Roll any combination of RPG (aka polyhedral) dice, as simple as using a calculator. You can even roll non-existent dice like 1d3 or 1d7! Just enter the formula and ROLL!
Standard examples: 1d4, 2d6, 1d8+1, 1d6+1d10, 2d12 -1, etc
Non-standard dice are supported too: 1d2, 1d3, 1d5, 1d7, 1d9, 1d11 etc
In fact ANY die that can be expressed as XdY+Z is supported, in any combination.
Say you want something crazy like: 2d3 + 1d7 ?? NO PROBLEM! or 1d1000 ??? NO PROBLEM EITHER! or what about 1000d1000 ??? EASY! :-)
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