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Make undefined generation more strict
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`undefined` is now forbidden for scattered types

`undefined` is forbidden for unions in general

This is slightly breaking as registers with union types must now have
an initial value. However this does not appear to be done in practice.

I wanted to restrict to finite types (which works for sail-riscv) but
ASL allows undefined ints and reals :(

The `-undefined_gen` flag is removed, as we handle undefined the same
across all backends.
  • Loading branch information
Alasdair committed Dec 2, 2023
1 parent 14e6bb8 commit 94eef8e
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Showing 40 changed files with 269 additions and 228 deletions.
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions src/bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,7 +192,6 @@ let rec options =
Arg.Set Interactive.opt_interactive;
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Preprocess.add_symbol "INTERACTIVE");
Arg.Set opt_auto_interpreter_rewrites;
Arg.Set Initial_check.opt_undefined_gen;
" start interactive interpreter"
Expand All @@ -202,7 +201,6 @@ let rec options =
Arg.Set Interactive.opt_interactive;
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Preprocess.add_symbol "INTERACTIVE");
Arg.Set opt_auto_interpreter_rewrites;
Arg.Set Initial_check.opt_undefined_gen;
Arg.String (fun s -> opt_interactive_script := Some s);
"<filename> start interactive interpreter and execute commands in script"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,10 +253,6 @@ let rec options =
Arg.Set Type_env.opt_string_literal_type,
" use a separate string_literal type for string literals"
( "-undefined_gen",
Arg.Set Initial_check.opt_undefined_gen,
" generate undefined_type functions for types in the specification"
( "-grouped_regstate",
Arg.Set State.opt_type_grouped_regstate,
" group registers with same type together in generated register state record"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,6 +340,10 @@ let rec options =
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Reporting.simple_warn "-infer_effects option is deprecated"),
" (deprecated) ignored for compatibility with older versions; effects are always inferred now"
( "-undefined_gen",
Arg.Unit (fun () -> ()),
" (deprecated) ignored as undefined generation is now always the same for all Sail backends"
("-v", Arg.Set opt_print_version, " print version");
("-version", Arg.Set opt_print_version, " print version");
("-verbose", Arg.Int (fun verbosity -> Util.opt_verbosity := verbosity), "<verbosity> produce verbose output");
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ let add_def_attribute l attr arg (annot : def_annot) = { annot with attrs = (l,
let get_def_attribute attr (annot : def_annot) =
List.find_opt (fun (_, attr', _) -> attr = attr') annot.attrs |> (fun (l, _, arg) -> (l, arg))

let remove_def_attribute attr (annot : def_annot) =
{ annot with attrs = List.filter (fun (_, attr', _) -> attr <> attr') annot.attrs }

type mut = Immutable | Mutable

type 'a lvar = Register of 'a | Enum of 'a | Local of mut * 'a | Unbound of id
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/ast_util.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ val add_def_attribute : l -> string -> string -> def_annot -> def_annot

val get_def_attribute : string -> def_annot -> (l * string) option

val remove_def_attribute : string -> def_annot -> def_annot

val def_annot_map_loc : (l -> l) -> def_annot -> def_annot

(** The empty annotation (as a location + uannot pair). Should be used
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179 changes: 44 additions & 135 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ module Big_int = Nat_big_num
module P = Parse_ast

(* See mli file for details on what these flags do *)
let opt_undefined_gen = ref false
let opt_fast_undefined = ref false
let opt_magic_hash = ref false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1459,18 +1458,22 @@ let extern_of_string ?(pure = false) id str =

let val_spec_of_string id str = mk_val_spec (VS_val_spec (typschm_of_string str, id, None))

let quant_item_param = function
| QI_aux (QI_id kopt, _) when is_int_kopt kopt -> [prepend_id "atom_" (id_of_kid (kopt_kid kopt))]
| QI_aux (QI_id kopt, _) when is_typ_kopt kopt -> [prepend_id "typ_" (id_of_kid (kopt_kid kopt))]
| _ -> []
let quant_item_typ = function
| QI_aux (QI_id kopt, _) when is_int_kopt kopt -> [atom_typ (nvar (kopt_kid kopt))]
| QI_aux (QI_id kopt, _) when is_typ_kopt kopt -> [mk_typ (Typ_var (kopt_kid kopt))]
let quant_item_param_typ = function
| QI_aux (QI_id kopt, _) when is_int_kopt kopt ->
[(prepend_id "atom_" (id_of_kid (kopt_kid kopt)), atom_typ (nvar (kopt_kid kopt)))]
| QI_aux (QI_id kopt, _) when is_typ_kopt kopt ->
[(prepend_id "typ_" (id_of_kid (kopt_kid kopt)), mk_typ (Typ_var (kopt_kid kopt)))]
| _ -> []

let quant_item_param qi = fst (quant_item_param_typ qi)

let quant_item_typ qi = snd (quant_item_param_typ qi)

let quant_item_arg = function
| QI_aux (QI_id kopt, _) when is_int_kopt kopt -> [mk_typ_arg (A_nexp (nvar (kopt_kid kopt)))]
| QI_aux (QI_id kopt, _) when is_typ_kopt kopt -> [mk_typ_arg (A_typ (mk_typ (Typ_var (kopt_kid kopt))))]
| _ -> []

let undefined_typschm id typq =
let qis = quant_items typq in
if qis = [] then mk_typschm typq (function_typ [unit_typ] (mk_typ (Typ_id id)))
Expand All @@ -1480,6 +1483,37 @@ let undefined_typschm id typq =
mk_typschm typq (function_typ arg_typs ret_typ)

let generate_undefined_record_context typq =
quant_items typq |> (fun qi -> quant_item_param_typ qi) |> List.concat

let generate_undefined_record id typq fields =
let p_tup = function [pat] -> pat | pats -> mk_pat (P_tuple pats) in
let pat =
p_tup (quant_items typq |> quant_item_param |> List.concat |> (fun id -> mk_pat (P_id id)))
mk_val_spec (VS_val_spec (undefined_typschm id typq, prepend_id "undefined_" id, None));
mk_funcl (prepend_id "undefined_" id) pat
(mk_exp (E_struct ( (fun (_, id) -> mk_fexp id (mk_lit_exp L_undef)) fields)));

let generate_undefined_enum id ids =
let typschm = typschm_of_string ("unit -> " ^ string_of_id id) in
mk_val_spec (VS_val_spec (typschm, prepend_id "undefined_" id, None));
mk_funcl (prepend_id "undefined_" id)
(mk_pat (P_lit (mk_lit L_unit)))
( if !opt_fast_undefined && List.length ids > 0 then mk_exp (E_id (List.hd ids))
else mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "internal_pick", [mk_exp (E_list ( (fun id -> mk_exp (E_id id)) ids))]))

let have_undefined_builtins = ref false

let undefined_builtin_val_specs =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1510,131 +1544,7 @@ let generate_undefineds vs_ids defs =
List.filter (fun def -> IdSet.is_empty (IdSet.inter vs_ids (ids_of_def def))) undefined_builtin_val_specs
let undefined_tu = function
| Tu_aux (Tu_ty_id (Typ_aux (Typ_tuple typs, _), id), _) ->
mk_exp (E_app (id, (fun typ -> mk_exp (E_typ (typ, mk_lit_exp L_undef))) typs))
| Tu_aux (Tu_ty_id (typ, id), _) -> mk_exp (E_app (id, [mk_exp (E_typ (typ, mk_lit_exp L_undef))]))
let p_tup = function [pat] -> pat | pats -> mk_pat (P_tuple pats) in
let undefined_union id typq tus =
let pat =
p_tup (quant_items typq |> quant_item_param |> List.concat |> (fun id -> mk_pat (P_id id)))
let body =
if !opt_fast_undefined && List.length tus > 0 then undefined_tu (List.hd tus)
else (
(* Deduplicate arguments for each constructor to keep definitions
manageable. *)
let extract_tu = function
| Tu_aux (Tu_ty_id (Typ_aux (Typ_tuple typs, _), id), _) -> (id, typs)
| Tu_aux (Tu_ty_id (typ, id), _) -> (id, [typ])
let record_arg_typs m (_, typs) =
let m' =
(fun m typ -> TypMap.add typ (1 + try TypMap.find typ m with Not_found -> 0) m)
TypMap.empty typs
(fun _ x y -> match (x, y) with Some m, Some n -> Some (max m n) | None, x -> x | x, None -> x)
m m'
let make_undef_var typ n (i, lbs, m) =
let j = i + n in
let rec aux k =
if k = j then []
else (
let v = mk_id ("u_" ^ string_of_int k) in
mk_letbind (mk_pat (P_typ (typ, mk_pat (P_id v)))) (mk_lit_exp L_undef) :: aux (k + 1)
(j, aux i @ lbs, TypMap.add typ i m)
let make_constr m (id, typs) =
let args, _ =
(fun typ (acc, m) ->
let i = TypMap.find typ m in
(mk_exp (E_id (mk_id ("u_" ^ string_of_int i))) :: acc, TypMap.add typ (i + 1) m)
typs ([], m)
mk_exp (E_app (id, args))
let constr_args = extract_tu tus in
let typs_needed = List.fold_left record_arg_typs TypMap.empty constr_args in
let _, letbinds, typ_to_var = TypMap.fold make_undef_var typs_needed (0, [], TypMap.empty) in
(fun e lb -> mk_exp (E_let (lb, e)))
(mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "internal_pick", [mk_exp (E_list ( (make_constr typ_to_var) constr_args))])))
( mk_val_spec (VS_val_spec (undefined_typschm id typq, prepend_id "undefined_" id, None)),
mk_fundef [mk_funcl (prepend_id "undefined_" id) pat body]
let undefined_td = function
| TD_enum (id, ids, _) when not (IdSet.mem (prepend_id "undefined_" id) vs_ids) ->
let typschm = typschm_of_string ("unit -> " ^ string_of_id id) in
mk_val_spec (VS_val_spec (typschm, prepend_id "undefined_" id, None));
mk_funcl (prepend_id "undefined_" id)
(mk_pat (P_lit (mk_lit L_unit)))
( if !opt_fast_undefined && List.length ids > 0 then mk_exp (E_id (List.hd ids))
mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "internal_pick", [mk_exp (E_list ( (fun id -> mk_exp (E_id id)) ids))]))
| TD_record (id, typq, fields, _) when not (IdSet.mem (prepend_id "undefined_" id) vs_ids) ->
let pat =
p_tup (quant_items typq |> quant_item_param |> List.concat |> (fun id -> mk_pat (P_id id)))
mk_val_spec (VS_val_spec (undefined_typschm id typq, prepend_id "undefined_" id, None));
mk_funcl (prepend_id "undefined_" id) pat
(mk_exp (E_struct ( (fun (_, id) -> mk_fexp id (mk_lit_exp L_undef)) fields)));
| TD_variant (id, typq, tus, _) when not (IdSet.mem (prepend_id "undefined_" id) vs_ids) ->
let vs, def = undefined_union id typq tus in
[vs; def]
| _ -> []
let undefined_scattered id typq =
let tus = get_scattered_union_clauses id defs in
undefined_union id typq tus
let rec undefined_defs = function
| (DEF_aux (DEF_type (TD_aux (td_aux, _)), _) as def) :: defs ->
(def :: make_global (undefined_td td_aux)) @ undefined_defs defs
(* The function definition must come after the scattered type definition is complete, so put it at the end. *)
| (DEF_aux (DEF_scattered (SD_aux (SD_variant (id, typq), _)), _) as def) :: defs ->
let vs, fn = undefined_scattered id typq in
(def :: make_global vs :: undefined_defs defs) @ [make_global fn]
| (DEF_aux (DEF_scattered (SD_aux (SD_internal_unioncl_record (_, id, typq, fields), _)), _) as def) :: defs
when not (IdSet.mem (prepend_id "undefined_" id) vs_ids) ->
let pat =
p_tup (quant_items typq |> quant_item_param |> List.concat |> (fun id -> mk_pat (P_id id)))
let vs = mk_val_spec (VS_val_spec (undefined_typschm id typq, prepend_id "undefined_" id, None)) in
let fn =
mk_funcl (prepend_id "undefined_" id) pat
(mk_exp (E_struct ( (fun (_, id) -> mk_fexp id (mk_lit_exp L_undef)) fields)));
def :: make_global vs :: make_global fn :: undefined_defs defs
| def :: defs -> def :: undefined_defs defs
| [] -> []
undefined_builtins @ undefined_defs defs
undefined_builtins @ defs

let rec get_uninitialized_registers = function
| DEF_aux (DEF_register (DEC_aux (DEC_reg (typ, id, None), _)), _) :: defs ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1732,8 +1642,7 @@ let process_ast ?(generate = true) ast =
let ast, ctx = to_ast !incremental_ctx ast in
incremental_ctx := ctx;
let vs_ids = val_spec_ids ast.defs in
if (not !opt_undefined_gen) && generate then { ast with defs = generate_enum_functions vs_ids ast.defs }
else if generate then
if generate then
ast with
defs =
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/initial_check.mli
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Expand Up @@ -77,10 +77,6 @@ val merge_ctx : Parse_ast.l -> ctx -> ctx -> ctx

(** {2 Options} *)

(** Generate undefined_T functions for every type T. False by
default. *)
val opt_undefined_gen : bool ref

(** Generate faster undefined_T functions. Rather than generating
functions that allow for the undefined values of enums and variants
to be picked at runtime using a RNG or similar, this creates
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,6 +107,10 @@ val undefined_builtin_val_specs : uannot def list

(** {2 Desugar and process AST } *)

val generate_undefined_record_context : typquant -> (id * typ) list
val generate_undefined_record : id -> typquant -> (typ * id) list -> uannot def list
val generate_undefined_enum : id -> id list -> uannot def list

val generate_undefineds : IdSet.t -> uannot def list -> uannot def list
val generate_enum_functions : IdSet.t -> uannot def list -> uannot def list

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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -2016,8 +2016,7 @@ let rewrite_undefined mwords env =
rewrite_ast_base { rewriters_base with rewrite_exp = (fun _ -> fold_exp rewrite_exp_undefined) }

let rewrite_undefined_if_gen always_bitvector env defs =
if !Initial_check.opt_undefined_gen then rewrite_undefined (always_bitvector || !Monomorphise.opt_mwords) env defs
else defs
rewrite_undefined (always_bitvector || !Monomorphise.opt_mwords) env defs

let rec simple_typ (Typ_aux (typ_aux, l)) = Typ_aux (simple_typ_aux l typ_aux, l)

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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -194,7 +194,11 @@ let rec descatter' accumulator funcls mapcls = function
match members with
| [] -> raise (Reporting.err_general l "No clauses found for scattered enum type")
| _ ->
let def_annot = add_def_attribute (gen_loc l) "no_enum_functions" "" def_annot in
let def_annot =
|> add_def_attribute (gen_loc l) "no_enum_functions" ""
|> add_def_attribute (gen_loc l) "undefined_gen" "forbid"
let accumulator =
DEF_aux (DEF_type (TD_aux (TD_enum (id, members, false), (gen_loc l, Type_check.empty_tannot))), def_annot)
:: accumulator
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14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions src/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -142,7 +142,12 @@ let generate_regstate env registers =
TD_record (mk_id "regstate", mk_typquant [], fields, false)
[DEF_aux (DEF_type (TD_aux (regstate_def, (Unknown, empty_uannot))), mk_def_annot Unknown)]
( DEF_type (TD_aux (regstate_def, (Unknown, empty_uannot))),
add_def_attribute Unknown "undefined_gen" "forbid" (mk_def_annot Unknown)

let generate_initial_regstate env ast =
let initial_values =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -838,12 +843,6 @@ let register_refs_coq doc_id env registers =

let generate_regstate_defs env ast =
let defs = ast.defs in
(* FIXME We currently don't want to generate undefined_type functions
for register state and values. For the Lem backend, this would require
taking the dependencies of those functions into account when partitioning
definitions into the different lem files, which we currently don't do. *)
let gen_undef = !Initial_check.opt_undefined_gen in
Initial_check.opt_undefined_gen := false;
let registers = find_registers defs in
let regtyps = (fun (x, _, _) -> x) registers in
let base_regtyps = register_base_types env regtyps in
Expand All @@ -869,7 +868,6 @@ let generate_regstate_defs env ast =
let typdefs, defs = List.partition (function DEF_aux (DEF_type _, _) -> true | _ -> false) defs in
let valspecs, defs = List.partition (function DEF_aux (DEF_val _, _) -> true | _ -> false) defs in
Initial_check.opt_undefined_gen := gen_undef;
typdefs @ valspecs @ defs

let add_regstate_defs mwords env ast =
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