A simple note taking script by Rellah
Notepyd right now only requires tabulate. (to pretty print the notes)
You can install tabulate via pip:
pip install tabulate
Clone or download the repository
git clone https://github.com/rellah/notepyd.git
Alias the script in your .bashrc, .zshrc by adding the following to it:
alias notepyd="python3 ~/path/to/notepyd.py"
Then simply restart your terminal, or source the .rc, example for .zshrc:
source ~/.zshrc
Notepyd runs via terminal arguments, the usage is as follows:
| notepyd list - Lits all current notes |
| notepyd delall - Deletes all notes/lists |
| notepyd add 'title' - Current way of adding a note/title |
| !notepyd add note - ^^ (NOT WORKING YET) Lets you add a note |
| !notepyd add list - (NOT WORKING YET) Lets you add a list |
| notepyd del 'title' - Removes the note/list you entered. |
| notepyd tick 'title' - Lets you check off a completed task |
| notepyd append 'title' - Appends a task/text to a list/note |
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on my code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to me.
- Maximilian Walsh - Rellah
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- A special thanks to Al Sweigart, Brett Slatkin and Luciano Ramalho. Without your excellent sources of knowledge I might have never stayed committed enough. (Automate the Boring Stuff, Effective Python, and Fluent Python respectively)
- Sebastian, Cody and Joe. Three of my oldest and best friends
- Jesus, for always taking the wheel you crazy bastard