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kustosz committed Mar 3, 2025
1 parent 8891a36 commit dcd64b6
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Showing 11 changed files with 990 additions and 42 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Lampe/Lampe/Builtin/Array.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ theorem index_replaced_arr {n : U 32} {idx : Fin n.toNat} {arr} :
Defines the builtin array constructor.
def mkArray (n : U 32) := newGenericPureBuiltin
(fun (argTps, tp) => ⟨argTps, (.array tp n)⟩)
(fun (argTps, tp) args => ⟨argTps = List.replicate n.toNat tp,
fun h => HList.toVec args h⟩)
(fun tp => ⟨List.replicate n.toNat tp, (.array tp n)⟩)
(fun tp args => ⟨True,
fun h => HList.toVec args (by rfl)⟩)

Defines the indexing of a array `l : Array tp n` with `i : U 32`
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Lampe/Lampe/Builtin/Cast.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ namespace Lampe.Builtin

instance : CastTp (.field) (.u s) where
validate := fun a => a.val < 2^s
cast := fun a h => a.val, h⟩
validate := fun _ => True
cast := fun a _ => a.val

instance : CastTp (.field) (.i s) where
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions Lampe/Lampe/Hoare/Builtins.lean
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Expand Up @@ -127,8 +127,10 @@ lemma pureBuiltin_intro_consequence

-- Arrays

theorem mkArray_intro {n} {argTps : List Tp} {args : HList (Tp.denote p) argTps} {_ : argTps.length = n} :
STHoarePureBuiltin p Γ (Builtin.mkArray n) (by tauto) args (a := (argTps, tp)) := by
theorem mkArray_intro {n : U 32} {tp : Tp} {args : HList (Tp.denote p) (List.replicate n.toNat tp)}:
STHoare p Γ ⟦⟧
(.callBuiltin (List.replicate n.toNat tp) (tp.array n) (Builtin.mkArray n) args)
(fun v => v = HList.toVec args (by rfl)) := by
apply pureBuiltin_intro_consequence <;> try tauto

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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Lampe/Lampe/Hoare/SepTotal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,15 @@ abbrev STHoarePureBuiltin p (Γ : Env)
(.callBuiltin (sgn a).fst (sgn a).snd b args)
(fun v => ∃h, v = (desc a (args)).snd h)

abbrev STHoarePureBuiltin' p (Γ : Env)
{a : A}
{sgn: A → List Tp × Tp}
{desc : {p : Prime} → (a : A) → (args : HList (Tp.denote p) (sgn a).fst) → (Tp.denote p (sgn a).snd)}
(args : HList (Tp.denote p) (sgn a).fst) : Prop :=
STHoare p Γ ⟦⟧
(.callBuiltin (sgn a).fst (sgn a).snd (@Builtin.newGenericPureBuiltin A sgn (@fun p a args => ⟨True, fun _ => @desc p a args⟩)) args)
(fun v => v = desc a args)

namespace STHoare

theorem frame (h_hoare: STHoare p Γ P e Q): STHoare p Γ (P ⋆ H) e (fun v => Q v ⋆ H) := by
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Lampe/Lampe/Syntax.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -232,16 +232,16 @@ def Expr.mkSlice (n : Nat) (vals : HList rep (List.replicate n tp)) : Expr rep (
Expr.callBuiltin _ (.slice tp) (.mkSlice n) vals

def Expr.mkArray (n : Nat) (vals : HList rep (List.replicate n tp)) : Expr rep (.array tp n) :=
def Expr.mkArray (n : U 32) (vals : HList rep (List.replicate n.toNat tp)) : Expr rep (.array tp n) :=
Expr.callBuiltin _ (.array tp n) (.mkArray n) vals

def Expr.mkRepSlice (n : Nat) (val : rep tp) : Expr rep (.slice tp) :=
Expr.callBuiltin _ (.slice tp) (.mkSlice n) (HList.replicate val n)

def Expr.mkRepArray (n : Nat) (val : rep tp) : Expr rep (.array tp n) :=
Expr.callBuiltin _ (.array tp n) (.mkArray n) (HList.replicate val n)
def Expr.mkRepArray (n : U 32) (val : rep tp) : Expr rep (.array tp n) :=
Expr.callBuiltin _ (.array tp n) (.mkArray n) (HList.replicate val n.toNat)

def Expr.mkTuple (name : Option String) (args : HList rep tps) : Expr rep (.tuple name tps) :=
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103 changes: 92 additions & 11 deletions Lampe/Lampe/Tactic/SeparationLogic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,6 +231,13 @@ partial def extractTripleExpr (e: Expr): TacticM (Option Expr) := do

def isLetIn (e : Expr) : Bool := e.isAppOf ``Lampe.Expr.letIn

def getLetInVarName (e : Expr) : TacticM (Option Name) := do
let args := Expr.getAppArgs e
let body := args[4]!
match body with
| Lean.Expr.lam n _ _ _ => return some n
| _ => return none

def isIte (e : Expr) : Bool := e.isAppOf `Lampe.Expr.ite

partial def parseSLExpr (e: Expr): TacticM SLTerm := do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -630,6 +637,9 @@ macro "stephelper1" : tactic => `(tactic|(
-- bitwise
| apply uShr_intro
| apply uShl_intro
| apply uOr_intro
| apply uAnd_intro
| apply uXor_intro

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -705,6 +715,9 @@ macro "stephelper2" : tactic => `(tactic|(
-- bitwise
| apply consequence_frame_left uShr_intro
| apply consequence_frame_left uShl_intro
| apply consequence_frame_left uOr_intro
| apply consequence_frame_left uAnd_intro
| apply consequence_frame_left uXor_intro
repeat sl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -783,26 +796,94 @@ macro "stephelper3" : tactic => `(tactic|(
--- bitwise
| apply ramified_frame_top uShr_intro
| apply ramified_frame_top uShl_intro
| apply ramified_frame_top uOr_intro
| apply ramified_frame_top uAnd_intro
| apply ramified_frame_top uXor_intro
repeat sl

lemma STHoare.pure_left_star {p tp} {E : Expr (Tp.denote p) tp} {Γ P₁ P₂ Q} : (P₁ → STHoare p Γ P₂ E Q) → STHoare p Γ (⟦P₁⟧ ⋆ P₂) E Q := by
intro h
intro H st Hh
unfold STHoare THoare at h
apply h
· simp [, SLP.lift, SLP.entails] at Hh
casesm* ∃_,_, _∧_
· simp only [, SLP.lift, SLP.entails] at Hh
rcases Hh with ⟨s₁, s₂, hdss, rfl, ⟨s₃, s₄, hdsss, rfl, ⟨⟨hp, rfl⟩⟩⟩, _⟩
exists s₄
exists s₂
simp_all [LawfulHeap.union_empty, LawfulHeap.empty_union]

lemma STHoare.letIn_trivial_intro {p tp₁ tp₂} {P Q} {E : Expr (Tp.denote p) tp₁} {v'} {cont : Tp.denote p tp₁ → Expr (Tp.denote p) tp₂}
(hE : STHoare p Γ ⟦True⟧ E (fun v => v = v'))
(hCont : STHoare p Γ P (cont v') Q):
STHoare p Γ P (E.letIn cont) Q := by
apply STHoare.letIn_intro
apply STHoare.ramified_frame_top hE (Q₂:= fun v => ⟦v = v'⟧ ⋆ P)
· simp
apply SLP.forall_right
apply SLP.wand_intro
rw [SLP.star_comm]
apply SLP.pure_left
rintro rfl
· intro
apply STHoare.pure_left_star
rintro rfl

syntax "inlined_var" : tactic
| `(tactic|inlined_var) => `(tactic |
| apply STHoare.letIn_trivial_intro
| apply STHoare.fn_intro
| apply STHoare.litU_intro
| apply STHoare.litField_intro
| apply STHoare.mkArray_intro
| apply (STHoare.consequence (h_hoare := STHoare.fMul_intro) (h_pre_conseq := SLP.entails_self) (by intro; simp only [exists_const]; apply SLP.entails_self))
| apply (STHoare.consequence (h_hoare := STHoare.uNot_intro) (h_pre_conseq := SLP.entails_self) (by intro; simp only [exists_const]; apply SLP.entails_self))
| apply (STHoare.consequence (h_hoare := STHoare.uAnd_intro) (h_pre_conseq := SLP.entails_self) (by intro; simp only [exists_const]; apply SLP.entails_self))
| apply (STHoare.consequence (h_hoare := STHoare.uXor_intro) (h_pre_conseq := SLP.entails_self) (by intro; simp only [exists_const]; apply SLP.entails_self))
| apply (STHoare.consequence (h_hoare := STHoare.uOr_intro) (h_pre_conseq := SLP.entails_self) (by intro; simp only [exists_const]; apply SLP.entails_self))
| apply (STHoare.consequence (h_hoare := STHoare.uShr_intro) (h_pre_conseq := SLP.entails_self) (by intro; simp only [exists_const]; apply SLP.entails_self))
| apply (STHoare.consequence (h_hoare := STHoare.uShl_intro) (h_pre_conseq := SLP.entails_self) (by intro; simp only [exists_const]; apply SLP.entails_self))
-- | apply STHoare.var_intro

partial def steps (mvar : MVarId) : TacticM (List MVarId) := do
let target ← mvar.instantiateMVarsInType
match ←extractTripleExpr target with
| some body => do
if isLetIn body then
if let [fst, snd, trd] ← mvar.apply (←mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels ``letIn_intro)
let snd ← if let [snd] ← evalTacticAt (←`(tactic|intro)) snd
then pure snd
else throwError "couldn't intro in letIn"
let fstGoals ← try steps fst catch _ => return [fst, snd, trd]
let sndGoals ← do
try steps snd
catch _ => pure [snd]
return fstGoals ++ sndGoals ++ [trd]
else return [mvar]
let vname ← getLetInVarName body
let isInternal := (·.toString.startsWith "#") |>.getD true
let nextGoal ← if isInternal then
try some <$> evalTacticAt (←`(tactic|inlined_var)) mvar
catch _ => pure none
else pure none
match nextGoal with
| some nxt => steps nxt[0]!
| none =>
let vname := vname.getD `v
if let [fst, snd, trd] ← mvar.apply (←mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels ``letIn_intro)
let (_, snd) ← snd.intro vname
let fstGoals ← try steps fst catch _ => return [fst, snd, trd]
let sndGoals ← do
try steps snd
catch _ => pure [snd]
return fstGoals ++ sndGoals ++ [trd]
else return [mvar]
else if isIte body then
if let [fGoal, tGoal] ← mvar.apply (← mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels ``ite_intro) then
let fGoal ← if let [fGoal] ← evalTacticAt (←`(tactic|intro)) fGoal then pure fGoal
Expand Down

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