This repository contains the source code for the Relaynet Courier for Android. As a Relaynet Courier implementation, its sole function is to relay cargo between Relaynet gateways. To learn more about Relaynet couriers, visit
This document is aimed at advanced users and (prospective) contributors. We aim to make the app as simple and intuitive as possible, and we're therefore not planning on publishing end-user documentation at this point.
If you've rooted your Android device or flashed it with a custom ROM, you might be able to have
multiple IP address in the subnet
. If that were the case, the courier app will
fail to allow incoming connections from private gateways: We need exactly one IP address in that
range so that the app can self-issue TLS certificates for it.
The app follows clean architecture principles. Domain logic is separated from external elements such as UI and data. The main components / layers / packages are:
- Domain logic, with one class per use-caseui
- Presentation logic, organized per screen, and following an MVVM patterndata
- Data persistence logic using preferences, database and diskbackground
- Background connect state listenerscogrpc
- Implementation of the CogRPC protocol
Components are tied by dependency injection using Dagger. Kotlin coroutines and flow are used for threading and reactive design. For the views material components were preferred whenever possible.
The project should build and run out-of-the-box with Android Studio 4+. The minimum Android OS version supported is Android 5 (Lollipop, API 21).
./gradlew lint
./gradlew spotlessCheck
./gradlew testDebug
Requires an Android device or emulator
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
./gradlew jacocoAndroidTestReport
We love contributions! If you haven't contributed to a Relaycorp project before, please take a minute to read our guidelines first.
Please note that we're not accepting translations just yet as the copy is likely to change radically until the UX is independently assessed, which will happen at some point before making the app generally available. We're just trying to be mindful of your time and ours! Once the copy reaches a relatively stable state, we'll want to translate the app into as many languages as possible, so stay tuned.