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Unstructured grid files axis (NOAA-GFDL#1114)
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* adds the compress attribute and axis data to the netcdf file

* Fix some typos, change axis_length to a required argument, change the structured_axis to allocatables
  • Loading branch information
uramirez8707 authored and rem1776 committed May 1, 2024
1 parent 27263bb commit 1f27a6a
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Showing 5 changed files with 156 additions and 26 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions diag_manager/diag_axis.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,9 +138,11 @@ INTEGER FUNCTION diag_axis_init(name, array_data, units, cart_name, long_name, d

if (use_modern_diag) then
diag_axis_init = fms_diag_object%fms_diag_axis_init(name, DATA, units, cart_name, long_name=long_name,&
& direction=direction, set_name=set_name, edges=edges, Domain=Domain, Domain2=Domain2, DomainU=DomainU, &
& aux=aux, req=req, tile_count=tile_count, domain_position=domain_position )
!TODO Passing in the axis_length because of a gnu issue where inside fms_diag_axis_init, the size of DATA
!was 2 which was causing the axis_data to not be written correctly...
diag_axis_init = fms_diag_object%fms_diag_axis_init(name, DATA, units, cart_name, size(DATA(:)), &
& long_name=long_name, direction=direction, set_name=set_name, edges=edges, Domain=Domain, Domain2=Domain2, &
& DomainU=DomainU, aux=aux, req=req, tile_count=tile_count, domain_position=domain_position)
IF ( PRESENT(tile_count)) THEN
Expand Down
108 changes: 97 additions & 11 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_axis_object.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module fms_diag_axis_object_mod
public :: fmsDiagAxis_type, fms_diag_axis_object_init, fms_diag_axis_object_end, &
& get_domain_and_domain_type, diagDomain_t, &
& DIAGDOMAIN2D_T, fmsDiagSubAxis_type, fmsDiagAxisContainer_type, fmsDiagFullAxis_type, DIAGDOMAINUG_T
public :: define_new_axis, define_subaxis
public :: define_new_axis, define_subaxis, parse_compress_att, get_axis_id_from_name

!> @}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ module fms_diag_axis_object_mod
procedure :: get_axis_name
procedure :: write_axis_metadata
procedure :: write_axis_data
procedure :: add_structured_axis_ids
procedure :: get_structured_axis
procedure :: is_unstructured_grid
END TYPE fmsDiagAxis_type

!> @brief Type to hold the subaxis
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,6 +141,8 @@ module fms_diag_axis_object_mod
TYPE(fmsDiagAttribute_type),allocatable , private :: attributes(:) !< Array to hold user definable attributes
INTEGER , private :: num_attributes !< Number of defined attibutes
INTEGER , private :: domain_position !< The position in the doman (NORTH, EAST or CENTER)
integer, allocatable , private :: structured_ids(:) !< If the axis is in the unstructured grid,
!! this is the axis ids of the structured axis


Expand All @@ -160,7 +165,7 @@ module fms_diag_axis_object_mod
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIAG AXIS PROCEDURES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!> @brief Initialize the axis
subroutine register_diag_axis_obj(this, axis_name, axis_data, units, cart_name, long_name, direction,&
& set_name, Domain, Domain2, DomainU, aux, req, tile_count, domain_position )
& set_name, Domain, Domain2, DomainU, aux, req, tile_count, domain_position, axis_length )
class(fmsDiagFullAxis_type),INTENT(out) :: this !< Diag_axis obj
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: axis_name !< Name of the axis
class(*), INTENT(in) :: axis_data(:) !< Array of coordinate values
Expand All @@ -177,6 +182,7 @@ subroutine register_diag_axis_obj(this, axis_name, axis_data, units, cart_name,
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: req !< Required field names.
INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: tile_count !< Number of tiles
INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: domain_position !< Domain position, "NORTH" or "EAST"
integer, intent(in), optional :: axis_length !< The length of the axis size(axis_data(:))

this%axis_name = trim(axis_name)
this%units = trim(units)
Expand All @@ -187,12 +193,14 @@ subroutine register_diag_axis_obj(this, axis_name, axis_data, units, cart_name,

select type (axis_data)
type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
allocate(real(kind=r8_kind) :: this%axis_data(size(axis_data)))
allocate(real(kind=r8_kind) :: this%axis_data(axis_length))
this%axis_data = axis_data
this%length = axis_length
this%type_of_data = "double" !< This is what fms2_io expects in the register_field call
type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
allocate(real(kind=r4_kind) :: this%axis_data(size(axis_data)))
allocate(real(kind=r4_kind) :: this%axis_data(axis_length))
this%axis_data = axis_data
this%length = axis_length
this%type_of_data = "float" !< This is what fms2_io expects in the register_field call
class default
call mpp_error(FATAL, "The axis_data in your diag_axis_init call is not a supported type. &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,8 +234,6 @@ subroutine register_diag_axis_obj(this, axis_name, axis_data, units, cart_name,
if (present(domain_position)) this%domain_position = domain_position
call check_if_valid_domain_position(this%domain_position)

this%length = size(axis_data)

this%direction = 0
if (present(direction)) this%direction = direction
call check_if_valid_direction(this%direction)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,15 +315,15 @@ subroutine write_axis_metadata(this, fileobj, parent_axis)
end select
type is (FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t)
select case (diag_axis%type_of_domain)
case (NO_DOMAIN)
!< Here the fileobj is in the unstructured domain, but the axis is not
!< Unstructured domain fileobjs can have axis that are not domain decomposed (i.e "Z" axis)
call register_axis(fileobj, axis_name, axis_length)
call register_field(fileobj, axis_name, diag_axis%type_of_data, (/axis_name/))
case (UG_DOMAIN)
!< Here the axis is in a unstructured domain
call register_axis(fileobj, axis_name)
call register_field(fileobj, axis_name, diag_axis%type_of_data, (/axis_name/))
case default
!< Here the fileobj is in the unstructured domain, but the axis is not
!< Unstructured domain fileobjs can have axis that are not domain decomposed (i.e "Z" axis)
call register_axis(fileobj, axis_name, axis_length)
call register_field(fileobj, axis_name, diag_axis%type_of_data, (/axis_name/))
end select
end select

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,6 +389,44 @@ subroutine write_axis_data(this, fileobj, parent_axis)
end select
end subroutine write_axis_data

!< @brief Determine if the axis is in the unstructured grid
!! @return .True. if the axis is in unstructured grid
pure logical function is_unstructured_grid(this)
class(fmsDiagAxis_type), target, INTENT(in) :: this !< diag_axis obj

is_unstructured_grid = .false.
select type (this)
type is (fmsDiagFullAxis_type)
is_unstructured_grid = trim(this%cart_name) .eq. "U"
end select
end function is_unstructured_grid

!< @brief Adds the structured axis ids to the axis object
subroutine add_structured_axis_ids(this, axis_ids)
class(fmsDiagAxis_type), target, INTENT(inout) :: this !< diag_axis obj
integer, intent(in) :: axis_ids(2) !< axis ids to add to the axis object

select type (this)
type is (fmsDiagFullAxis_type)
this%structured_ids = axis_ids
end select
end subroutine add_structured_axis_ids

!< @brief Get the structured axis ids from the axis object
!! @return the structured axis ids
pure function get_structured_axis(this) &
class(fmsDiagAxis_type), target, INTENT(in) :: this !< diag_axis obj
integer :: rslt(2)

rslt = diag_null
select type (this)
type is (fmsDiagFullAxis_type)
rslt = this%structured_ids
end select
end function get_structured_axis

!> @brief Get the starting and ending indices of the global io domain of the axis
subroutine get_global_io_domain(this, global_io_index)
class(fmsDiagFullAxis_type), intent(in) :: this !< diag_axis obj
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -972,6 +1016,48 @@ pure function get_subaxes_id(this) &

end function

!< @brief Parses the "compress" attribute to get the names of the two axis
!! @return the names of the structured axis
pure function parse_compress_att(compress_att) &
class(*), intent(in) :: compress_att(:) !< The compress attribute to parse
character(len=120) :: axis_names(2)

integer :: ios !< Errorcode after parsing the compress attribute

select type (compress_att)
type is (character(len=*))
read(compress_att(1),*, iostat=ios) axis_names
if (ios .ne. 0) axis_names = ""
class default
axis_names = ""
end select
end function parse_compress_att

!< @brief Determine the axis id of a axis
!! @return Axis id
pure function get_axis_id_from_name(axis_name, diag_axis, naxis) &
class(fmsDiagAxisContainer_type), intent(in) :: diag_axis(:) !< Array of axis object
character(len=*), intent(in) :: axis_name !< Name of the axis
integer, intent(in) :: naxis !< Number of axis that have been registered
integer :: axis_id

integer :: i !< For do loops

axis_id = diag_null
do i = 1, naxis
select type(axis => diag_axis(i)%axis)
type is (fmsDiagFullAxis_type)
if (trim(axis%axis_name) .eq. trim(axis_name)) then
axis_id = i
end select

end function get_axis_id_from_name

end module fms_diag_axis_object_mod
!> @}
Expand Down
33 changes: 25 additions & 8 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_file_object.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1118,24 +1118,33 @@ end subroutine increase_unlimited_dimension
!< @brief Writes the axis metadata for the file
subroutine write_axis_metadata(this, diag_axis)
class(fmsDiagFileContainer_type), intent(inout), target :: this !< The file object
class(fmsDiagAxisContainer_type), intent(in) :: diag_axis(:) !< Diag_axis object
class(fmsDiagAxisContainer_type), intent(in), target :: diag_axis(:) !< Diag_axis object

class(fmsDiagFile_type), pointer :: diag_file !< Diag_file object to open
class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), pointer :: fileobj !< The fileobj to write to
integer :: i !< For do loops
integer :: j !< diag_file%axis_ids(i) (for less typing)
integer :: i,k !< For do loops
integer :: parent_axis_id !< Id of the parent_axis
integer :: structured_ids(2) !< Ids of the uncompress axis

class(fmsDiagAxisContainer_type), pointer :: axis_ptr !< pointer to the axis object currently writing

diag_file => this%FMS_diag_file
fileobj => diag_file%fileobj

do i = 1, diag_file%number_of_axis
j = diag_file%axis_ids(i)
parent_axis_id = diag_axis(j)%axis%get_parent_axis_id()
axis_ptr => diag_axis(diag_file%axis_ids(i))
parent_axis_id = axis_ptr%axis%get_parent_axis_id()
if (parent_axis_id .eq. DIAG_NULL) then
call diag_axis(j)%axis%write_axis_metadata(fileobj)
call axis_ptr%axis%write_axis_metadata(fileobj)
call diag_axis(j)%axis%write_axis_metadata(fileobj, diag_axis(parent_axis_id)%axis)
call axis_ptr%axis%write_axis_metadata(fileobj, diag_axis(parent_axis_id)%axis)

if (axis_ptr%axis%is_unstructured_grid()) then
structured_ids = axis_ptr%axis%get_structured_axis()
do k = 1, size(structured_ids)
call diag_axis(structured_ids(k))%axis%write_axis_metadata(fileobj)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1188,9 +1197,10 @@ subroutine write_axis_data(this, diag_axis)

class(fmsDiagFile_type), pointer :: diag_file !< Diag_file object to open
class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), pointer :: fileobj !< The fileobj to write to
integer :: i !< For do loops
integer :: i, k !< For do loops
integer :: j !< diag_file%axis_ids(i) (for less typing)
integer :: parent_axis_id !< Id of the parent_axis
integer :: structured_ids(2) !< Ids of the uncompress axis

diag_file => this%FMS_diag_file
fileobj => diag_file%fileobj
Expand All @@ -1203,6 +1213,13 @@ subroutine write_axis_data(this, diag_axis)
call diag_axis(j)%axis%write_axis_data(fileobj, diag_axis(parent_axis_id)%axis)

if (diag_axis(j)%axis%is_unstructured_grid()) then
structured_ids = diag_axis(j)%axis%get_structured_axis()
do k = 1, size(structured_ids)
call diag_axis(structured_ids(k))%axis%write_axis_data(fileobj)

end subroutine write_axis_data
Expand Down
30 changes: 27 additions & 3 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_object.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ module fms_diag_object_mod
& get_diag_files_id, diag_yaml
use fms_diag_axis_object_mod, only: fms_diag_axis_object_init, fmsDiagAxis_type, fmsDiagSubAxis_type, &
&diagDomain_t, get_domain_and_domain_type, diagDomain2d_t, &
&fmsDiagAxisContainer_type, fms_diag_axis_object_end, fmsDiagFullAxis_type
&fmsDiagAxisContainer_type, fms_diag_axis_object_end, fmsDiagFullAxis_type, &
&parse_compress_att, get_axis_id_from_name
use fms_diag_buffer_mod
#if defined(_OPENMP)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ end function fms_register_static_field
!> @brief Wrapper for the register_diag_axis subroutine. This is needed to keep the diag_axis_init
!! interface the same
!> @return Axis id
FUNCTION fms_diag_axis_init(this, axis_name, axis_data, units, cart_name, long_name, direction,&
FUNCTION fms_diag_axis_init(this, axis_name, axis_data, units, cart_name, axis_length, long_name, direction,&
& set_name, edges, Domain, Domain2, DomainU, aux, req, tile_count, domain_position ) &
& result(id)

Expand All @@ -382,6 +383,7 @@ FUNCTION fms_diag_axis_init(this, axis_name, axis_data, units, cart_name, long_n
CLASS(*), INTENT(in) :: axis_data(:) !< Array of coordinate values
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: units !< Units for the axis
CHARACTER(len=1), INTENT(in) :: cart_name !< Cartesian axis ("X", "Y", "Z", "T", "U", "N")
integer, intent(in) :: axis_length !< The length of the axis size(axis_data(:))
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: long_name !< Long name for the axis.
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: set_name !< Name of the parent axis, if it is a subaxis
INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: direction !< Indicates the direction of the axis
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,7 +425,7 @@ FUNCTION fms_diag_axis_init(this, axis_name, axis_data, units, cart_name, long_n
call axis%register(axis_name, axis_data, units, cart_name, long_name=long_name, &
& direction=direction, set_name=set_name, Domain=Domain, Domain2=Domain2, DomainU=DomainU, aux=aux, &
& req=req, tile_count=tile_count, domain_position=domain_position)
& req=req, tile_count=tile_count, domain_position=domain_position, axis_length=axis_length)

id = this%registered_axis
call axis%set_axis_id(id)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -629,6 +631,9 @@ subroutine fms_diag_axis_add_attribute(this, axis_id, att_name, att_value)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: att_name !< Name of the attribute
class(*), intent(in) :: att_value(:) !< The attribute value to add

character(len=20) :: axis_names(2) !< Names of the uncompress axis
integer :: uncmx_ids(2) !< Ids of the uncompress axis
integer :: j !< For do loops
#ifndef use_yaml
CALL MPP_ERROR(FATAL,"You can not use the modern diag manager without compiling with -Duse_yaml")
Expand All @@ -638,6 +643,25 @@ subroutine fms_diag_axis_add_attribute(this, axis_id, att_name, att_value)
select type (axis => this%diag_axis(axis_id)%axis)
type is (fmsDiagFullAxis_type)
call axis%add_axis_attribute(att_name, att_value)

!! Axis that are in the "unstructured" domain require a "compress" attribute for the
!! combiner and PP. This attribute is passed in via a diag_axis_add_attribute call in the model code
!! The compress attribute indicates the names of the axis that were compressed
!! For example grid_index:compress = "grid_yt grid_xt"
!! The metadata and the data for these axis also needs to be written to the file
if (trim(att_name) .eq. "compress") then
!< If the attribute is the "compress" attribute, get the axis names,
!! and the ids of the axis and add it to the axis object so it can be written to netcdf files
!! that use this axis
axis_names = parse_compress_att(att_value)
do j = 1, size(axis_names)
uncmx_ids(j) = get_axis_id_from_name(axis_names(j), this%diag_axis, this%registered_axis)
if (uncmx_ids(j) .eq. diag_null) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
&"Error parsing the compress attribute for axis: "//trim(axis%get_axis_name())//&
&". Be sure that the axes in the compress attribute are registered")
call axis%add_structured_axis_ids(uncmx_ids)
end select
end subroutine fms_diag_axis_add_attribute
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test_fms/diag_manager/test_modern_diag.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,11 +109,12 @@ program test_modern_diag
set_name="land", DomainU=land_domain, aux="geolon_t geolat_t")

id_z = diag_axis_init('z', z, 'point_Z', 'z', long_name='point_Z')
!TODO call diag_axis_add_attribute (id_z, 'formula', 'p(n,k,j,i) = ap(k) + b(k)*ps(n,j,i)')
call diag_axis_add_attribute (id_z, 'formula', 'p(n,k,j,i) = ap(k) + b(k)*ps(n,j,i)')
call diag_axis_add_attribute (id_z, 'integer', 10)
call diag_axis_add_attribute (id_z, '1d integer', (/10, 10/))
call diag_axis_add_attribute (id_z, 'real', 10.)
call diag_axis_add_attribute (id_x, '1d real', (/10./))
call diag_axis_add_attribute (id_ug, 'compress', 'x y')

if (id_x .ne. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The x axis does not have the expected id")
if (id_y .ne. 2) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The y axis does not have the expected id")
Expand Down

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