Welcome to FAE-HMI-SI!
This is code for the paper Fast and Accurate Emulation of the SDO/HMI Stokes Inversion with Uncertainty Quantification, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal.
We train a UNet to map a 28-dimensional signal of polarized light (4 polarizations at 6 bandpasses + metadata) into a magnetic field vector, representing the strength and direction of the magnetic field on the surface of the sun.
To learn more, watch my talk at the COSPAR2021 Workshop on ML for Space Sciences, see our poster at the AGU 2020 ML in Space Weather session, or checkout the interactive project website:
Install pytorch for use on a GPU, then install the remaining requirements:
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
To use pre-trained models, first download them (1.2 GB) from dropbox. You can either download the full models that use 28-dimensional input, or models that were trained with IQUVs+Continuum on unrotated input:
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/x4lrx2npy4zv403/models.zip
unzip models.zip
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/fseqojcw7pkupn5/models_norotate.zip
unzip models_norotate.zip
Once you have models downloaded/trained, fetch an example (28, 4096, 4096)
input tensor (1.8 GB):
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/3itmkqcal4u0otl/inputs.zip
unzip inputs.zip
Then run python inference.py
with optional --norotate
flag and check the outputs/
Alternatively, you can download ZARRs that contain the full year-long dataset (250+ GB each) and then train models and run inference yourself:
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/uq3r6o36r6lrngm/HMI2015_ZARR.tar
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/chukk9ewbskuan7/HMI2016_ZARR.tar
tar -xvf HMI2015_ZARR.tar
tar -xvf HMI2016_ZARR.tar
# This dataset is for unrotated IQUVs + Continuum
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/oqv0dc3olphy35v/HMI2015_NoRotate_ZARR.tar
tar -xvf HMI2015_NoRotate_ZARR.tar
Then run python train.py
, wait ~1 day or so, and then find your new model in models/
Once trained, you need to change inference.py
so that the saved_network_state
points to your new model..
After running python inference.py
, check the outputs/
Remember, the project website has detailed explanations and demos:
This work was supported by a NASA Heliophysics DRIVE Science Center (SOLSTICE) at the University of Michigan under grant NASA 80NSSC20K0600 and a Michigan Institute for Data Science Propelling Original Data Science grant. GB and KDL also acknowledge NASA/GSFC grant 80NSSC19K0317. All data used in this study are available from the Joint Science Operations Center (JSOC) at Stanford University, see http://jsoc.stanford.edu/.
Credit to Pytorch-UNet for the great pytorch unet implementation!
Credit to js-image-zoom for the great image zoom tool on the project website.