PyFPDF is a library for PDF document generation under Python, ported from PHP (see FPDF: "Free"-PDF, a well-known PDFlib-extension replacement with many examples, scripts and derivatives).
Compared with other PDF libraries, PyFPDF is simple, small and versatile, with advanced capabilities, and is easy to learn, extend and maintain.
- Python 2.5 to 3.4 support
- Unicode (UTF-8) TrueType font subset embedding
- Barcode I2of5 and code39, QR code coming soon ...
- PNG, GIF and JPG support (including transparency and alpha channel)
- Templates with a visual designer & basic html2pdf
- Exceptions support, other minor fixes, improvements and PEP8 code cleanups
To get the latest development version you can download the source code running:
git clone
cd pyfpdf
python install
You can also install PyFPDF from PyPI, with easyinstall or from Windows installers. For example, using pip:
pip install fpdf
Note: the Python Imaging Library (PIL) is needed for GIF support. PNG and JPG support is built-in and doesn't require any external dependency. For Python 3, Pillow - The friendly PIL fork is supported.
- Read the Docs
- Tutorial (Spanish translation available)
- Reference Manual
For further information, see the project site: or the old Google Code project page