVolumes = append $extraVolumes (dict
"name" (printf "adminapi-%s-cert" $service.tls.cert)
"secret" (dict
"defaultMode" 0420
"items" (list (dict "key" "ca.crt" "path" "ca.crt") )
"secretName" (printf "%s-%s-cert" (include "redpanda.fullname" .) $service.tls.cert)
{{ $extraVolumeMounts = append $extraVolumeMounts (dict
"name" (printf "adminapi-%s-cert" $service.tls.cert)
"mountPath" (printf "/mnt/cert/adminapi/%s" $service.tls.cert)
"readOnly" true
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ $extraEnv := concat $kafkaTLS $adminTLS $schemaRegistryTLS }}
{{ $consoleValues := dict "Values" (dict
"extraVolumes" $extraVolumes
"extraVolumeMounts" $extraVolumeMounts
"extraEnv" $extraEnv
{{ if not (empty $command) }}
{{ $consoleValues := merge $consoleValues (dict "Values" (dict "deployment" (dict "command" $command))) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $consoleValues := merge $consoleValues (dict "Values" (dict "deployment" (dict "create" (not .Values.console.deployment.create)))) }}
{{ $helmVars := deepCopy .Subcharts.console }}
{{ $helmVars := merge $consoleValues $helmVars }}
{{ include (print .Subcharts.console.Template.BasePath "/deployment.yaml") $helmVars }}
{{ end }}
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions charts/redpanda/templates/secrets.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
{{- if gt ( .Values.statefulset.replicas | int64 ) 2 }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,21 +53,23 @@ stringData:
sleep 0.5
{{- if gt ( .Values.statefulset.replicas | int64 ) 2 }}
echo "Clearing maintenance mode on node ${NODE_ID}"
CURL_MAINTENANCE_DELETE_CMD="${CURL_MAINTENANCE_DELETE_CMD_PREFIX} {{ include "admin-tls-curl-flags" . }} ${CURL_URL}/v1/brokers/${NODE_ID}/maintenance"
# a 400 here would mean not in maintenance mode
until [ "${status:-}" = '"200"' ] || [ "${status:-}" = '"400"' ]; do
sleep 0.5
{{- end }}

{{- if and .Values.auth.sasl.enabled (not (empty .Values.auth.sasl.secretRef )) }}
# Setup and export SASL bootstrap-user
IFS=":" read -r USERNAME PASSWORD MECHANISM < /etc/secrets/users/users.txt
MECHANISM=${MECHANISM:-{{- include "sasl-mechanism" . }}}
IFS=":" read -r USER_NAME PASSWORD MECHANISM < /etc/secrets/users/users.txt
MECHANISM=${MECHANISM:-{{- include "sasl-mechanism" . }}}
rpk acl user create ${USER_NAME} --password=${PASSWORD} --mechanism ${MECHANISM} {{ template "rpk-flags-no-sasl" $ }} || true
{{- end }} |-
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Expand All @@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ stringData:
set -ex
{{- if gt ( .Values.statefulset.replicas | int64 ) 2 }}
until NODE_ID=$(${CURL_NODE_ID_CMD} | grep -o '\"node_id\":[^,}]*' | grep -o '[^: ]*$'); do
sleep 0.5
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,4 +122,4 @@ stringData:
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
# intentional empty line
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions charts/redpanda/templates/statefulset.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,15 +174,13 @@ spec:
fieldPath: status.hostIP
{{- if gt ( .Values.statefulset.replicas | int64 ) 2 }}
command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "./var/lifecycle/"]
command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "./var/lifecycle/"]
{{- end }}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,10 +285,8 @@ spec:
{{- end }}
securityContext: {{ include "container-security-context" . | nindent 12 }}
{{- if gt ( .Values.statefulset.replicas | int64 ) 2 }}
- name: lifecycle-scripts
mountPath: /var/lifecycle
{{- end }}
- name: datadir
mountPath: /var/lib/redpanda/data
{{- if and (include "is-licensed" . | fromJson).bool }}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,12 +316,10 @@ spec:
cpu: {{ .Values.resources.cpu.cores }}
memory: {{ .Values.resources.memory.container.max }}
{{- if gt ( .Values.statefulset.replicas | int64 ) 2 }}
- name: lifecycle-scripts
secretName: {{ (include "redpanda.fullname" . | trunc 50 ) }}-sts-lifecycle
defaultMode: 0774
{{- end }}
- name: datadir
{{- if }}
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions charts/redpanda/values.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,19 @@ rackAwareness:
# this if you have your own custom Node annotation to use instead.

# Console
enabled: true
create: false
create: false
create: false
config: {}

# Authentication
# SASL configuration
Expand Down

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