A collaborative, online playlist manager
+rehabradio is a collaborative, online playlist manager and general music browser/search tool. Its purpose is to enable simple collaborative control of music in all rehabstudio offices. rehabradio initally has a very limited feature set but will be expanded with time to allow a more comprehensive music management experience.
- Platform: Amazon EC2 (Ubuntu 14.04)
- Language: Python 2.7
- Framework: Django 1.7
- Database: Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL)
- File Storage/Serving: Amazon S3
- Caching: Amazon Elasticache (Redis)
- Queueing/Asynchronous operation: RQ (via Django-RQ)
This application uses Docker to provide a standard development environment for all developers on a project, this is the preferred method of installation/development.
Docker is best supported on Linux, you can probably find packages for your preferred distribution here.
Note: Please don't run docker as root (or with sudo), it'll cause files created within the container to be owned by root on the host system. This will prevent you from editing/deleting the files using your regular user account.
Adding your user to the docker
group will allow to run docker without root
privileges. Running sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
and logging out/in again
should do the trick.
You can now skip ahead to "Getting the application" below.
Installing and configuring Docker on OSX isn't quite as straightforward as it is on Linux (yet). The boot2docker project provides a lightweight Linux VM that acts as a (mostly) transparent way to run docker on OSX.
First, install Docker and boot2docker following the instructions on
this page. Once you've installed Docker and launched
for the first time, you need to stop it again so we can make
further modifications: $ boot2docker stop
Since Docker on OSX is technically running inside a virtual machine and not directly on the host OS, any volumes mounted will be on the VM's filesystem and any bound ports will be exposed only to the boot2docker VM. We can work around these limitations with a few tweaks to our setup.
In order to mount folders from your host OS into the boot2docker VM you'll need to download a version of the boot2docker iso with Virtualbox's Guest Additions installed:
$ mkdir -p ~/.boot2docker
$ curl http://static.dockerfiles.io/boot2docker-v1.2.0-virtualbox-guest-additions-v4.3.14.iso -o ~/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso
Next, you need to tell Virtualbox to mount your /Users
directory inside the
$ VBoxManage sharedfolder add boot2docker-vm -name home -hostpath /Users
And that should be it. Let’s verify:
$ boot2docker up
$ boot2docker ssh "ls /Users"
You should see a list of all user's home folders from your host OS. Next, we need to forward the appropriate ports so that we can reach the running appengine development server directly from the host OS:
$ VBoxManage controlvm boot2docker-vm natpf1 "aesdk,tcp,,8080,,8080"
$ VBoxManage controlvm boot2docker-vm natpf1 "aesdkadmin,tcp,,8000,,8000"
And you should be ready to go, just follow the rest of the setup guide.
Foreman requires a .env
file to work. Please ensure you create this file
in the project root directory (same directory as manage.py),
and ensure the following keys are listed
SECRET_KEY=[django secret key]
GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=[google client id]
GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=[google client secret]
GOOGLE_WHITE_LISTED_DOMAINS=[list of email domains that can access the api]
SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID=[soundcloud client id]
SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET=[soundcloud client secret]
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=[soundcloud client id]
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=[soundcloud client secret]
TEST_USERNAME=[username for test login]
TEST_PASSWORD=[password for test login]
DATABASE_URL=[url to live database server]
LOCAL_DATABASE_URL=[url to local database server]
REDIS_LOCATION=[url to redis server]
To run your docker container run automatically run:
$ make run
Visit the running application http://localhost:8000/api/
To have more controll over the server run:
$ make start
This is start the container and start the containers terminal. From here use the app/Makefile to start your server
$ cd app
$ make run
Check out the Makefile
in the app/
folder for all available commands.
Please be aware that any changes in the database will be destroyed when you stop your container. So if you need to make any permanent changes remember to dump your database before you stop the container
Note that the database is created with some test data to get your started
Username: admin
Password: rehabradio
To push your app up to heroku, the recommended method with git. Note all of the following commands shoud be run from outside of the docker container.
Create your ssh key (or use existing key)
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Add the contents of the new key to your heroku account under the "SSH Keys" tab. https://dashboard.heroku.com/account
Add heroku to your local git repo
$ git remote add heroku [email protected]:{heroku-app-name}.git
Note you only want to push up the app
folder, so you can use git subtree to achieve this.
$ git subtree push --prefix app heroku master