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feat: Modern diag manager add input buffer obj (NOAA-GFDL#1362)
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uramirez8707 authored and rem1776 committed May 1, 2024
1 parent bd16194 commit f88dabe
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Showing 8 changed files with 313 additions and 109 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ list(APPEND fms_fortran_src_files
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions diag_manager/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ libdiag_manager_la_SOURCES = \
fms_diag_object_container.F90 \
fms_diag_dlinked_list.F90 \
fms_diag_output_buffer.F90 \
fms_diag_input_buffer.F90 \
fms_diag_time_reduction.F90 \
fms_diag_outfield.F90 \
fms_diag_elem_weight_procs.F90 \
Expand All @@ -75,9 +76,12 @@ fms_diag_yaml_mod.$(FC_MODEXT): diag_data_mod.$(FC_MODEXT)
fms_diag_object_mod.$(FC_MODEXT): diag_data_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_file_object_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_field_object_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_yaml_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_time_utils_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_output_buffer_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_bbox_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_input_buffer_mod.$(FC_MODEXT): fms_diag_axis_object_mod.$(FC_MODEXT)
fms_diag_field_object_mod.$(FC_MODEXT): diag_data_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_yaml_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_time_utils_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_axis_object_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_input_buffer_mod.$(FC_MODEXT)
fms_diag_file_object_mod.$(FC_MODEXT): diag_data_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_yaml_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_field_object_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_time_utils_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_axis_object_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_output_buffer_mod.$(FC_MODEXT)
fms_diag_object_container_mod.$(FC_MODEXT): fms_diag_object_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_dlinked_list_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) fms_diag_time_utils_mod.$(FC_MODEXT)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,6 +124,7 @@ MODFILES = \
fms_diag_dlinked_list_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_object_container_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_output_buffer_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_input_buffer_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
diag_manager_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_time_reduction_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
fms_diag_outfield_mod.$(FC_MODEXT) \
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_bbox.F90
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Expand Up @@ -213,6 +213,10 @@ SUBROUTINE reset_bounds_from_array_4D(this, array)
this%jmax = UBOUND(array,2)
this%kmin = LBOUND(array,3)
this%kmax = UBOUND(array,3)

this%has_halos = .false.
this%nhalo_I = 0
this%nhalo_J = 0
END SUBROUTINE reset_bounds_from_array_4D

!> @brief Reset the instance bounding box with the bounds determined from the
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165 changes: 72 additions & 93 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_field_object.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module fms_diag_field_object_mod
use time_manager_mod, ONLY: time_type
use fms2_io_mod, only: FmsNetcdfFile_t, FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t, FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t, register_field, &
use fms_diag_input_buffer_mod, only: fmsDiagInputBuffer_t
!!!set_time, set_date, get_time, time_type, OPERATOR(>=), OPERATOR(>),&
!!! & get_ticks_per_second
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,7 +71,8 @@ module fms_diag_field_object_mod
integer, allocatable, private :: area, volume !< The Area and Volume
class(*), allocatable, private :: missing_value !< The missing fill value
class(*), allocatable, private :: data_RANGE(:) !< The range of the variable data
class(*), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:), private :: data_buffer !< Buffer for field data
type(fmsDiagInputBuffer_t), allocatable :: input_data_buffer !< Input buffer object for when buffering
!! data
logical, allocatable, private :: data_buffer_is_allocated !< True if the buffer has
!! been allocated
logical, allocatable, private :: math_needs_to_be_done !< If true, do math
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ module fms_diag_field_object_mod
procedure :: has_volume
procedure :: has_missing_value
procedure :: has_data_RANGE
procedure :: has_data_buffer
procedure :: has_input_data_buffer
! Get functions
procedure :: get_attributes
procedure :: get_static
Expand All @@ -147,6 +149,8 @@ module fms_diag_field_object_mod
procedure :: get_data_RANGE
procedure :: get_axis_id
procedure :: get_data_buffer
procedure :: get_mask
procedure :: get_weight
procedure :: dump_field_obj
procedure :: get_domain
procedure :: get_type_of_domain
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -388,98 +392,42 @@ subroutine set_vartype(objin , var)
end subroutine set_vartype

!> @brief Adds the input data to the buffered data.
subroutine set_data_buffer (this, input_data, is, js, ks, ie, je, ke)
class (fmsDiagField_type) , intent(inout):: this !< The field object
class(*), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: input_data !< The input array
integer :: is, js, ks !< Starting indicies of the field_data relative to the global domain
integer :: ie, je, ke !< Ending indicies of the field_data relative to the global domain

subroutine set_data_buffer (this, input_data, mask, weight, is, js, ks, ie, je, ke)
class (fmsDiagField_type) , intent(inout):: this !< The field object
class(*), intent(in) :: input_data(:,:,:,:) !< The input array
logical, intent(in) :: mask(:,:,:,:) !< The field mask
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in) :: weight !< The field weight
integer, intent(in) :: is, js, ks !< Starting indicies of the field_data relative
!! to the compute domain (1 based)
integer, intent(in) :: ie, je, ke !< Ending indicies of the field_data relative
!! to the compute domain (1 based)

character(len=128) :: err_msg !< Error msg
if (.not.this%data_buffer_is_allocated) &
call mpp_error ("set_data_buffer", "The data buffer for the field "//trim(this%varname)//" was unable to be "//&
"allocated.", FATAL)
err_msg = this%input_data_buffer%set_input_buffer_object(input_data, weight, mask, is, js, ks, ie, je, ke)
if (trim(err_msg) .ne. "") call mpp_error(FATAL, "Field:"//trim(this%varname)//" -"//trim(err_msg))

!> Buffer a copy of the data
select type (input_data)
type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
select type (db => this%data_buffer)
type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
db(is:ie, js:je, ks:ke, :) = input_data
end select
type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
select type (db => this%data_buffer)
type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
db(is:ie, js:je, ks:ke, :) = input_data
end select
type is (integer(kind=i4_kind))
select type (db => this%data_buffer)
type is (integer(kind=i4_kind))
db(is:ie, js:je, ks:ke, :) = input_data
end select
type is (integer(kind=i8_kind))
select type (db => this%data_buffer)
type is (integer(kind=i8_kind))
db(is:ie, js:je, ks:ke, :) = input_data
end select
class default
call mpp_error ("set_data_buffer", "The data input to set_data_buffer for "//&
trim(this%varname)//" does not match the buffer for the field object", FATAL)
end select
end subroutine set_data_buffer
!> Allocates the global data buffer for a given field using a single thread. Returns true when the
!! buffer is allocated
logical function allocate_data_buffer(this, input_data, diag_axis)
class (fmsDiagField_type), target, intent(inout):: this !< The field object
class(*), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: input_data !< The input array
class(fmsDiagAxisContainer_type),intent(in) :: diag_axis(:) !< Array of diag_axis
integer :: naxes !< The number of axes in the field
integer, parameter :: ndims = 4
integer, dimension (ndims) :: length !< The length of an axis
integer :: a !< For looping through axes
integer, pointer :: axis_id !< The axis ID

!! Use the axis to get the size
!> Initialize the axis lengths to 1. Any dimension that does not have an axis will have a length
!! of 1.
length = 1
naxes = size(this%axis_ids)
axis_loop: do a = 1,naxes
axis_id => this%axis_ids(a)
select type (axis => diag_axis(axis_id)%axis)
type is (fmsDiagFullAxis_type)
length(a) = axis%axis_length()
end select
enddo axis_loop

select type (input_data)
type is (real(r4_kind))
if (.not.allocated(this%data_buffer)) allocate(real(kind=r4_kind) :: this%data_buffer( &
type is (real(r8_kind))
if (.not.allocated(this%data_buffer)) allocate(real(kind=r8_kind) :: this%data_buffer( &
type is (integer(i4_kind))
if (.not.allocated(this%data_buffer)) allocate(integer(kind=i4_kind) :: this%data_buffer( &
type is (integer(i8_kind))
if (.not.allocated(this%data_buffer)) allocate(integer(kind=i8_kind) :: this%data_buffer( &
class default
call mpp_error ("allocate_data_buffer","The data input to set_data_buffer for "//&
trim(this%varname)//" is not a supported type", FATAL)
end select
allocate_data_buffer = allocated(this%data_buffer)
character(len=128) :: err_msg !< Error msg
err_msg = ""

err_msg = this%input_data_buffer%init(input_data, this%axis_ids, diag_axis)
if (trim(err_msg) .ne. "") then
call mpp_error(FATAL, "Field:"//trim(this%varname)//" -"//trim(err_msg))

allocate_data_buffer = .true.
end function allocate_data_buffer
!> Sets the flag saying that the math functions need to be done
subroutine set_math_needs_to_be_done (this, math_needs_to_be_done)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1270,16 +1218,45 @@ end subroutine write_coordinate_attribute
!> @brief Gets a fields data buffer
!! @return a pointer to the data buffer
function get_data_buffer (this) &
class (fmsDiagField_type), target, intent(in) :: this !< diag field
class(*),dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: rslt !< The field's data buffer

if (allocated(this%data_buffer)) then
rslt => this%data_buffer
rslt => null()
if (.not. this%data_buffer_is_allocated) &
call mpp_error(FATAL, "The input data buffer for the field:"&
//trim(this%varname)//" was never allocated.")

rslt => this%input_data_buffer%get_buffer()
end function get_data_buffer

!> @brief Gets a fields mask buffer
!! @return a pointer to the mask buffer
function get_mask (this) &
class (fmsDiagField_type), target, intent(in) :: this !< diag field
logical, dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: rslt

if (.not. this%data_buffer_is_allocated) &
call mpp_error(FATAL, "The input data buffer for the field:"&
//trim(this%varname)//" was never allocated.")

rslt => this%input_data_buffer%get_mask()
end function get_mask

!> @brief Gets a fields weight buffer
!! @return a pointer to the weight buffer
function get_weight (this) &
class (fmsDiagField_type), target, intent(in) :: this !< diag field
type(real(kind=r8_kind)), pointer :: rslt

if (.not. this%data_buffer_is_allocated) &
call mpp_error(FATAL, "The input data buffer for the field:"&
//trim(this%varname)//" was never allocated.")

rslt => this%input_data_buffer%get_weight()
end function get_weight

!> Gets the flag telling if the math functions need to be done
!! \return Copy of math_needs_to_be_done flag
pure logical function get_math_needs_to_be_done(this)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1442,12 +1419,14 @@ pure logical function has_data_RANGE (this)
class (fmsDiagField_type), intent(in) :: this !< diag object
has_data_RANGE = allocated(this%data_RANGE)
end function has_data_RANGE
!> @brief Checks if obj%data_buffer is allocated
!! @return true if obj%data_buffer is allocated
pure logical function has_data_buffer (this)

!> @brief Checks if obj%input_data_buffer is allocated
!! @return true if obj%input_data_buffer is allocated
pure logical function has_input_data_buffer (this)
class (fmsDiagField_type), intent(in) :: this !< diag object
has_data_buffer = allocated(this%data_buffer)
end function has_data_buffer
has_input_data_buffer = allocated(this%input_data_buffer)
end function has_input_data_buffer

!> @brief Add a attribute to the diag_obj using the diag_field_id
subroutine diag_field_add_attribute(this, att_name, att_value)
class (fmsDiagField_type), intent (inout) :: this !< The field object
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5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions diag_manager/fms_diag_file_object.F90
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Expand Up @@ -67,10 +67,7 @@ module fms_diag_file_object_mod
TYPE(time_type) :: next_output !< Time of the next write
TYPE(time_type) :: next_next_output !< Time of the next next write
TYPE(time_type) :: no_more_data !< Time to stop receiving data for this file
logical :: done_writing_data!< Set to .True. if finished writing data
!! This is be initialized to .false. and set to true for
!! static files after the first write and for
!! files that are using the file_duration functionality
logical :: done_writing_data!< .True. if finished writing data

!< This will be used when using the new_file_freq keys in the diag_table.yaml
TYPE(time_type) :: next_close !< Time to close the file
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