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feat: modern diag add time_average reduction method and test (NOAA-GF…
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rem1776 authored and rem1776 committed May 1, 2024
1 parent 55318fd commit 9048fa4
Showing 15 changed files with 725 additions and 36 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions diag_manager/diag_data.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ MODULE diag_data_mod
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: index_gridtype = 2
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_none = 0 !< There is no reduction method
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_average = 1 !< The reduction method is avera
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_rms = 2 !< The reduction method is rms
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_max = 3 !< The reduction method is max
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_min = 4 !< The reduction method is min
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_sum = 5 !< The reudction method is sum
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_min = 1 !< The reduction method is min value
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_max = 2 !< The reduction method is max value
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_sum = 3 !< The reduction method is sum of values
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_average= 4 !< The reduction method is average of values
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_rms = 5 !< The reudction method is root mean square of values
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_diurnal = 6 !< The reduction method is diurnal
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_power = 7 !< The reduction method is power
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_power = 7 !< The reduction method is average with exponents
CHARACTER(len=7) :: avg_name = 'average' !< Name of the average fields
CHARACTER(len=8) :: no_units = "NO UNITS"!< String indicating that the variable has no units
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: begin_time = 1 !< Use the begining of the time average bounds
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_axis_object.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -371,8 +371,9 @@ subroutine write_axis_metadata(this, fms2io_fileobj, edges_in_file, parent_axis)
end select

!< Write its metadata
call register_variable_attribute(fms2io_fileobj, axis_name, "long_name", diag_axis%long_name, &
if(allocated(diag_axis%long_name)) &
call register_variable_attribute(fms2io_fileobj, axis_name, "long_name", diag_axis%long_name, &

if (diag_axis%cart_name .NE. "N") &
call register_variable_attribute(fms2io_fileobj, axis_name, "axis", diag_axis%cart_name, str_len=1)
53 changes: 49 additions & 4 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_field_object.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ module fms_diag_field_object_mod
!! the corresponding index in
!! buffer_ids(:) is allocated.
logical, allocatable :: mask(:,:,:,:) !< Mask passed in send_data
logical :: halo_present = .false. !< set if any halos are used
! procedure :: send_data => fms_send_data !!TODO
! Get ID functions
@@ -168,6 +169,10 @@ module fms_diag_field_object_mod
procedure :: get_file_ids
procedure :: set_mask
procedure :: allocate_mask
procedure :: set_halo_present
procedure :: is_halo_present
procedure :: find_missing_value
procedure :: has_mask_allocated
end type fmsDiagField_type
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! variables !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
type(fmsDiagField_type) :: null_ob
@@ -1652,10 +1657,6 @@ subroutine allocate_mask(this, mask_in, omp_axis)
class(fmsDiagAxisContainer_type), intent(in), optional :: omp_axis(:) !< true if calling from omp region
integer :: axis_num, length(4)
integer, pointer :: id_num
if(allocated(this%mask)) then
call mpp_error(NOTE,"set_mask:: mask already allocated for field"//this%longname)
! if not omp just allocate to whatever is given
if(.not. present(omp_axis)) then
allocate(this%mask(size(mask_in,1), size(mask_in,2), size(mask_in,3), &
@@ -1692,5 +1693,49 @@ subroutine set_mask(this, mask_in, is, js, ks, ie, je, ke)
end subroutine set_mask

!> sets halo_present to true
subroutine set_halo_present(this)
class(fmsDiagField_type), intent(inout) :: this !< field object to modify
this%halo_present = .true.
end subroutine set_halo_present

!> Getter for halo_present
pure function is_halo_present(this)
class(fmsDiagField_type), intent(in) :: this !< field object to get from
logical :: is_halo_present
is_halo_present = this%halo_present
end function is_halo_present

!> Helper routine to find and set the netcdf missing value for a field
!! Always returns r8 due to reduction routine args
!! casts up to r8 from given missing val or default if needed
function find_missing_value(this, missing_val) &
class(fmsDiagField_type), intent(in) :: this !< field object to get missing value for
class(*), allocatable, intent(out) :: missing_val !< outputted netcdf missing value (oriignal type)
real(r8_kind) :: res !< returned r8 copy of missing_val

if(this%has_missing_value()) then
missing_val = this%get_missing_value(this%get_vartype())
missing_val = get_default_missing_value(this%get_vartype())

select type(missing_val)
type is (real(r8_kind))
res = missing_val
type is (real(r4_kind))
res = real(missing_val, r8_kind)
end select
end function find_missing_value

!> @returns allocation status of logical mask array
!! this just indicates whether the mask array itself has been alloc'd
!! this is different from @ref has_mask_variant, which is set earlier for whether a mask is being used at all
pure logical function has_mask_allocated(this)
class(fmsDiagField_type),intent(in) :: this !< field object to check mask allocation for
has_mask_allocated = allocated(this%mask)
end function has_mask_allocated

end module fms_diag_field_object_mod
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_file_object.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -145,6 +145,8 @@ module fms_diag_file_object_mod
procedure, public :: has_file_varlist
procedure, public :: has_file_global_meta
procedure, public :: dump_file_obj
procedure, public :: get_buffer_ids
procedure, public :: get_number_of_buffers
end type fmsDiagFile_type

type, extends (fmsDiagFile_type) :: subRegionalFile_type
@@ -1475,5 +1477,21 @@ subroutine close_diag_file(this)
end subroutine close_diag_file

!> \brief Gets the buffer_id list from the file object
pure function get_buffer_ids (this)
class(fmsDiagFile_type), intent(in) :: this !< The file object
integer, allocatable :: get_buffer_ids(:) !< returned buffer ids for this file

get_buffer_ids = this%buffer_ids
end function get_buffer_ids

!> Gets the stored number of buffers from the file object
pure function get_number_of_buffers(this)
class(fmsDiagFile_type), intent(in) :: this !< file object
integer :: get_number_of_buffers !< returned number of buffers
get_number_of_buffers = this%number_of_buffers
end function get_number_of_buffers

end module fms_diag_file_object_mod
74 changes: 67 additions & 7 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_object.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ integer function fms_register_diag_field_obj &
bufferptr => this%FMS_diag_output_buffers(fieldptr%buffer_ids(i))
call bufferptr%set_field_id(this%registered_variables)
call bufferptr%set_yaml_id(fieldptr%buffer_ids(i))
call bufferptr%init_buffer_time(init_time)

!> Allocate and initialize member buffer_allocated of this field
@@ -538,6 +539,10 @@ logical function fms_diag_accept_data (this, diag_field_id, field_data, mask, rm
!< Set the field_weight. If "weight" is not present it will be set to 1.0_r8_kind
field_weight = set_weight(weight)

!< Set the variable type based off passed in field data
if(.not. this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%has_vartype()) &
call this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%set_type(field_data(1,1,1,1))

!< Check that the indices are present in the correct combination
error_string = check_indices_order(is_in, ie_in, js_in, je_in)
if (trim(error_string) .ne. "") call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_string)//". "//trim(field_info))
@@ -550,6 +555,8 @@ logical function fms_diag_accept_data (this, diag_field_id, field_data, mask, rm
if ((present(is_in) .and. present(ie_in)) .or. (present(js_in) .and. present(je_in))) &
has_halos = .true.

if(has_halos) call this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%set_halo_present()

!< If the field has `mask_variant=.true.`, check that mask OR rmask are present
if (this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%is_mask_variant()) then
if (.not. allocated(mask) .and. .not. allocated(rmask)) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
@@ -602,7 +609,8 @@ logical function fms_diag_accept_data (this, diag_field_id, field_data, mask, rm
if (.not. this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%is_data_buffer_allocated()) then
data_buffer_is_allocated = &
this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%allocate_data_buffer(field_data, this%diag_axis)
call this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%allocate_mask(oor_mask, this%diag_axis)
if(.not. this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%has_mask_allocated()) &
call this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%allocate_mask(oor_mask, this%diag_axis)
call this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%set_data_buffer_is_allocated(.TRUE.)
call this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%set_math_needs_to_be_done(.TRUE.)
@@ -621,7 +629,8 @@ logical function fms_diag_accept_data (this, diag_field_id, field_data, mask, rm
bounds, using_blocking, Time=Time)
if (trim(error_string) .ne. "") call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_string)//". "//trim(field_info))
call this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%set_math_needs_to_be_done(.FALSE.)
call this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%allocate_mask(oor_mask)
if(.not. this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%has_mask_allocated()) &
call this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%allocate_mask(oor_mask)
call this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)%set_mask(oor_mask)
end if main_if
@@ -654,7 +663,7 @@ subroutine fms_diag_send_complete(this, time_step)
character(len=128) :: error_string
type(fmsDiagIbounds_type) :: bounds
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: file_ids !< Array of file IDs for a field
logical, parameter :: DEBUG_SC = .true. !< turn on output for debugging
logical, parameter :: DEBUG_SC = .false. !< turn on output for debugging

!< Update the current model time by adding the time_step
this%current_model_time = this%current_model_time + time_step
@@ -699,18 +708,30 @@ end subroutine fms_diag_send_complete

!> @brief Loops through all the files, open the file, writes out axis and
!! variable metadata and data when necessary.
!! TODO: passing in the saved mask from the field obj to diag_reduction_done_wrapper
!! for performance
subroutine fms_diag_do_io(this, is_end_of_run)
class(fmsDiagObject_type), target, intent(inout) :: this !< The diag object
logical, optional, intent(in) :: is_end_of_run !< If .true. this is the end of the run,
!! so force write
#ifdef use_yaml
integer :: i !< For do loops
class(fmsDiagFileContainer_type), pointer :: diag_file !< Pointer to this%FMS_diag_files(i) (for convenience)
class(fmsDiagOutputBuffer_type), pointer :: diag_buff !< pointer to output buffers iterated in buff_loop
class(fmsDiagField_type), pointer :: diag_field !< pointer to output buffers iterated in buff_loop
class(DiagYamlFilesVar_type), pointer :: field_yaml !< Pointer to a field from yaml fields
TYPE (time_type), pointer :: model_time!< The current model time

integer, allocatable :: buff_ids(:) !< ids for output buffers to loop through
integer :: ibuff !< buffer index
logical :: file_is_opened_this_time_step !< True if the file was opened in this time_step
!! If true the metadata will need to be written
logical :: force_write
logical :: force_write !< force the last write if at end of run
logical :: is_writing !< true if we are writing the actual field data (metadata is always written)
logical :: has_mask !< whether we have a mask
logical, parameter :: DEBUG_REDUCT = .false. !< enables debugging output
class(*), allocatable :: missing_val !< netcdf missing value for a given field
real(r8_kind) :: mval !< r8 copy of missing value
character(len=128) :: error_string !< outputted error string from reducti

force_write = .false.
if (present (is_end_of_run)) force_write = .true.
@@ -732,7 +753,38 @@ subroutine fms_diag_do_io(this, is_end_of_run)
call diag_file%write_axis_data(this%diag_axis)

if (diag_file%is_time_to_write(model_time)) then
is_writing = diag_file%is_time_to_write(model_time)

! finish reduction method if its time to write
buff_reduct: if (is_writing) then
buff_ids = diag_file%FMS_diag_file%get_buffer_ids()
! loop through the buffers and finish reduction if needed
buff_loop: do ibuff=1, SIZE(buff_ids)
diag_buff => this%FMS_diag_output_buffers(buff_ids(ibuff))
field_yaml => diag_yaml%get_diag_field_from_id(diag_buff%get_yaml_id())
diag_field => this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_buff%get_field_id())
! sets missing value
mval = diag_field%find_missing_value(missing_val)
! time_average and greater values all involve averaging so need to be "finished" before written
if( field_yaml%has_var_reduction()) then
if( field_yaml%get_var_reduction() .ge. time_average) then
if(DEBUG_REDUCT)call mpp_error(NOTE, "fms_diag_do_io:: finishing reduction for "//diag_field%get_longname())
has_mask = diag_field%has_mask_variant()
if(has_mask) has_mask = diag_field%get_mask_variant()
error_string = diag_buff%diag_reduction_done_wrapper( &
field_yaml%get_var_reduction(), &
mval, has_mask)
enddo buff_loop
endif buff_reduct

if (is_writing) then
call diag_file%increase_unlim_dimension_level()
call diag_file%write_time_data()
call diag_file%write_field_data(this%FMS_diag_fields, this%FMS_diag_output_buffers)
@@ -795,6 +847,8 @@ function fms_diag_do_reduction(this, field_data, diag_field_id, oor_mask, weight
real(kind=r8_kind) :: missing_value !< Missing_value for data points that are masked
!! This will obtained as r8 and converted to the right type as
!! needed. This is to avoid yet another select type ...
logical :: new_time !< .True. if this is a new time (i.e data has not be been
!! sent for this time)

!TODO mostly everything
field_ptr => this%FMS_diag_fields(diag_field_id)
@@ -908,11 +962,17 @@ function fms_diag_do_reduction(this, field_data, diag_field_id, oor_mask, weight
case (time_sum)
error_msg = buffer_ptr%do_time_sum_wrapper(field_data, oor_mask, field_ptr%get_mask_variant(), &
bounds_in, bounds_out, missing_value)
bounds_in, bounds_out, missing_value, .true.)
if (trim(error_msg) .ne. "") then
case (time_average)
new_time = buffer_ptr%update_buffer_time(time)
error_msg = buffer_ptr%do_time_sum_wrapper(field_data, oor_mask, field_ptr%get_mask_variant(), &
bounds_in, bounds_out, missing_value, new_time)
if (trim(error_msg) .ne. "") then
case (time_power)
case (time_rms)
case (time_diurnal)
84 changes: 77 additions & 7 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_output_buffer.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ module fms_diag_output_buffer_mod
#ifdef use_yaml
use platform_mod
use iso_c_binding
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, operator(==)
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, FATAL
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, operator(==), operator(>)
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, FATAL, NOTE
use diag_data_mod, only: DIAG_NULL, DIAG_NOT_REGISTERED, i4, i8, r4, r8, get_base_time, MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE, EMPTY, &
time_min, time_max
use fms2_io_mod, only: FmsNetcdfFile_t, write_data, FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t, FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t
use fms_diag_yaml_mod, only: diag_yaml
use fms_diag_bbox_mod, only: fmsDiagIbounds_type
use fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod, only: do_time_none, do_time_min, do_time_max, do_time_sum_update
use fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod, only: do_time_none, do_time_min, do_time_max, do_time_sum_update, time_update_done
use fms_diag_time_utils_mod, only: diag_time_inc

implicit none
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ module fms_diag_output_buffer_mod
integer :: field_id !< The id of the field the buffer belongs to
integer :: yaml_id !< The id of the yaml id the buffer belongs to
logical :: done_with_math !< .True. if done doing the math
type(time_type) :: time !< The last time the data was received

procedure :: add_axis_ids
@@ -62,6 +63,8 @@ module fms_diag_output_buffer_mod
procedure :: get_field_id
procedure :: set_yaml_id
procedure :: get_yaml_id
procedure :: init_buffer_time
procedure :: update_buffer_time
procedure :: is_done_with_math
procedure :: set_done_with_math
procedure :: write_buffer
@@ -77,7 +80,8 @@ module fms_diag_output_buffer_mod
procedure :: do_time_min_wrapper
procedure :: do_time_max_wrapper
procedure :: do_time_sum_wrapper

procedure :: diag_reduction_done_wrapper
procedure :: get_buffer_dims
end type fmsDiagOutputBuffer_type

! public types
@@ -323,6 +327,35 @@ subroutine set_yaml_id(this, yaml_id)
this%yaml_id = yaml_id
end subroutine set_yaml_id

!> @brief inits the buffer time for the buffer
subroutine init_buffer_time(this, time)
class(fmsDiagOutputBuffer_type), intent(inout) :: this !< Buffer object
type(time_type), optional, intent(in) :: time !< time to add to the buffer

if (present(time)) then
this%time = time
this%time = get_base_time()
end subroutine init_buffer_time

!> @brief Update the buffer time if it is a new time
!! @return .true. if the buffer was updated
function update_buffer_time(this, time) &
class(fmsDiagOutputBuffer_type), intent(inout) :: this !< Buffer object
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time !< time to add to the buffer

logical :: res

if (time > this%time) then
this%time = time
res = .true.
res = .false.
end function

!> @brief Determine if finished with math
!! @return this%done_with_math
function is_done_with_math(this) &
@@ -554,7 +587,8 @@ end function do_time_max_wrapper

!> @brief Does the time_sum reduction method on the buffer object
!! @return Error message if the math was not successful
function do_time_sum_wrapper(this, field_data, mask, is_masked, bounds_in, bounds_out, missing_value) &
function do_time_sum_wrapper(this, field_data, mask, is_masked, bounds_in, bounds_out, missing_value, &
increase_counter) &
class(fmsDiagOutputBuffer_type), intent(inout) :: this !< buffer object to write
class(*), intent(in) :: field_data(:,:,:,:) !< Buffer data for current time
@@ -563,6 +597,8 @@ function do_time_sum_wrapper(this, field_data, mask, is_masked, bounds_in, bound
logical, intent(in) :: mask(:,:,:,:) !< Mask for the field
logical, intent(in) :: is_masked !< .True. if the field has a mask
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in) :: missing_value !< Missing_value for data points that are masked
logical, intent(in) :: increase_counter !< .True. if data has not been received for
!! time, so the counter needs to be increased
character(len=50) :: err_msg

!TODO This will be expanded for integers
@@ -572,21 +608,55 @@ function do_time_sum_wrapper(this, field_data, mask, is_masked, bounds_in, bound
select type (field_data)
type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
call do_time_sum_update(output_buffer, this%weight_sum, field_data, mask, is_masked, &
bounds_in, bounds_out, missing_value)
bounds_in, bounds_out, missing_value, increase_counter)
class default
err_msg="do_time_sum_wrapper::the output buffer and the buffer send in are not of the same type (r8_kind)"
end select
type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
select type (field_data)
type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
call do_time_sum_update(output_buffer, this%weight_sum, field_data, mask, is_masked, bounds_in, bounds_out, &
real(missing_value, kind=r4_kind))
real(missing_value, kind=r4_kind), increase_counter)
class default
err_msg="do_time_sum_wrapper::the output buffer and the buffer send in are not of the same type (r4_kind)"
end select
class default
err_msg="do_time_sum_wrapper::the output buffer is not a valid type, must be real(r8_kind) or real(r4_kind)"
end select
end function do_time_sum_wrapper

!> Finishes calculations for any reductions that use an average (avg, rms, pow)
!! TODO add mask and any other needed args for adjustment, and pass in the adjusted mask
!! to time_update_done
function diag_reduction_done_wrapper(this, reduction_method, missing_value, has_mask) & !! , has_halo, mask) &
class(fmsDiagOutputBuffer_type), intent(inout) :: this !< Updated buffer object
integer, intent(in) :: reduction_method !< enumerated reduction type from diag_data
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in) :: missing_value !< missing_value for masked data points
logical, intent(in) :: has_mask !< indicates if there was a mask used during buffer updates
character(len=51) :: err_msg !< error message to return, blank if sucessful

if(.not. allocated(this%buffer)) return

if(this%weight_sum .eq. 0.0_r8_kind) return

err_msg = ""
select type(buff => this%buffer)
type is (real(r8_kind))
call time_update_done(buff, this%weight_sum, reduction_method, missing_value, has_mask)
type is (real(r4_kind))
call time_update_done(buff, this%weight_sum, reduction_method, real(missing_value, r4_kind), has_mask)
end select
this%weight_sum = 0.0_r8_kind

end function

!> this leaves out the diurnal index cause its only used for tmp mask allocation
pure function get_buffer_dims(this)
class(fmsDiagOutputBuffer_type), intent(in) :: this
integer :: get_buffer_dims(4)
get_buffer_dims = this%buffer_dims(1:4)
end function

end module fms_diag_output_buffer_mod
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion diag_manager/fms_diag_reduction_methods.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -30,12 +30,13 @@
module fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod
use platform_mod, only: r8_kind, r4_kind
use fms_diag_bbox_mod, only: fmsDiagIbounds_type
use fms_string_utils_mod, only: string
use mpp_mod
implicit none

public :: check_indices_order, init_mask, set_weight
public :: do_time_none, do_time_min, do_time_max, do_time_sum_update
public :: do_time_none, do_time_min, do_time_max, do_time_sum_update, time_update_done

!> @brief Does the time_none reduction method. See include/
!TODO This needs to be extended to integers
@@ -62,6 +63,13 @@ module fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod
module procedure do_time_sum_update_r4, do_time_sum_update_r8
end interface

!> @brief Finishes a reduction that involves an average
!! (ie. time_avg, rms, pow)
!! This takes the average at the end of the time step
interface time_update_done
module procedure sum_update_done_r4, sum_update_done_r8
end interface


!> @brief Checks improper combinations of is, ie, js, and je.
37 changes: 33 additions & 4 deletions diag_manager/include/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@

! for any debug prints
#define DEBUG_REDUCT .true.
#define DEBUG_REDUCT .false.

!> @brief Do the time_none reduction method (i.e copy the correct portion of the input data)
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ end subroutine DO_TIME_MAX_
!! Where l are the indices passed in through the bounds_in/out
subroutine DO_TIME_SUM_UPDATE_(data_out, weight_sum, data_in, mask, is_masked, bounds_in, bounds_out, &
missing_value, weight, pow)
missing_value, increase_counter, weight, pow)
real(FMS_TRM_KIND_), intent(inout) :: data_out(:,:,:,:,:) !< output data
real(r8_kind), intent(inout) :: weight_sum !< Sum of weights from the output buffer object
real(FMS_TRM_KIND_), intent(in) :: data_in(:,:,:,:) !< data to update the buffer with
@@ -226,6 +226,8 @@ subroutine DO_TIME_SUM_UPDATE_(data_out, weight_sum, data_in, mask, is_masked, b
type(fmsDiagIbounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds_out !< indices indicating the correct portion
!! of the output buffer
real(FMS_TRM_KIND_), intent(in) :: missing_value !< Missing_value for data points that are masked
logical, intent(in) :: increase_counter !< .True. if data has not been received for
!! time, so the counter needs to be increased
real(r8_kind),optional, intent(in) :: weight !< Weight applied to data_in before added to data_out
!! used for weighted averages, default 1.0
real(FMS_TRM_KIND_),optional, intent(in) :: pow !< Used for pow reduction, adds field^pow to buffer
@@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ subroutine DO_TIME_SUM_UPDATE_(data_out, weight_sum, data_in, mask, is_masked, b

! update with given weight for average before write
weight_sum = weight_sum + weight_loc
if (increase_counter) weight_sum = weight_sum + weight_loc

is_out = bounds_out%get_imin()
ie_out = bounds_out%get_imax()
@@ -289,11 +291,38 @@ subroutine DO_TIME_SUM_UPDATE_(data_out, weight_sum, data_in, mask, is_masked, b
do k = 0, ke_out - ks_out
do j = 0, je_out - js_out
do i = 0, ie_out - is_out
data_out(is_out + i, js_out + j, ks_out + k, :, 1) = &
data_out(is_out + i, js_out + j, ks_out + k, :, 1) = &
data_out(is_out + i, js_out + j, ks_out + k, :, 1) &
+ (data_in(is_in +i, js_in + j, ks_in + k, :) * weight_loc) ** pow_loc
end subroutine DO_TIME_SUM_UPDATE_

!> To be called with diag_send_complete, finishes reductions
!! Just divides the buffer by the counter array(which is just the sum of the weights used in the buffer's reduction)
!! TODO: change has_mask to an actual logical mask so we don't have to check for missing values
subroutine SUM_UPDATE_DONE_(out_buffer_data, weight_sum, reduction_method, missing_val, has_mask)
real(FMS_TRM_KIND_), intent(inout) :: out_buffer_data(:,:,:,:,:) !< data buffer previously updated with
!! do_time_sum_update
real(r8_kind), intent(in) :: weight_sum !< sum of weights for averaging, provided via argument to send data
integer, intent(in) :: reduction_method !< which reduction method to use, should be time_avg
real(FMS_TRM_KIND_), intent(in) :: missing_val !< missing value for masked elements
logical, intent(in) :: has_mask !< indicates if mask is used so missing values can be skipped
!! TODO replace conditional in the `where` with passed in and ajusted mask from the original call
!logical, optional, intent(in) :: mask(:,:,:,:) !< logical mask from accept data call, if using one.
!logical :: has_mask !< whether or not mask is present

if ( has_mask ) then
where(out_buffer_data(:,:,:,:,1) .ne. missing_val)
out_buffer_data(:,:,:,:,1) = out_buffer_data(:,:,:,:,1) &
/ weight_sum
else !not mask variant
out_buffer_data(:,:,:,:,1) = out_buffer_data(:,:,:,:,1) &
/ weight_sum

end subroutine

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions diag_manager/include/fms_diag_reduction_methods_r4.fh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
#define DO_TIME_SUM_UPDATE_ do_time_sum_update_r4

#define SUM_UPDATE_DONE_ sum_update_done_r4

#include ""

!> @}
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions diag_manager/include/fms_diag_reduction_methods_r8.fh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
#define DO_TIME_SUM_UPDATE_ do_time_sum_update_r8

#define SUM_UPDATE_DONE_ sum_update_done_r8

#include ""

!> @}
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions test_fms/diag_manager/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libFMS/
check_PROGRAMS = test_diag_manager test_diag_manager_time \
test_diag_dlinked_list test_diag_yaml test_diag_ocean test_modern_diag test_diag_buffer \
test_flexible_time test_diag_update_buffer test_reduction_methods check_time_none \
check_time_min check_time_max check_time_sum
check_time_min check_time_max check_time_sum check_time_avg

# This is the source code for the test.
test_diag_manager_SOURCES = test_diag_manager.F90
@@ -48,19 +48,21 @@ check_time_none_SOURCES = testing_utils.F90 check_time_none.F90
check_time_min_SOURCES = testing_utils.F90 check_time_min.F90
check_time_max_SOURCES = testing_utils.F90 check_time_max.F90
check_time_sum_SOURCES = testing_utils.F90 check_time_sum.F90
check_time_avg_SOURCES = testing_utils.F90 check_time_avg.F90


# Run the test.

testing_utils.mod: testing_utils.$(OBJEXT)

# Copy over other needed files to the srcdir

270 changes: 270 additions & 0 deletions test_fms/diag_manager/check_time_avg.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
!* GNU Lesser General Public License
!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
!* your option) any later version.
!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
!* for more details.
!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.

!> @brief Checks the output file after running test_reduction_methods using the "time_avg" reduction method
program check_time_avg
use fms_mod, only: fms_init, fms_end, string
use fms2_io_mod, only: FmsNetcdfFile_t, read_data, close_file, open_file
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_npes, mpp_error, FATAL, mpp_pe, input_nml_file
use platform_mod, only: r4_kind, r8_kind
use testing_utils, only: allocate_buffer, test_normal, test_openmp, test_halos, no_mask, logical_mask, real_mask

implicit none

type(FmsNetcdfFile_t) :: fileobj !< FMS2 fileobj
type(FmsNetcdfFile_t) :: fileobj1 !< FMS2 fileobj for subregional file 1
type(FmsNetcdfFile_t) :: fileobj2 !< FMS2 fileobj for subregional file 2
real(kind=r4_kind), allocatable :: cdata_out(:,:,:,:) !< Data in the compute domain
integer :: nx !< Number of points in the x direction
integer :: ny !< Number of points in the y direction
integer :: nz !< Number of points in the z direction
integer :: nw !< Number of points in the 4th dimension
integer :: ti !< For looping through time levels
integer :: io_status !< Io status after reading the namelist
logical :: use_mask !< .true. if using masks
integer, parameter :: file_freq = 6 !< file frequency as set in diag_table.yaml

integer :: test_case = test_normal !< Indicates which test case to run
integer :: mask_case = no_mask !< Indicates which masking option to run
integer, parameter :: kindl = KIND(0.0) !< compile-time default kind size

namelist / test_reduction_methods_nml / test_case, mask_case

call fms_init()

read (input_nml_file, test_reduction_methods_nml, iostat=io_status)

select case(mask_case)
case (no_mask)
use_mask = .false.
case (logical_mask, real_mask)
use_mask = .true.
end select
nx = 96
ny = 96
nz = 5
nw = 2

if (.not. open_file(fileobj, "", "read")) &
call mpp_error(FATAL, "unable to open")

if (.not. open_file(fileobj1, "", "read")) &
call mpp_error(FATAL, "unable to open")

if (.not. open_file(fileobj2, "", "read")) &
call mpp_error(FATAL, "unable to open")

cdata_out = allocate_buffer(1, nx, 1, ny, nz, nw)

do ti = 1, 8
cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
print *, "Checking answers for var0_avg - time_level:", string(ti)
call read_data(fileobj, "var0_avg", cdata_out(1,1,1,1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
call check_data_0d(cdata_out(1,1,1,1), ti)

cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
print *, "Checking answers for var1_avg - time_level:", string(ti)
call read_data(fileobj, "var1_avg", cdata_out(:,1,1,1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
call check_data_1d(cdata_out(:,1,1,1), ti)

cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
print *, "Checking answers for var2_avg - time_level:", string(ti)
call read_data(fileobj, "var2_avg", cdata_out(:,:,1,1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
call check_data_2d(cdata_out(:,:,1,1), ti)

cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
print *, "Checking answers for var3_avg - time_level:", string(ti)
call read_data(fileobj, "var3_avg", cdata_out(:,:,:,1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
call check_data_3d(cdata_out(:,:,:,1), ti, .false.)

cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
print *, "Checking answers for var4_avg - time_level:", string(ti)
call read_data(fileobj, "var4_avg", cdata_out(:,:,:,:), unlim_dim_level=ti)
call check_data_3d(cdata_out(:,:,:,1), ti, .false.)
call check_data_3d(cdata_out(:,:,:,2), ti, .false.)

cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
print *, "Checking answers for var3_Z - time_level:", string(ti)
call read_data(fileobj, "var3_Z", cdata_out(:,:,1:2,1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
call check_data_3d(cdata_out(:,:,1:2,1), ti, .true., nz_offset=1)

cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
print *, "Checking answers for var3_avg in the first regional file- time_level:", string(ti)
call read_data(fileobj1, "var3_avg", cdata_out(1:4,1:3,1:2,1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
call check_data_3d(cdata_out(1:4,1:3,1:2,1), ti, .true., nx_offset=77, ny_offset=77, nz_offset=1)

cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
print *, "Checking answers for var3_avg in the second regional file- time_level:", string(ti)
call read_data(fileobj2, "var3_avg", cdata_out(1:4,1:1,1:2,1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
call check_data_3d(cdata_out(1:4,1:1,1:2,1), ti, .true., nx_offset=77, ny_offset=80, nz_offset=1)

call fms_end()


! sent data set to:
! buffer(ii-is+1+nhalo, j-js+1+nhalo, k, l) = real(ii, kind=r8_kind)* 1000_r8_kind + &
! real(j, kind=r8_kind)* 10_r8_kind + &
! real(k, kind=r8_kind)
! + time_index/100
!> @brief Check that the 0d data read in is correct
subroutine check_data_0d(buffer, time_level)
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(inout) :: buffer !< Buffer read from the table
integer, intent(in) :: time_level !< Time level read in

real(kind=r4_kind) :: buffer_exp !< Expected result
integer :: i, step_avg = 0 !< avg of time step increments to use in generating reference data

! avgs integers for decimal part of field input
! ie. level 1 = 1+2+..+6
! 2 = 7+8+..+12
step_avg = 0
do i=(time_level-1)*file_freq+1, time_level*file_freq
step_avg = step_avg + i

! 0d answer is:
! (1011 * frequency avg'd over )
! + ( 1/100 * avg of time step increments )
buffer_exp = real((1000.0_r8_kind+10.0_r8_kind+1.0_r8_kind) * file_freq + &
real(step_avg,r8_kind)/100.0_r8_kind, kind=r4_kind)
buffer_exp = buffer_exp / file_freq

if (abs(buffer - buffer_exp) > 0.0) print *, "answer not exact for 0d, time:", time_level, &
" diff:", abs(buffer-buffer_exp)

if (abs(buffer - buffer_exp) > 1.0e-4) then
print *, "time_level", time_level, "expected", buffer_exp, "read", buffer
call mpp_error(FATAL, "Check_time_avg::check_data_0d:: Data is not correct")
end subroutine check_data_0d

!> @brief Check that the 1d data read in is correct
subroutine check_data_1d(buffer, time_level)
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in) :: buffer(:) !< Buffer read from the table
integer, intent(in) :: time_level !< Time level read in
real(kind=r4_kind) :: buffer_exp !< Expected result
integer :: step_sum !< avg of time step increments to use in generating reference data
integer :: ii, i, j, k, l !< For looping
integer :: n

step_sum = 0
do i=(time_level-1)*file_freq+1, time_level*file_freq
step_sum = step_sum + i

! 1d answer is
! (((i * 1000 + 11) * frequency) + (sum of time steps)) / frequency
! or
! => (i * 1000 + 11) + (sum of time_steps/frequency/100)
do ii = 1, size(buffer, 1)
buffer_exp = real( &
(real(ii, kind=r8_kind)*1000.0_r8_kind +11.0_r8_kind) + &
(real(step_sum, kind=r8_kind)/file_freq/100.0_r8_kind) &
, kind=r4_kind)

if (use_mask .and. ii .eq. 1) buffer_exp = -666_r4_kind
if (abs(buffer(ii) - buffer_exp) > 0.0) then
print *, "i:", ii, "read in:", buffer(ii), "expected:", buffer_exp, "time level:", time_level
print *, "diff:", abs(buffer(ii) - buffer_exp)
call mpp_error(FATAL, "Check_time_avg::check_data_1d:: Data is not correct")
end subroutine check_data_1d

!> @brief Check that the 2d data read in is correct
subroutine check_data_2d(buffer, time_level)
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in) :: buffer(:,:) !< Buffer read from the table
integer, intent(in) :: time_level !< Time level read in
real(kind=r4_kind) :: buffer_exp !< Expected result

integer :: ii,i, j, k, l !< For looping
integer :: step_avg !< avg of time step increments to use in generating reference data

step_avg = 0
do i=(time_level-1)*file_freq+1, time_level*file_freq
step_avg = step_avg + i

! 2d answer is
! ((i * 1000 + j * 10 + 1) * frequency) + (avg of time steps)
do ii = 1, size(buffer, 1)
do j = 1, size(buffer, 2)
buffer_exp = real(real(ii, kind=r8_kind)* 1000.0_kindl+ &
10.0_kindl*real(j, kind=r8_kind)+1.0_kindl + &
real(step_avg, kind=r8_kind)/file_freq/100.0_r8_kind, kind=r4_kind)
if (use_mask .and. ii .eq. 1 .and. j .eq. 1) buffer_exp = -666_r4_kind
if (abs(buffer(ii, j) - buffer_exp) > 0.0) then
print *, "indices:", ii, j, "expected:", buffer_exp, "read in:",buffer(ii, j)
call mpp_error(FATAL, "Check_time_avg::check_data_2d:: Data is not correct")
end subroutine check_data_2d

!> @brief Check that the 3d data read in is correct
subroutine check_data_3d(buffer, time_level, is_regional, nx_offset, ny_offset, nz_offset)
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in) :: buffer(:,:,:) !< Buffer read from the table
integer, intent(in) :: time_level !< Time level read in
logical, intent(in) :: is_regional !< .True. if the variable is subregional
real(kind=r4_kind) :: buffer_exp !< Expected result
integer, optional, intent(in) :: nx_offset !< Offset in the x direction
integer, optional, intent(in) :: ny_offset !< Offset in the y direction
integer, optional, intent(in) :: nz_offset !< Offset in the z direction

integer :: ii, i, j, k, l !< For looping
integer :: nx_oset !< Offset in the x direction (local variable)
integer :: ny_oset !< Offset in the y direction (local variable)
integer :: nz_oset !< Offset in the z direction (local variable)
integer :: step_avg!< avg of time step increments to use in generating reference data

step_avg = 0
do i=(time_level-1)*file_freq+1, time_level*file_freq
step_avg = step_avg + i

nx_oset = 0
if (present(nx_offset)) nx_oset = nx_offset

ny_oset = 0
if (present(ny_offset)) ny_oset = ny_offset

nz_oset = 0
if (present(nz_offset)) nz_oset = nz_offset

! 3d answer is
! ((i * 1000 + j * 10 + k) * frequency) + (avg of time steps)
do ii = 1, size(buffer, 1)
do j = 1, size(buffer, 2)
do k = 1, size(buffer, 3)
buffer_exp = real(real(ii+nx_oset, kind=r8_kind)* 1000.0_kindl + &
10.0_kindl*real(j+ny_oset, kind=r8_kind) + &
1.0_kindl*real(k+nz_oset, kind=r8_kind) + &
real(step_avg, kind=r8_kind)/file_freq/100.0_kindl, kind=r4_kind)
if (use_mask .and. ii .eq. 1 .and. j .eq. 1 .and. k .eq. 1 .and. .not. is_regional) buffer_exp = -666_r4_kind
if (abs(buffer(ii, j, k) - buffer_exp) > 0.0) then
print *, mpp_pe(),'indices:',ii, j, k, "read in:", buffer(ii, j, k), "expected:",buffer_exp
call mpp_error(FATAL, "Check_time_avg::check_data_3d:: Data is not correct")
end subroutine check_data_3d
end program
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_fms/diag_manager/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ diag_files:
var_name: var5
reduction: average
kind: r4
- module: lnd_mod
- module: atm_mod
var_name: var7
reduction: average
kind: r4
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_fms/diag_manager/test_modern_diag.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ subroutine allocate_dummy_data(var, lat_lon_domain, cube_sphere, lnd_domain, nz)
allocate(var%var4(is:ie, js:je, nz)) !< Variable in a 3D cube sphere domain

call mpp_get_UG_compute_domain(lnd_domain, size=nland)
allocate(var%var5(nz)) !< Variable in the land unstructured domain
allocate(var%var5(nland)) !< Variable in the land unstructured domain

allocate(var%var6(nz)) !< 1D variable not domain decomposed

180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions test_fms/diag_manager/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@

#* GNU Lesser General Public License
#* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
#* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
#* your option) any later version.
#* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
#* for more details.
#* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.

# Set common test settings.
. ../

if [ -z "${skipflag}" ]; then
# create and enter directory for in/output files

cat <<_EOF > diag_table.yaml
title: test_avg
base_date: 2 1 1 0 0 0
- file_name: test_avg
time_units: hours
unlimdim: time
freq: 6 hours
- module: ocn_mod
var_name: var0
output_name: var0_avg
reduction: average
kind: r4
- module: ocn_mod
var_name: var1
output_name: var1_avg
reduction: average
kind: r4
- module: ocn_mod
var_name: var2
output_name: var2_avg
reduction: average
kind: r4
- module: ocn_mod
var_name: var3
output_name: var3_avg
reduction: average
kind: r4
- module: ocn_mod
var_name: var4
output_name: var4_avg
reduction: average
kind: r4
- module: ocn_mod
var_name: var3
output_name: var3_Z
reduction: average
zbounds: 2. 3.
kind: r4
- file_name: test_avg_regional
time_units: hours
unlimdim: time
- grid_type: latlon
corner1: 78. 78.
corner2: 78. 78.
corner3: 81. 81.
corner4: 81. 81.
freq: 6 hours
- module: ocn_mod
var_name: var3
output_name: var3_avg
reduction: average
zbounds: 2. 3.
kind: r4

# remove any existing files that would result in false passes during checks
rm -f *.nc

# tests with no mask, no openmp
printf "&diag_manager_nml \n use_modern_diag=.true. \n / \n&test_reduction_methods_nml \n test_case = 0 \n/" | cat > input.nml
test_expect_success "Running diag_manager with "avg" reduction method (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 6 ../test_reduction_methods
test_expect_success "Checking answers for the "avg" reduction method (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 1 ../check_time_avg

my_test_count=`expr $my_test_count + 1`
printf "&diag_manager_nml \n use_modern_diag=.true. \n / \n &test_reduction_methods_nml \n test_case = 0 \n mask_case = 1 \n \n/" | cat > input.nml
test_expect_success "Running diag_manager with "avg" reduction method, logical mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 6 ../test_reduction_methods
test_expect_success "Checking answers for the "avg" reduction method, logical mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 1 ../check_time_avg

my_test_count=`expr $my_test_count + 1`
printf "&diag_manager_nml \n use_modern_diag=.true. \n / \n &test_reduction_methods_nml \n test_case = 0 \n mask_case = 2 \n \n/" | cat > input.nml
test_expect_success "Running diag_manager with "avg" reduction method, real mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 6 ../test_reduction_methods
test_expect_success "Checking answers for the "avg" reduction method, real mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 1 ../check_time_avg

# openmp tests

my_test_count=`expr $my_test_count + 1`
printf "&diag_manager_nml \n use_modern_diag=.true. \n / \n&test_reduction_methods_nml \n test_case = 1 \n \n/" | cat > input.nml
test_expect_success "Running diag_manager with "avg" reduction method with openmp (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 6 ../test_reduction_methods
test_expect_success "Checking answers for the "avg" reduction method with openmp (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 1 ../check_time_avg

my_test_count=`expr $my_test_count + 1`
printf "&diag_manager_nml \n use_modern_diag=.true. \n / \n&test_reduction_methods_nml \n test_case = 1 \n mask_case = 1 \n \n/" | cat > input.nml
test_expect_success "Running diag_manager with "avg" reduction method with openmp, logical mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 6 ../test_reduction_methods
test_expect_success "Checking answers for the "avg" reduction method with openmp, logical mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 1 ../check_time_avg

my_test_count=`expr $my_test_count + 1`
printf "&diag_manager_nml \n use_modern_diag=.true. \n / \n&test_reduction_methods_nml \n test_case = 1 \n mask_case = 2 \n \n/" | cat > input.nml
test_expect_success "Running diag_manager with "avg" reduction method with openmp, real mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 6 ../test_reduction_methods
test_expect_success "Checking answers for the "avg" reduction method with openmp, real mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 1 ../check_time_avg

# halo output and mask tests


my_test_count=`expr $my_test_count + 1`
printf "&diag_manager_nml \n use_modern_diag=.true. \n / \n&test_reduction_methods_nml \n test_case = 2 \n \n/" | cat > input.nml
test_expect_success "Running diag_manager with "avg" reduction method with halo output (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 6 ../test_reduction_methods
test_expect_success "Checking answers for the "avg" reduction method with halo output (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 1 ../check_time_avg

my_test_count=`expr $my_test_count + 1`
printf "&diag_manager_nml \n use_modern_diag=.true. \n / \n&test_reduction_methods_nml \n test_case = 2 \n mask_case = 1 \n \n/" | cat > input.nml
test_expect_success "Running diag_manager with "avg" reduction method with halo output with logical mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 6 ../test_reduction_methods
test_expect_success "Checking answers for the "avg" reduction method with halo output with logical mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 1 ../check_time_avg

my_test_count=`expr $my_test_count + 1`
printf "&diag_manager_nml \n use_modern_diag=.true. \n / \n&test_reduction_methods_nml \n test_case = 2 \n mask_case = 2 \n \n/" | cat > input.nml
test_expect_success "Running diag_manager with "avg" reduction method with halo output with real mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 6 ../test_reduction_methods
test_expect_success "Checking answers for the "avg" reduction method with halo output with real mask (test $my_test_count)" '
mpirun -n 1 ../check_time_avg

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