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@rootpd rootpd released this 10 Jul 11:32
· 2122 commits to master since this release

Elasticsearch upgrade notice. We'll be raising Elasticsearch compatibility to 7.* in the beginning of 2020 to keep with the latest changes. Current implementation Segments API is tested and maintained again Elasticsearch 6.*. Please plan your upgrade accordingly.


  • [Segments]: Fixing mapping fetching changes which was causing "include_type_name" deprecation notices since Elastic 6.8. This is to prepare to provide full compatibility for Elastic 7.* and drop compatibility promise for 6.* in the following months.

  • [Beam]: Added experimental database-based dashboard data source which works with snapshot of "concurrents" data made every minute. Snapshotting is being done automatically for you against concurrents_by_browser elastic index. This should be populated by your Telegraf instance based on similar configuration.