Here you can find a collection of resources on how to best implement and use Apptentive. At its most basic, an Apptentive integration should be a very quick process.
In most cases our SDK can be either downloaded or cloned from our git repositories. We regularly update our SDKs with new features and bug fixes - Star or Watch to keep up to date!
Write a feature? Find a bug? We love contributions!
Any contributions to our projects must sign the Individual Contributor License Agreement (CLA). It's a doc that makes our lawyers happy and ensures we can provide a solid open source project.
When you want to submit a change, send us a pull request. Before we merge, we'll check to make sure you're on the list of people who've signed our CLA.
Your questions and feedback are very important to us so please reach out to us if there is anyway we can help. Contact us through GitHub or email at [email protected]