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- Proof of cap_encode_valid
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- Proof of bv_to_bits_app_last, and other auxiliary lemmas
- Simplified proof of cap_encode_decode
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ric-almeida committed Sep 27, 2024
1 parent da69ac4 commit 2f8617c
Showing 1 changed file with 67 additions and 50 deletions.
117 changes: 67 additions & 50 deletions theories/Morello/Capabilities.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Local Notation "x >=? y" := (geb x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : bv_scope
Local Notation "(<@{ A } )" := (@lt A) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope.
Local Notation LtDecision A := (RelDecision (<@{A})).

(** Utility converters **)
(** Utility converters and lemmas **)

Definition bv_to_Z_unsigned {n} (v : bv n) : Z := v.(bv_unsigned).
Definition bv_to_N {n} (v : bv n) : N := Z.to_N v.(bv_unsigned).
Expand All @@ -67,6 +67,22 @@ Definition invert_bits {n} (m : mword n) : (mword n) :=
let x : Z := int_of_mword false x in
mword_of_int x.

Lemma bv_eqb_eq {n} : forall (a b: bv n), (a =? b) = true <-> a = b.
- intro H. unfold Capabilities.eqb in H.
apply Z.eqb_eq in H. apply bv_eq in H. exact H.
- intro H. rewrite H. unfold Capabilities.eqb. lia.

Lemma bv1_neqb_eq0 : forall (a : bv 1), (a =? 1%bv) = false <-> a = 0%bv.
intros. split.
+ intro H. unfold eqb in H. apply Z.eqb_neq in H. apply bv_eq.
assert (P: (0 ≤ bv_unsigned a < 2)%Z); [ apply (bv_unsigned_in_range 1 a) |].
change (bv_unsigned 0) with 0%Z. change (bv_unsigned 1) with 1%Z in H. lia.
+ intro H. rewrite H. done.

Module Permissions <: PERMISSIONS.
Definition len:N := 18. (* CAP_PERMS_NUM_BITS = 16 bits of actual perms + 2 bits for Executive and Global *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1135,12 +1151,7 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou

Lemma eqb_eq : forall (a b:t), (a =? b) = true <-> a = b.
- intro H. unfold Capabilities.eqb in H.
apply Z.eqb_eq in H. apply bv_eq in H. exact H.
- intro H. rewrite H. apply eqb_refl.
Proof. apply bv_eqb_eq. Defined.

(* Beginning of Translation definitions and lemmas from Capabilities to bitvectors. *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1477,7 +1488,11 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
Lemma cap_encode_valid:
forall cap cb b,
cap_is_valid cap = true -> encode cap = Some (cb, b) -> b = true.
intros cap bytes tag H_valid H_encode.
unfold encode in H_encode. repeat case_match; try done.
inversion H_encode. exact H_valid.

Lemma cap_is_valid_bv_extract c :
cap_is_valid c ↔ bv_extract 128 1 c = (BV 1 1).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1511,39 +1526,11 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
symmetry. apply Z.eqb_neq. by apply bv_neq.

Lemma bits_of_vec_hd h l :
bits_of (vec_of_bits (h::l)) = bits_of ((concat_vec (vec_of_bits [h]) (vec_of_bits l))).
Lemma mword_to_bits_to_mword {n} (c : mword (n)) :
vec_of_bits (bits_of c) = autocast c.

Lemma hd_bits_of_vec h l :
h ≠ BU →
bits_of (concat_vec (vec_of_bits [h]) (vec_of_bits l)) = h :: bits_of (vec_of_bits l).

Lemma bits_to_vec_to_bits l :
bits_of (vec_of_bits l) = l.
assert (H: ∀ n l, length l = n → bits_of (vec_of_bits l) = l).
{ intro n. induction n as [ | m IH ].
+ intros l' H. apply nil_length_inv in H. subst. by vm_compute.
+ intros l' H. destruct l' as [| h tl]; try discriminate.
rewrite cons_length in H. inversion H as [H1].
specialize IH with (l:=tl). apply IH in H1 as H2.

rewrite bits_of_vec_hd.
rewrite hd_bits_of_vec; [| by rewrite H2 ].
by apply (H (length l)).

Lemma cap_to_bits_to_cap (c : mword 129) :
vec_of_bits (bits_of c) = c.

Lemma bytes_to_bits_to_bytes l l' l'' :
byte_chunks l = Some l' →
try_map memory_byte_to_ascii (rev l') = Some l'' →
Expand All @@ -1553,7 +1540,30 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou

Lemma bv_to_bits_app_last (c : bv 129) :
bv_to_bits c = (bv_to_bits (bv_extract 0 128 c) ++ [bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1])%list.
have -> : bv_to_bits c = bv_to_bits (@bv_concat 129 1 128 (@bv_extract 129 128 1 c) (@bv_extract 129 0 128 c)).
{ apply f_equal. bv_simplify. bitblast. }
set (l1 := bv_to_bits (bv_concat 129 (bv_extract 128 1 c) (bv_extract 0 128 c))).
set (l2 := (bv_to_bits (bv_extract 0 128 c) ++ [bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1])%list).
apply list_eq. intro i.
destruct (128 <? i)%nat eqn:Hi1.
{ apply Nat.ltb_lt in Hi1. rewrite !lookup_ge_None_2; try done. }
destruct (i =? 128)%nat eqn:Hi2.
- apply Nat.eqb_eq in Hi2. rewrite Hi2. unfold l1, l2.
rewrite lookup_app_r bv_to_bits_length; try done; simpl.
apply bv_to_bits_lookup_Some.
split; try lia.
destruct (_ =? _) eqn:P; [ apply bv_eqb_eq in P | apply bv1_neqb_eq0 in P ];
rewrite P; bv_simplify; bitblast.
- assert (Z.of_nat i < 128)%Z.
{ apply Nat.eqb_neq in Hi2. apply Nat.ltb_ge in Hi1. lia. }
unfold l1, l2. rewrite lookup_app_l; [ rewrite bv_to_bits_length; try lia |].
destruct (bv_to_bits (bv_extract 0 128 c) !! i) eqn:P.
+ apply bv_to_bits_lookup_Some. split; try lia.
apply bv_to_bits_lookup_Some in P. destruct P as [_ P]. rewrite P.
bv_simplify. bitblast.
+ rewrite list_lookup_lookup_total_lt in P; [ rewrite bv_to_bits_length; try lia | discriminate ].

Lemma mword_to_bools_cons_last (c: bv 129) :
@mword_to_bools 129 c = (((bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1)) :: (@mword_to_bools 128 (bv_extract 0 128 c)))%list.
Expand All @@ -1572,13 +1582,21 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
inversion E; clear E; subst.
unfold mem_bytes_of_bits in E1. unfold bytes_of_bits in E1. unfold option_map in E1. case_match eqn:E3; try done.
inversion E1; clear E1; subst.
apply (bytes_to_bits_to_bytes _ l0 bytes) in E3; try assumption.
rewrite bits_to_vec_to_bits in E3.

unfold t, len in *.
apply (bytes_to_bits_to_bytes _ l0 bytes) in E3; try assumption.
unfold t, len in *.
change (Z.of_N 129) with 129%Z in *. Set Printing Implicit.
replace (list.tail (@bits_of 129 c)) with (@bits_of 128 (bv_extract 0 128 c)) in E3. 2:{ unfold bits_of. rewrite mword_to_bools_cons_last. simpl. reflexivity. }
rewrite mword_to_bits_to_mword in E3.

unfold decode. rewrite E_len; simpl. rewrite E3.
unfold uint, MachineWord.word_to_N, len; rewrite; [ apply bv_unsigned_in_range |];
simpl. set (vec := vec_of_bits (bitU_of_bool (cap_is_valid c) :: list.tail (@bits_of 129 c))).
simpl. Set Printing Implicit. set (vec := vec_of_bits
(bitU_of_bool (cap_is_valid c)
:: @bits_of (@length_list bitU (@bits_of 128 (@bv_extract 129 0 128 c)))
(@autocast mword 128
(@length_list bitU (@bits_of 128 (@bv_extract 129 0 128 c)))
(@dummy_mword (@length_list bitU (@bits_of 128 (@bv_extract 129 0 128 c))))
(@bv_extract 129 0 128 c)))).

have -> : bv_unsigned vec = bv_unsigned (@bv_to_bv _ 129 vec).
{ unfold bv_to_bv, bv_to_Z_unsigned. by rewrite Z_to_bv_bv_unsigned. }
Expand All @@ -1587,20 +1605,19 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
rewrite cap_is_valid_bv_extract_bool.
destruct (bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1) eqn:H_c_valid; simpl;
[ replace B1 with (bitU_of_bool (bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1)); [| by rewrite H_c_valid ]
| replace B0 with (bitU_of_bool (bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1)); [| by rewrite H_c_valid ]].
all: unfold bits_of;
have -> : @mword_to_bools 129 c = (bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1) :: @mword_to_bools 128 (bv_extract 0 128 c); [ by rewrite mword_to_bools_cons_last |];
rewrite map_cons; simpl;
| replace B0 with (bitU_of_bool (bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1)); [| by rewrite H_c_valid ]].
all: unfold bits_of;
change (autocast (bv_extract 0 128 c)) with ((bv_extract 0 128 c));
have -> : vec_of_bits (bitU_of_bool (bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1) :: map bitU_of_bool (@mword_to_bools 128 (bv_extract 0 128 c))) = (vec_of_bits (map bitU_of_bool ((bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1) :: @mword_to_bools 128 (bv_extract 0 128 c))));
[ unfold vec_of_bits; apply f_equal; by rewrite map_cons
| have -> : bv_unsigned (vec_of_bits (map bitU_of_bool ((@bv_extract 129 128 1 c =? 1) :: @mword_to_bools 128 (@bv_extract 129 0 128 c)))) = bv_unsigned (vec_of_bits (map bitU_of_bool (@mword_to_bools 129 c)));
[ change (N.of_nat (Pos.to_nat (Pos.of_succ_nat _ ))) with 129%N;
apply f_equal; unfold vec_of_bits; apply f_equal; by rewrite <- mword_to_bools_cons_last
| fold (@bits_of 129 c); rewrite cap_to_bits_to_cap; by rewrite Z_to_bv_bv_unsigned ]
| fold (@bits_of 129 c); rewrite mword_to_bits_to_mword; by rewrite Z_to_bv_bv_unsigned ]

Lemma cap_encode_decode_bounds:
∀ cap bytes t,
encode cap = Some (bytes, t) →
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